blob: cb40c237934024378f9814efa518acc9c8463203 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
import Swift
let OptionalTests = TestSuite("Optional")
protocol TestProtocol1 {}
// Check the generic parameter name.
extension Optional where Wrapped : TestProtocol1 {
var _wrappedIsTestProtocol1: Bool {
fatalError("not implemented")
extension ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional where Wrapped : TestProtocol1 {
var _wrappedIsTestProtocol1: Bool {
fatalError("not implemented")
OptionalTests.test("nil comparison") {
var x: Int? = nil
expectFalse(x != nil)
switch x {
case .some(let y): expectUnreachable()
case .none: break
x = .some(1)
expectTrue(x != nil)
do {
var y1: Int? = .none
expectTrue(y1 == nil)
var y2: Int? = .none
expectTrue(y2 == nil)
let x1: Int? = nil
let x2: Int? = .none
expectTrue(x1 == nil)
expectTrue(x2 == nil)
switch x {
case .some(let y): expectEqual("1", "\(y)")
case .none: assert(false)
expectEqual("forced extraction: 1.", "forced extraction: \(x!).")
"forced extraction use: 2.",
"forced extraction use: \(x!.advanced(by: 1))."
func testRelation(_ p: (Int?, Int?) -> Bool) -> [Bool] {
typealias optPair = (Int?, Int?)
let relationships: [optPair] = [
(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (1, .none), (.none, 1), (.none, .none)
return { p($0, $1) }
OptionalTests.test("Equatable") {
expectEqual([true, false, false, false, false, true], testRelation(==))
expectEqual([false, true, true, true, true, false], testRelation(!=))
OptionalTests.test("CustomReflectable") {
// Test with a non-refcountable type.
do {
let value: OpaqueValue<Int>? = nil
var output = ""
dump(value, to: &output)
expectEqual("- nil\n", output)
expectEqual(.optional, Mirror(reflecting: value).displayStyle)
do {
let value: OpaqueValue<Int>? = OpaqueValue(1010)
var output = ""
dump(value, to: &output)
let expected =
"▿ Optional(StdlibUnittest.OpaqueValue<Swift.Int>(value: 1010, identity: 0))\n" +
" ▿ some: StdlibUnittest.OpaqueValue<Swift.Int>\n" +
" - value: 1010\n" +
" - identity: 0\n"
expectEqual(expected, output)
expectEqual(.optional, Mirror(reflecting: value).displayStyle)
// Test with a reference type.
do {
let value: LifetimeTracked? = nil
var output = ""
dump(value, to: &output)
expectEqual("- nil\n", output)
expectEqual(.optional, Mirror(reflecting: value).displayStyle)
do {
let value: LifetimeTracked? = LifetimeTracked(1010)
var output = ""
dump(value, to: &output)
let expected =
"▿ Optional(1010)\n" +
" ▿ some: 1010 #0\n" +
" - value: 1010\n" +
" - identity: 0\n" +
" - serialNumber: 1\n"
expectEqual(expected, output)
expectEqual(.optional, Mirror(reflecting: value).displayStyle)
struct X {}
class C {}
class D {}
class E : Equatable {}
func == (_: E, _: E) -> Bool { return true }
OptionalTests.test("initializers") {
let _: X? = nil
let _: X? = X()
let _: C? = nil
let _: C? = C()
OptionalTests.test("nil comparison") {
let v0: Int? = nil
let v1: Int? = 1
expectFalse(v1 == nil)
expectTrue(v1 != nil)
expectTrue(v0 == nil)
expectFalse(v0 != nil)
expectFalse(nil == v1)
expectTrue(nil != v1)
expectTrue(nil == v0)
expectFalse(nil != v0)
let e0: E? = nil
let e1: E? = E()
expectFalse(e1 == nil)
expectTrue(e1 != nil)
expectTrue(e0 == nil)
expectFalse(e0 != nil)
expectFalse(nil == e1)
expectTrue(nil != e1)
expectTrue(nil == e0)
expectFalse(nil != e0)
// FIXME: <rdar://problem/17489239> Optional<T>() == nil where T: !Equatable
let _: X? = nil
let _: X? = X()
expectFalse(x1 == nil)
expectTrue(x1 != nil)
expectTrue(x0 == nil)
expectFalse(x0 != nil)
expectFalse(nil == x1)
expectTrue(nil != x1)
expectTrue(nil == x0)
expectFalse(nil != x0)
OptionalTests.test("??") {
var counter = 0
func nextCounter() -> Int { counter += 1; return counter-1 }
func nextCounter2() -> Int? { return nextCounter() }
let a: Int? = 123
let b: Int? = nil
let c: Int? = nil
let d: Int? = 456
let e: Int? = nil
let f: Int? = nil
expectEqual(123, a ?? nextCounter())
expectEqual(0, b ?? nextCounter())
expectEqual(1, c ?? nextCounter())
expectEqual(456, d ?? nextCounter())
expectEqual(456, e ?? d ?? nextCounter())
expectEqual(2, f ?? nextCounter())
expectEqual(Optional(456), c ?? d)
expectEqual(nil, c ?? e)
expectEqual(Optional(123), a ?? nextCounter2())
expectEqual(Optional(3), b ?? nextCounter2())
expectEqual(Optional(4), c ?? nextCounter2())
expectEqual(Optional(456), d ?? nextCounter2())
expectEqual(Optional(456), e ?? d ?? nextCounter2())
expectEqual(Optional(5), f ?? nextCounter2())
OptionalTests.test("flatMap") {
let half: (Int32) -> Int16? =
{ if $0 % 2 == 0 { return Int16($0 / 2) } else { return .none } }
expectOptionalEqual(2 as Int16, half(4))
expectNil((.none as Int32?).flatMap(half))
expectOptionalEqual(2 as Int16, (4 as Int32?).flatMap(half))
expectNil((3 as Int32?).flatMap(half))
// FIXME: @inline(never) does not inhibit specialization
func anyToAny<T, U>(_ a: T, _ : U.Type) -> U {
return a as! U
func anyToAnyIs<T, U>(_ a: T, _ : U.Type) -> Bool {
return a is U
func anyToAnyIsOptional<T, U>(_ a: T?, _ : U.Type) -> Bool {
return a is U?
func anyToAnyOrNil<T, U>(_ a: T, _ : U.Type) -> U? {
return a as? U
func canGenericCast<T, U>(_ a: T, _ ty : U.Type) -> Bool {
return anyToAnyOrNil(a, ty) != nil
protocol TestExistential {}
extension Int : TestExistential {}
OptionalTests.test("Casting Optional") {
let x = C()
let sx: C? = x
let nx: C? = nil
expectTrue(anyToAny(x, Optional<C>.self)! === x)
expectTrue(anyToAnyIs(x, Optional<C>.self))
expectFalse(anyToAnyIs(x, Optional<D>.self))
expectTrue(anyToAny(sx, C.self) === x)
expectTrue(anyToAnyIs(sx, C.self))
expectFalse(anyToAnyIs(sx, D.self))
expectTrue(anyToAny(sx, Optional<C>.self)! === x)
expectTrue(anyToAnyIs(sx, Optional<C>.self))
expectTrue(anyToAnyIsOptional(sx, C.self))
expectFalse(anyToAnyIsOptional(sx, D.self))
expectTrue(anyToAny(nx, Optional<C>.self) == nil)
expectTrue(anyToAnyIs(nx, Optional<C>.self))
// You can cast a nil of any type to a nil of any other type
// successfully
expectTrue(anyToAnyIs(nx, Optional<D>.self))
expectTrue(anyToAnyIsOptional(nx, C.self))
expectTrue(anyToAnyOrNil(nx, C.self) == nil)
let i = Int.max
let si: Int? = Int.max
let ni: Int? = nil
expectEqual(anyToAny(i, Optional<Int>.self)!, Int.max)
expectEqual(anyToAny(si, Int.self), Int.max)
expectEqual(anyToAny(si, Optional<Int>.self)!, Int.max)
expectTrue(anyToAny(ni, Optional<Int>.self) == nil)
expectTrue(anyToAnyOrNil(ni, Int.self) == nil)
let ssx: C?? = sx
expectTrue(anyToAny(ssx, Optional<C>.self)! === x)
expectTrue(anyToAny(x, Optional<Optional<C>>.self)!! === x)
expectTrue(anyToAnyOrNil(ni, Int.self) == nil)
// Test for SR-459: Weakened optionals don't zero.
var t = LifetimeTracked(0)
_ = anyToAny(Optional(t), CustomDebugStringConvertible.self)
expectTrue(anyToAnyIs(Optional(t), CustomDebugStringConvertible.self))
// Test for SR-912: Runtime exception casting an Any nil to an Optional.
let oi: Int? = nil
expectTrue(anyToAny(oi as Any, Optional<Int>.self) == nil)
expectTrue(anyToAnyIs(oi as Any, Optional<Int>.self))
// Double-wrapped optional
expectTrue(anyToAnyIsOptional(oi as Any, Int.self))
// For good measure test an existential that Optional does not conform to.
expectTrue(anyToAny(3 as TestExistential, Optional<Int>.self) == 3)
// Can't do existential + optional wrapping at once for some reason
expectTrue(anyToAnyIs(3 as TestExistential, Optional<Int>.self))
expectTrue(anyToAnyIsOptional(3 as TestExistential, Int.self))
// And a type that is not convertible to its target.
expectTrue(anyToAny(nx as Any, Optional<Int>.self) == nil)
expectTrue(anyToAnyIs(nx as Any, Optional<Int>.self))
expectTrue(anyToAnyIsOptional(nx as Any, Int.self))
expectTrue(anyToAnyOrNil(sx as Any, Optional<Int>.self) == nil)
expectFalse(anyToAnyIs(sx as Any, Optional<Int>.self))
expectFalse(anyToAnyIsOptional(sx as Any, Int.self))
// OK to convert nil of any type to optional of any other type
expectTrue(anyToAnyIs(Optional<(String, String)>.none, Optional<Bool>.self))
expectTrue(anyToAnyIsOptional(Optional<(String, String)>.none, Bool.self))
OptionalTests.test("Casting Optional Traps") {
let nx: C? = nil
_blackHole(anyToAny(nx, Int.self))
OptionalTests.test("Casting Optional Any Traps") {
let nx: X? = X()
_blackHole(anyToAny(nx as Any, Optional<Int>.self))
class TestNoString {}
class TestString : CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return "AString"
var debugDescription: String {
return "XString"
class TestStream : TextOutputStreamable {
func write<Target : TextOutputStream>(to target: inout Target) {
func debugPrintStr<T>(_ a: T) -> String {
var s = ""
debugPrint(a, terminator: "", to: &s)
return s
// Optional should not conform to output stream protocols itself, but is
// convertible to them if its wrapped type is.
// Furthermore, printing an Optional should always print the debug
// description regardless of whether the wrapper type conforms to an
// output stream protocol.
OptionalTests.test("Optional TextOutputStream") {
let optNoString: TestNoString? = TestNoString()
expectFalse(optNoString is CustomStringConvertible)
expectFalse(canGenericCast(optNoString, CustomStringConvertible.self))
expectFalse(optNoString is TextOutputStreamable)
expectFalse(canGenericCast(optNoString, TextOutputStreamable.self))
expectTrue(optNoString is CustomDebugStringConvertible)
expectTrue(canGenericCast(optNoString, CustomDebugStringConvertible.self))
expectEqual(String(describing: optNoString), "Optional(main.TestNoString)")
expectEqual(debugPrintStr(optNoString), "Optional(main.TestNoString)")
let optString: TestString? = TestString()
expectTrue(optString is CustomStringConvertible)
expectTrue(canGenericCast(optString, CustomStringConvertible.self))
expectTrue(optString is CustomDebugStringConvertible)
expectTrue(canGenericCast(optString, CustomDebugStringConvertible.self))
expectEqual(String(describing: TestString()), "AString")
expectEqual(String(describing: optString), "Optional(XString)")
expectEqual(debugPrintStr(optString), "Optional(XString)")
let optStream: TestStream? = TestStream()
expectTrue(optStream is TextOutputStreamable)
expectTrue(canGenericCast(optStream, TextOutputStreamable.self))
expectTrue(optStream is CustomDebugStringConvertible)
expectTrue(canGenericCast(optStream, CustomDebugStringConvertible.self))
expectEqual(String(describing: TestStream()), "AStream")
expectEqual(String(describing: optStream), "Optional(AStream)")
expectEqual(debugPrintStr(optStream), "Optional(AStream)")
OptionalTests.test("unsafelyUnwrapped") {
let nonEmpty: Int? = 3
expectEqual(3, nonEmpty.unsafelyUnwrapped)
OptionalTests.test("unsafelyUnwrapped nil")
{ !_isDebugAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "assertions are disabled in Release and Unchecked mode"))
.code {
let empty: Int? = nil