blob: c5f360f3daf5ddf52a2d38e783d4817356c1348b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
var func6 : (_ fn : ((Int, Int)) -> Int) -> ()
var func6a : ((Int, Int) -> Int) -> ()
var func6b : (Int, (Int, Int) -> Int) -> ()
func func6c(_ f: (Int, Int) -> Int, _ n: Int = 0) {} // expected-warning{{prior to parameters}}
// Expressions can be auto-closurified, so that they can be evaluated separately
// from their definition.
var closure1 : () -> Int = {4} // Function producing 4 whenever it is called.
var closure2 : (Int,Int) -> Int = { 4 } // expected-error{{contextual type for closure argument list expects 2 arguments, which cannot be implicitly ignored}} {{36-36= _,_ in}}
var closure3a : () -> () -> (Int,Int) = {{ (4, 2) }} // multi-level closing.
var closure3b : (Int,Int) -> (Int) -> (Int,Int) = {{ (4, 2) }} // expected-error{{contextual type for closure argument list expects 2 arguments, which cannot be implicitly ignored}} {{52-52=_,_ in }}
var closure4 : (Int,Int) -> Int = { $0 + $1 }
var closure5 : (Double) -> Int = {
$0 + 1.0 // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Double' to closure result type 'Int'}}
var closure6 = $0 // expected-error {{anonymous closure argument not contained in a closure}}
var closure7 : Int =
{ 4 } // expected-error {{function produces expected type 'Int'; did you mean to call it with '()'?}} {{9-9=()}}
func funcdecl1(_ a: Int, _ y: Int) {}
func funcdecl3() -> Int {}
func funcdecl4(_ a: ((Int) -> Int), _ b: Int) {}
func funcdecl5(_ a: Int, _ y: Int) {
// Pass in a closure containing the call to funcdecl3.
funcdecl4({ funcdecl3() }, 12) // expected-error {{contextual type for closure argument list expects 1 argument, which cannot be implicitly ignored}} {{14-14= _ in}}
func6({$0 + $1}) // Closure with two named anonymous arguments
func6({($0) + $1}) // Closure with sequence expr inferred type
func6({($0) + $0}) // // expected-error {{binary operator '+' cannot be applied to two '(Int, Int)' operands}} expected-note {{overloads for '+' exist with these partially matching parameter lists}}
var testfunc : ((), Int) -> Int // expected-note {{'testfunc' declared here}}
testfunc({$0+1}) // expected-error {{missing argument for parameter #2 in call}}
funcdecl5(1, 2) // recursion.
// Element access from a tuple.
var a : (Int, f : Int, Int)
var b = a.1+a.f
// Tuple expressions with named elements.
var i : (y : Int, x : Int) = (x : 42, y : 11)
funcdecl1(123, 444)
// Calls.
4() // expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type 'Int'}}{{4-6=}}
// rdar://12017658 - Infer some argument types from func6.
func6({ a, b -> Int in a+b})
// Return type inference.
func6({ a,b in a+b })
// Infer incompatible type.
func6({a,b -> Float in 4.0 }) // expected-error {{declared closure result 'Float' is incompatible with contextual type 'Int'}} {{17-22=Int}} // Pattern doesn't need to name arguments.
func6({ _,_ in 4 })
func6({a,b in 4.0 }) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Double' to closure result type 'Int'}}
// TODO: This diagnostic can be improved: rdar://22128205
func6({(a : Float, b) in 4 }) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '(Float, _) -> Int' to expected argument type '((Int, Int)) -> Int'}}
var fn = {}
var fn2 = { 4 }
var c : Int = { a,b -> Int in a+b} // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type '(Int, Int) -> Int' to specified type 'Int'}}
func unlabeledClosureArgument() {
func add(_ x: Int, y: Int) -> Int { return x + y }
func6a({$0 + $1}) // single closure argument
func6b(1, {$0 + $1}) // second arg is closure
func6b(1, add)
func6c({$0 + $1}) // second arg is default int
// rdar://11935352 - closure with no body.
func closure_no_body(_ p: () -> ()) {
return closure_no_body({})
// rdar://12019415
func t() {
let u8 : UInt8 = 1
let x : Bool = true
if 0xA0..<0xBF ~= Int(u8) && x {
// <rdar://problem/11927184>
func f0(_ a: Any) -> Int { return 1 }
assert(f0(1) == 1)
var selfRef = { selfRef() } // expected-error {{variable used within its own initial value}}
var nestedSelfRef = {
var recursive = { nestedSelfRef() } // expected-error {{variable used within its own initial value}}
var shadowed = { (shadowed: Int) -> Int in
let x = shadowed
return x
} // no-warning
var shadowedShort = { (shadowedShort: Int) -> Int in shadowedShort+1 } // no-warning
func anonymousClosureArgsInClosureWithArgs() {
var a1 = { () in $0 } // expected-error {{anonymous closure arguments cannot be used inside a closure that has explicit arguments}}
var a2 = { () -> Int in $0 } // expected-error {{anonymous closure arguments cannot be used inside a closure that has explicit arguments}}
var a3 = { (z: Int) in $0 } // expected-error {{anonymous closure arguments cannot be used inside a closure that has explicit arguments}}
func doStuff(_ fn : @escaping () -> Int) {}
func doVoidStuff(_ fn : @escaping () -> ()) {}
// <rdar://problem/16193162> Require specifying self for locations in code where strong reference cycles are likely
class ExplicitSelfRequiredTest {
var x = 42
func method() -> Int {
// explicit closure requires an explicit "self." base.
doVoidStuff({ self.x += 1 })
doStuff({ x+1 }) // expected-error {{reference to property 'x' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{15-15=self.}}
doVoidStuff({ x += 1 }) // expected-error {{reference to property 'x' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{19-19=self.}}
// Methods follow the same rules as properties, uses of 'self' must be marked with "self."
doStuff { method() } // expected-error {{call to method 'method' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{15-15=self.}}
doVoidStuff { _ = method() } // expected-error {{call to method 'method' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{23-23=self.}}
doStuff { self.method() }
// <rdar://problem/18877391> "self." shouldn't be required in the initializer expression in a capture list
// This should not produce an error, "x" isn't being captured by the closure.
doStuff({ [myX = x] in myX })
// This should produce an error, since x is used within the inner closure.
doStuff({ [myX = {x}] in 4 }) // expected-error {{reference to property 'x' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{23-23=self.}}
// expected-warning @-1 {{capture 'myX' was never used}}
return 42
class SomeClass {
var field : SomeClass?
func foo() -> Int {}
func testCaptureBehavior(_ ptr : SomeClass) {
// Test normal captures.
weak var wv : SomeClass? = ptr
unowned let uv : SomeClass = ptr
unowned(unsafe) let uv1 : SomeClass = ptr
unowned(safe) let uv2 : SomeClass = ptr
doStuff { wv!.foo() }
doStuff { }
doStuff { }
doStuff { }
// Capture list tests
let v1 : SomeClass? = ptr
let v2 : SomeClass = ptr
doStuff { [weak v1] in v1!.foo() }
// expected-warning @+2 {{variable 'v1' was written to, but never read}}
doStuff { [weak v1, // expected-note {{previous}}
weak v1] in v1!.foo() } // expected-error {{definition conflicts with previous value}}
doStuff { [unowned v2] in }
doStuff { [unowned(unsafe) v2] in }
doStuff { [unowned(safe) v2] in }
doStuff { [weak v1, weak v2] in v1!.foo() + v2!.foo() }
let i = 42
// expected-warning @+1 {{variable 'i' was never mutated}} {{19-20=let}}
doStuff { [weak i] in i! } // expected-error {{'weak' may only be applied to class and class-bound protocol types, not 'Int'}}
extension SomeClass {
func bar() {
doStuff { [unowned self] in }
doStuff { [unowned xyz = self.field!] in }
doStuff { [weak xyz = self.field] in xyz!.foo() }
// rdar://16889886 - Assert when trying to weak capture a property of self in a lazy closure
doStuff { [weak self.field] in field!.foo() } // expected-error {{fields may only be captured by assigning to a specific name}} expected-error {{reference to property 'field' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{36-36=self.}}
// expected-warning @+1 {{variable 'self' was written to, but never read}}
doStuff { [weak self&field] in 42 } // expected-error {{expected ']' at end of capture list}}
func strong_in_capture_list() {
// <rdar://problem/18819742> QOI: "[strong self]" in capture list generates unhelpful error message
_ = {[strong self] () -> () in return } // expected-error {{expected 'weak', 'unowned', or no specifier in capture list}}
// <rdar://problem/16955318> Observed variable in a closure triggers an assertion
var closureWithObservedProperty: () -> () = {
var a: Int = 42 {
willSet {
_ = "Will set a to \(newValue)"
didSet {
_ = "Did set a with old value of \(oldValue)"
{}() // expected-error{{statement cannot begin with a closure expression}} expected-note{{explicitly discard the result of the closure by assigning to '_'}} {{1-1=_ = }}
// rdar://19179412 - Crash on valid code.
func rdar19179412() -> (Int) -> Int {
return { x in
class A {
let d : Int = 0
// Test coercion of single-expression closure return types to void.
func takesVoidFunc(_ f: () -> ()) {}
var i: Int = 1
// expected-warning @+1 {{expression of type 'Int' is unused}}
// expected-warning @+1 {{expression of type 'Int' is unused}}
var f1: () -> () = {i}
var x = {return $0}(1)
func returnsInt() -> Int { return 0 }
takesVoidFunc(returnsInt) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '() -> Int' to expected argument type '() -> ()'}}
takesVoidFunc({() -> Int in 0}) // expected-error {{declared closure result 'Int' is incompatible with contextual type '()'}} {{22-25=()}}
// These used to crash the compiler, but were fixed to support the implementation of rdar://problem/17228969
Void(0) // expected-error{{argument passed to call that takes no arguments}}
_ = {0}
// <rdar://problem/22086634> "multi-statement closures require an explicit return type" should be an error not a note
let samples = { // expected-error {{unable to infer complex closure return type; add explicit type to disambiguate}} {{16-16= () -> Bool in }}
if (i > 10) { return true }
else { return false }
// <rdar://problem/19756953> Swift error: cannot capture '$0' before it is declared
func f(_ fp : (Bool, Bool) -> Bool) {}
f { $0 && !$1 }
// <rdar://problem/18123596> unexpected error on self. capture inside class method
func TakesIntReturnsVoid(_ fp : ((Int) -> ())) {}
struct TestStructWithStaticMethod {
static func myClassMethod(_ count: Int) {
// Shouldn't require "self."
TakesIntReturnsVoid { _ in myClassMethod(0) }
class TestClassWithStaticMethod {
class func myClassMethod(_ count: Int) {
// Shouldn't require "self."
TakesIntReturnsVoid { _ in myClassMethod(0) }
// Test that we can infer () as the result type of these closures.
func genericOne<T>(_ a: () -> T) {}
func genericTwo<T>(_ a: () -> T, _ b: () -> T) {}
genericOne {}
genericTwo({}, {})
// <rdar://problem/22344208> QoI: Warning for unused capture list variable should be customized
class r22344208 {
func f() {
let q = 42
let _: () -> Int = {
[unowned self, // expected-warning {{capture 'self' was never used}}
q] in // expected-warning {{capture 'q' was never used}}
1 }
var f = { (s: Undeclared) -> Int in 0 } // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'Undeclared'}}
// <rdar://problem/21375863> Swift compiler crashes when using closure, declared to return illegal type.
func r21375863() {
var width = 0
var height = 0
var bufs: [[UInt8]] = (0..<4).map { _ -> [asdf] in // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'asdf'}}
[UInt8](repeating: 0, count: width*height)
// <rdar://problem/25993258>
// Don't crash if we infer a closure argument to have a tuple type containing inouts.
func r25993258_helper(_ fn: (inout Int, Int) -> ()) {}
func r25993258a() {
r25993258_helper { x in () } // expected-error {{named parameter has type '(inout Int, Int)' which includes nested inout parameters}}
func r25993258b() {
r25993258_helper { _ in () }