blob: 6feb52d0af51b69f27ce672dcb8214262345d919 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir -p %t
// RUN: cp %s %t/main.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -verify -primary-file %t/main.swift %S/Inputs/enum_equatable_hashable_other.swift
enum Foo {
case A, B
if Foo.A == .B { }
var aHash: Int = Foo.A.hashValue
enum Generic<T> {
case A, B
static func method() -> Int {
// Test synthesis of == without any member lookup being done
if A == B { }
return Generic.A.hashValue
if Generic<Foo>.A == .B { }
var gaHash: Int = Generic<Foo>.A.hashValue
func localEnum() -> Bool {
enum Local {
case A, B
return Local.A == .B
enum CustomHashable {
case A, B
var hashValue: Int { return 0 }
func ==(x: CustomHashable, y: CustomHashable) -> Bool { // expected-note{{non-matching type}}
return true
if CustomHashable.A == .B { }
var custHash: Int = CustomHashable.A.hashValue
// We still synthesize conforming overloads of '==' and 'hashValue' if
// explicit definitions don't satisfy the protocol requirements. Probably
// not what we actually want.
enum InvalidCustomHashable {
case A, B
var hashValue: String { return "" } // expected-note{{previously declared here}}
func ==(x: InvalidCustomHashable, y: InvalidCustomHashable) -> String { // expected-note{{non-matching type}}
return ""
if InvalidCustomHashable.A == .B { }
var s: String = InvalidCustomHashable.A == .B
s = InvalidCustomHashable.A.hashValue
var i: Int = InvalidCustomHashable.A.hashValue
// Check use of an enum's synthesized members before the enum is actually declared.
struct UseEnumBeforeDeclaration {
let eqValue = EnumToUseBeforeDeclaration.A == .A
let hashValue = EnumToUseBeforeDeclaration.A.hashValue
enum EnumToUseBeforeDeclaration {
case A
// Check enums from another file in the same module.
if FromOtherFile.A == .A {}
let _: Int = FromOtherFile.A.hashValue
func getFromOtherFile() -> AlsoFromOtherFile { return .A }
if .A == getFromOtherFile() {}
// FIXME: This should work.
func overloadFromOtherFile() -> YetAnotherFromOtherFile { return .A }
func overloadFromOtherFile() -> Bool { return false }
if .A == overloadFromOtherFile() {}
// Complex enums are not implicitly Equatable or Hashable.
enum Complex {
case A(Int)
case B
if Complex.A(1) == .B { } // expected-error{{binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Complex' and '_'}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for '==' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: }}
// rdar://19773050
private enum Bar<T> {
case E(Unknown<T>) // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'Unknown'}}
mutating func value() -> T {
switch self {
// FIXME: Should diagnose here that '.' needs to be inserted, but E has an ErrorType at this point
case E(let x):
return x.value
// Equatable extension -- rdar://20981254
enum Instrument {
case Piano
case Violin
case Guitar
extension Instrument : Equatable {}
// Explicit conformance should work too
public enum Medicine {
case Antibiotic
case Antihistamine
extension Medicine : Equatable {}
public func ==(lhs: Medicine, rhs: Medicine) -> Bool { // expected-note{{non-matching type}}
return true
// No explicit conformance and cannot be derived
extension Complex : Hashable {} // expected-error 2 {{does not conform}}