blob: 5c9b9326fb8e790fe29d2d8b62afb6798de08220 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-sil-opt -assume-parsing-unqualified-ownership-sil -enable-sil-verify-all %s -definite-init | %FileCheck %s
// These are all regression tests to ensure that the memory promotion pass
// doesn't crash.
import Builtin
import Swift
// Mixed combination of aggregate load/stores and elements.
struct Triple {
var a, b, c : Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @TripleTest
sil @TripleTest : $@convention(method) (Int, @inout Triple) -> Triple {
bb0(%0 : $Int, %1 : $*Triple):
%4 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Triple>
%4a = project_box %4 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Triple>, 0
%5 = load %1 : $*Triple
store %5 to %4a : $*Triple
%8 = struct_element_addr %4a : $*Triple, #Triple.b
store %0 to %8 : $*Int
%10 = load %4a : $*Triple
strong_release %4 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Triple>
return %10 : $Triple
struct Single {
var a : Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @SingleTest
sil @SingleTest : $@convention(method) (@inout Single, Int) -> Single {
bb0(%0 : $*Single, %1 : $Int):
%4 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Single>
%4a = project_box %4 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Single>, 0
%5 = load %0 : $*Single
store %5 to %4a : $*Single
%8 = struct_element_addr %4a : $*Single, #Single.a
store %1 to %8 : $*Int
%10 = load %4a : $*Single
strong_release %4 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Single>
return %10 : $Single
class SomeClass {}
enum SomeUnion {
case x(Int)
case y(SomeClass)
sil @getSomeClass : $@convention(thin) (@thick SomeClass.Type) -> @owned SomeClass
sil @getSomeUnion : $@convention(thin) (@owned SomeClass, @thin SomeUnion.Type) -> @owned SomeUnion
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_union_release
sil @test_union_release : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = tuple ()
%1 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <SomeUnion> // users: %9, %8
%1a = project_box %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <SomeUnion>, 0
%2 = function_ref @getSomeUnion : $@convention(thin) (@owned SomeClass, @thin SomeUnion.Type) -> @owned SomeUnion // user: %7
%3 = metatype $@thin SomeUnion.Type // user: %7
%4 = function_ref @getSomeClass : $@convention(thin) (@thick SomeClass.Type) -> @owned SomeClass // user: %6
%5 = metatype $@thick SomeClass.Type // user: %6
%6 = apply %4(%5) : $@convention(thin) (@thick SomeClass.Type) -> @owned SomeClass // user: %7
%7 = apply %2(%6, %3) : $@convention(thin) (@owned SomeClass, @thin SomeUnion.Type) -> @owned SomeUnion // user: %8
assign %7 to %1a : $*SomeUnion
strong_release %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <SomeUnion>
%10 = tuple () // user: %11
return %10 : $()
public protocol Proto {
public struct MyErrorType {}
public struct NonTrivial {
@sil_stored let ptr: Builtin.NativeObject
public struct AStruct {
@sil_stored public let name: NonTrivial
@sil_stored public let foobar: NonTrivial
@sil_stored public let protoType: Proto.Type
sil @mayThrow : $@convention(thin) () -> (NonTrivial, @error MyErrorType)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @assign_of_non_primitive_object_element_type
sil @assign_of_non_primitive_object_element_type : $@convention(thin) (@thick Proto.Type) -> (@owned AStruct, @error MyErrorType) {
bb0(%0 : $@thick Proto.Type):
%3 = alloc_stack $AStruct
%4 = mark_uninitialized [rootself] %3 : $*AStruct
%7 = function_ref @mayThrow : $@convention(thin) () -> (NonTrivial, @error MyErrorType)
try_apply %7() : $@convention(thin) () -> (NonTrivial, @error MyErrorType), normal bb1, error bb3
bb1(%15 : $NonTrivial):
%16 = struct_element_addr %4 : $*AStruct, #AStruct.foobar
assign %15 to %16 : $*NonTrivial
try_apply %7() : $@convention(thin) () -> (NonTrivial, @error MyErrorType), normal bb2, error bb4
bb2(%26 : $NonTrivial):
%27 = struct_element_addr %4 : $*AStruct,
assign %26 to %27 : $*NonTrivial
%29 = struct_element_addr %4 : $*AStruct, #AStruct.protoType
assign %0 to %29 : $*@thick Proto.Type
%31 = load %4 : $*AStruct
retain_value %31 : $AStruct
destroy_addr %4 : $*AStruct
dealloc_stack %3 : $*AStruct
return %31 : $AStruct
bb3(%36 : $MyErrorType):
br bb5(%36 : $MyErrorType)
bb4(%38 : $MyErrorType):
br bb5(%38 : $MyErrorType)
bb5(%40 : $MyErrorType):
destroy_addr %4 : $*AStruct
dealloc_stack %3 : $*AStruct
throw %40 : $MyErrorType