blob: b4dcff52c86d2333c17619961208669c04214758 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -parse-stdlib -parse-as-library -emit-silgen %s | %FileCheck %s
import Swift
var zero = 0
// <rdar://problem/15921334>
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF8closures46return_local_generic_function_without_captures{{.*}} : $@convention(thin) <A, R> () -> @owned @callee_owned (@in A) -> @out R {
func return_local_generic_function_without_captures<A, R>() -> (A) -> R {
func f(_: A) -> R {
// CHECK: [[FN:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFF8closures46return_local_generic_function_without_captures{{.*}} : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0, τ_0_1> (@in τ_0_0) -> @out τ_0_1
// CHECK: [[FN_WITH_GENERIC_PARAMS:%.*]] = partial_apply [[FN]]<A, R>() : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0, τ_0_1> (@in τ_0_0) -> @out τ_0_1
// CHECK: return [[FN_WITH_GENERIC_PARAMS]] : $@callee_owned (@in A) -> @out R
return f
func return_local_generic_function_with_captures<A, R>(_ a: A) -> (A) -> R {
func f(_: A) -> R {
_ = a
return f
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF8closures17read_only_captureFSiSi : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> Int {
func read_only_capture(_ x: Int) -> Int {
var x = x
// CHECK: bb0([[X:%[0-9]+]] : $Int):
// CHECK: [[XBOX:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
// SEMANTIC ARC TODO: This is incorrect. We need to do the project_box on the copy.
// CHECK: [[PROJECT:%.*]] = project_box [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: store [[X]] to [trivial] [[PROJECT]]
func cap() -> Int {
return x
return cap()
// CHECK: [[XBOX_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[XBOX]]
// SEMANTIC ARC TODO: See above. This needs to happen on the copy_valued box.
// CHECK: mark_function_escape [[PROJECT]]
// CHECK: [[CAP:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @[[CAP_NAME:_TFF8closures17read_only_capture.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned <τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>) -> Int
// CHECK: [[RET:%[0-9]+]] = apply [[CAP]]([[XBOX_COPY]])
// CHECK: destroy_value [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: return [[RET]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '_TF8closures17read_only_captureFSiSi'
// CHECK: sil shared @[[CAP_NAME]]
// CHECK: bb0([[XBOX:%[0-9]+]] : $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>):
// CHECK: [[XADDR:%[0-9]+]] = project_box [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: [[X:%[0-9]+]] = load [trivial] [[XADDR]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: return [[X]]
// } // end sil function '[[CAP_NAME]]'
// SEMANTIC ARC TODO: This is a place where we have again project_box too early.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF8closures16write_to_captureFSiSi : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> Int {
func write_to_capture(_ x: Int) -> Int {
var x = x
// CHECK: bb0([[X:%[0-9]+]] : $Int):
// CHECK: [[XBOX:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
// CHECK: [[XBOX_PB:%.*]] = project_box [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: store [[X]] to [trivial] [[XBOX_PB]]
// CHECK: [[X2BOX:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
// CHECK: [[X2BOX_PB:%.*]] = project_box [[X2BOX]]
// CHECK: copy_addr [[XBOX_PB]] to [initialization] [[X2BOX_PB]]
// CHECK: [[X2BOX_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[X2BOX]]
// SEMANTIC ARC TODO: This next mark_function_escape should be on a projection from X2BOX_COPY.
// CHECK: mark_function_escape [[X2BOX_PB]]
var x2 = x
func scribble() {
x2 = zero
// CHECK: [[SCRIB:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @[[SCRIB_NAME:_TFF8closures16write_to_capture.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned <τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>) -> ()
// CHECK: apply [[SCRIB]]([[X2BOX_COPY]])
// SEMANTIC ARC TODO: This should load from X2BOX_COPY project. There is an
// issue here where after a copy_value, we need to reassign a projection in
// some way.
// CHECK: [[RET:%[0-9]+]] = load [trivial] [[X2BOX_PB]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[X2BOX]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: return [[RET]]
return x2
// CHECK: } // end sil function '_TF8closures16write_to_captureFSiSi'
// CHECK: sil shared @[[SCRIB_NAME]]
// CHECK: bb0([[XBOX:%[0-9]+]] : $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>):
// CHECK: [[XADDR:%[0-9]+]] = project_box [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: copy_addr {{%[0-9]+}} to [[XADDR]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: return
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[SCRIB_NAME]]'
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF8closures21multiple_closure_refs
func multiple_closure_refs(_ x: Int) -> (() -> Int, () -> Int) {
var x = x
func cap() -> Int {
return x
return (cap, cap)
// CHECK: [[CAP:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @[[CAP_NAME:_TFF8closures21multiple_closure_refs.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned <τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>) -> Int
// CHECK: [[CAP_CLOSURE_1:%[0-9]+]] = partial_apply [[CAP]]
// CHECK: [[CAP:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @[[CAP_NAME:_TFF8closures21multiple_closure_refs.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned <τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>) -> Int
// CHECK: [[CAP_CLOSURE_2:%[0-9]+]] = partial_apply [[CAP]]
// CHECK: [[RET:%[0-9]+]] = tuple ([[CAP_CLOSURE_1]] : {{.*}}, [[CAP_CLOSURE_2]] : {{.*}})
// CHECK: return [[RET]]
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF8closures18capture_local_funcFSiFT_FT_Si : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> @owned @callee_owned () -> @owned @callee_owned () -> Int {
func capture_local_func(_ x: Int) -> () -> () -> Int {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $Int):
var x = x
// CHECK: [[XBOX:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
// CHECK: [[XBOX_PB:%.*]] = project_box [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: store [[ARG]] to [trivial] [[XBOX_PB]]
func aleph() -> Int { return x }
func beth() -> () -> Int { return aleph }
// CHECK: [[BETH_REF:%.*]] = function_ref @[[BETH_NAME:_TFF8closures18capture_local_funcFSiFT_FT_SiL_4bethfT_FT_Si]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned <τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>) -> @owned @callee_owned () -> Int
// CHECK: [[XBOX_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[XBOX]]
// SEMANTIC ARC TODO: This is incorrect. This should be a project_box from XBOX_COPY.
// CHECK: mark_function_escape [[XBOX_PB]]
// CHECK: [[BETH_CLOSURE:%[0-9]+]] = partial_apply [[BETH_REF]]([[XBOX_COPY]])
return beth
// CHECK: destroy_value [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: return [[BETH_CLOSURE]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '_TF8closures18capture_local_funcFSiFT_FT_Si'
// CHECK: sil shared @[[ALEPH_NAME:_TFF8closures18capture_local_funcFSiFT_FT_SiL_5alephfT_Si]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned <τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>) -> Int {
// CHECK: bb0([[XBOX:%[0-9]+]] : $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>):
// CHECK: sil shared @[[BETH_NAME]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned <τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>) -> @owned @callee_owned () -> Int {
// CHECK: bb0([[XBOX:%[0-9]+]] : $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>):
// CHECK: [[XBOX_PB:%.*]] = project_box [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: [[ALEPH_REF:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @[[ALEPH_NAME]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned <τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>) -> Int
// CHECK: [[XBOX_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[XBOX]]
// SEMANTIC ARC TODO: This should be on a PB from XBOX_COPY.
// CHECK: mark_function_escape [[XBOX_PB]]
// CHECK: [[ALEPH_CLOSURE:%[0-9]+]] = partial_apply [[ALEPH_REF]]([[XBOX_COPY]])
// CHECK: destroy_value [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: return [[ALEPH_CLOSURE]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[BETH_NAME]]'
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF8closures22anon_read_only_capture
func anon_read_only_capture(_ x: Int) -> Int {
var x = x
// CHECK: bb0([[X:%[0-9]+]] : $Int):
// CHECK: [[XBOX:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
// CHECK: [[PB:%.*]] = project_box [[XBOX]]
return ({ x })()
// -- func expression
// CHECK: [[ANON:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @[[CLOSURE_NAME:_TFF8closures22anon_read_only_capture.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@inout_aliasable Int) -> Int
// -- apply expression
// CHECK: [[RET:%[0-9]+]] = apply [[ANON]]([[PB]])
// -- cleanup
// CHECK: destroy_value [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: return [[RET]]
// CHECK: sil shared @[[CLOSURE_NAME]]
// CHECK: bb0([[XADDR:%[0-9]+]] : $*Int):
// CHECK: [[X:%[0-9]+]] = load [trivial] [[XADDR]]
// CHECK: return [[X]]
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF8closures21small_closure_capture
func small_closure_capture(_ x: Int) -> Int {
var x = x
// CHECK: bb0([[X:%[0-9]+]] : $Int):
// CHECK: [[XBOX:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
// CHECK: [[PB:%.*]] = project_box [[XBOX]]
return { x }()
// -- func expression
// CHECK: [[ANON:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @[[CLOSURE_NAME:_TFF8closures21small_closure_capture.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@inout_aliasable Int) -> Int
// -- apply expression
// CHECK: [[RET:%[0-9]+]] = apply [[ANON]]([[PB]])
// -- cleanup
// CHECK: destroy_value [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: return [[RET]]
// CHECK: sil shared @[[CLOSURE_NAME]]
// CHECK: bb0([[XADDR:%[0-9]+]] : $*Int):
// CHECK: [[X:%[0-9]+]] = load [trivial] [[XADDR]]
// CHECK: return [[X]]
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF8closures35small_closure_capture_with_argument
func small_closure_capture_with_argument(_ x: Int) -> (_ y: Int) -> Int {
var x = x
// CHECK: [[XBOX:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
return { x + $0 }
// -- func expression
// CHECK: [[ANON:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @[[CLOSURE_NAME:_TFF8closures35small_closure_capture_with_argument.*]] : $@convention(thin) (Int, @owned <τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>) -> Int
// CHECK: [[XBOX_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: [[ANON_CLOSURE_APP:%[0-9]+]] = partial_apply [[ANON]]([[XBOX_COPY]])
// -- return
// CHECK: destroy_value [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: sil shared @[[CLOSURE_NAME]] : $@convention(thin) (Int, @owned <τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>) -> Int
// CHECK: bb0([[DOLLAR0:%[0-9]+]] : $Int, [[XBOX:%[0-9]+]] : $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>):
// CHECK: [[XADDR:%[0-9]+]] = project_box [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: [[PLUS:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_TFsoi1pFTSiSi_Si{{.*}}
// CHECK: [[LHS:%[0-9]+]] = load [trivial] [[XADDR]]
// CHECK: [[RET:%[0-9]+]] = apply [[PLUS]]([[LHS]], [[DOLLAR0]])
// CHECK: destroy_value [[XBOX]]
// CHECK: return [[RET]]
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF8closures24small_closure_no_capture
func small_closure_no_capture() -> (_ y: Int) -> Int {
// CHECK: [[ANON:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @[[CLOSURE_NAME:_TFF8closures24small_closure_no_captureFT_FSiSiU_FSiSi]] : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> Int
// CHECK: [[ANON_THICK:%[0-9]+]] = thin_to_thick_function [[ANON]] : ${{.*}} to $@callee_owned (Int) -> Int
// CHECK: return [[ANON_THICK]]
return { $0 }
// CHECK: sil shared @[[CLOSURE_NAME]] : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> Int
// CHECK: bb0([[YARG:%[0-9]+]] : $Int):
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF8closures17uncaptured_locals{{.*}} :
func uncaptured_locals(_ x: Int) -> (Int, Int) {
var x = x
// -- locals without captures are stack-allocated
// CHECK: bb0([[XARG:%[0-9]+]] : $Int):
// CHECK: [[XADDR:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
// CHECK: [[PB:%.*]] = project_box [[XADDR]]
// CHECK: store [[XARG]] to [trivial] [[PB]]
var y = zero
// CHECK: [[YADDR:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
return (x, y)
class SomeClass {
var x : Int = zero
init() {
x = { self.x }() // Closing over self.
// Closures within destructors <rdar://problem/15883734>
class SomeGenericClass<T> {
deinit {
var i: Int = zero
// CHECK: [[C1REF:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_TFFC8closures16SomeGenericClassdU_FT_Si : $@convention(thin) (@inout_aliasable Int) -> Int
// CHECK: apply [[C1REF]]([[IBOX:%[0-9]+]]) : $@convention(thin) (@inout_aliasable Int) -> Int
var x = { i + zero } ()
// CHECK: [[C2REF:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_TFFC8closures16SomeGenericClassdU0_FT_Si : $@convention(thin) () -> Int
// CHECK: apply [[C2REF]]() : $@convention(thin) () -> Int
var y = { zero } ()
// CHECK: [[C3REF:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_TFFC8closures16SomeGenericClassdU1_FT_T_ : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> () -> ()
// CHECK: apply [[C3REF]]<T>() : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> () -> ()
var z = { _ = T.self } ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared @_TFFC8closures16SomeGenericClassdU_FT_Si : $@convention(thin) (@inout_aliasable Int) -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared @_TFFC8closures16SomeGenericClassdU0_FT_Si : $@convention(thin) () -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared @_TFFC8closures16SomeGenericClassdU1_FT_T_ : $@convention(thin) <T> () -> ()
// This is basically testing that the constraint system ranking
// function conversions as worse than others, and therefore performs
// the conversion within closures when possible.
class SomeSpecificClass : SomeClass {}
func takesSomeClassGenerator(_ fn : () -> SomeClass) {}
func generateWithConstant(_ x : SomeSpecificClass) {
takesSomeClassGenerator({ x })
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared @_TFF8closures20generateWithConstantFCS_17SomeSpecificClassT_U_FT_CS_9SomeClass : $@convention(thin) (@owned SomeSpecificClass) -> @owned SomeClass {
// CHECK: bb0([[T0:%.*]] : $SomeSpecificClass):
// CHECK: debug_value [[T0]] : $SomeSpecificClass, let, name "x", argno 1
// CHECK: [[T0_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[T0]]
// CHECK: [[T0_COPY_CASTED:%.*]] = upcast [[T0_COPY]] : $SomeSpecificClass to $SomeClass
// CHECK: destroy_value [[T0]]
// CHECK: return [[T0_COPY_CASTED]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '_TFF8closures20generateWithConstantFCS_17SomeSpecificClassT_U_FT_CS_9SomeClass'
// Check the annoying case of capturing 'self' in a derived class 'init'
// method. We allocate a mutable box to deal with 'self' potentially being
// rebound by super.init, but 'self' is formally immutable and so is captured
// by value. <rdar://problem/15599464>
class Base {}
class SelfCapturedInInit : Base {
var foo : () -> SelfCapturedInInit
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TFC8closures18SelfCapturedInInitc{{.*}} : $@convention(method) (@owned SelfCapturedInInit) -> @owned SelfCapturedInInit {
// CHECK: [[VAL:%.*]] = load_borrow {{%.*}} : $*SelfCapturedInInit
// CHECK: [[VAL:%.*]] = load_borrow {{%.*}} : $*SelfCapturedInInit
// CHECK: [[VAL:%.*]] = load [copy] {{%.*}} : $*SelfCapturedInInit
// CHECK: partial_apply {{%.*}}([[VAL]]) : $@convention(thin) (@owned SelfCapturedInInit) -> @owned SelfCapturedInInit
override init() {
foo = { self }
func takeClosure(_ fn: () -> Int) -> Int { return fn() }
class TestCaptureList {
var x = zero
func testUnowned() {
let aLet = self
takeClosure { aLet.x }
takeClosure { [unowned aLet] in aLet.x }
takeClosure { [weak aLet] in aLet!.x }
var aVar = self
takeClosure { aVar.x }
takeClosure { [unowned aVar] in aVar.x }
takeClosure { [weak aVar] in aVar!.x }
takeClosure { self.x }
takeClosure { [unowned self] in self.x }
takeClosure { [weak self] in self!.x }
takeClosure { [unowned newVal = TestCaptureList()] in newVal.x }
takeClosure { [weak newVal = TestCaptureList()] in newVal!.x }
class ClassWithIntProperty { final var x = 42 }
func closeOverLetLValue() {
let a : ClassWithIntProperty
a = ClassWithIntProperty()
takeClosure { a.x }
// The let property needs to be captured into a temporary stack slot so that it
// is loadable even though we capture the value.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared @_TFF8closures18closeOverLetLValueFT_T_U_FT_Si : $@convention(thin) (@owned ClassWithIntProperty) -> Int {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $ClassWithIntProperty):
// CHECK: [[TMP_CLASS_ADDR:%.*]] = alloc_stack $ClassWithIntProperty, let, name "a", argno 1
// CHECK: store [[ARG]] to [init] [[TMP_CLASS_ADDR]] : $*ClassWithIntProperty
// CHECK: [[LOADED_CLASS:%.*]] = load [copy] [[TMP_CLASS_ADDR]] : $*ClassWithIntProperty
// CHECK: [[INT_IN_CLASS_ADDR:%.*]] = ref_element_addr [[LOADED_CLASS]] : $ClassWithIntProperty, #ClassWithIntProperty.x
// CHECK: [[INT_IN_CLASS:%.*]] = load [trivial] [[INT_IN_CLASS_ADDR]] : $*Int
// CHECK: destroy_value [[LOADED_CLASS]]
// CHECK: destroy_addr [[TMP_CLASS_ADDR]] : $*ClassWithIntProperty
// CHECK: dealloc_stack %1 : $*ClassWithIntProperty
// CHECK: return [[INT_IN_CLASS]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '_TFF8closures18closeOverLetLValueFT_T_U_FT_Si'
// Use an external function so inout deshadowing cannot see its body.
func takesNoEscapeClosure(fn : () -> Int)
struct StructWithMutatingMethod {
var x = 42
mutating func mutatingMethod() {
// This should not capture the refcount of the self shadow.
takesNoEscapeClosure { x = 42; return x }
// Check that the address of self is passed in, but not the refcount pointer.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TFV8closures24StructWithMutatingMethod14mutatingMethod
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $*StructWithMutatingMethod):
// CHECK: [[CLOSURE:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_TFFV8closures24StructWithMutatingMethod14mutatingMethod{{.*}} : $@convention(thin) (@inout_aliasable StructWithMutatingMethod) -> Int
// CHECK: partial_apply [[CLOSURE]](%0) : $@convention(thin) (@inout_aliasable StructWithMutatingMethod) -> Int
// Check that the closure body only takes the pointer.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared @_TFFV8closures24StructWithMutatingMethod14mutatingMethod{{.*}} : $@convention(thin) (@inout_aliasable StructWithMutatingMethod) -> Int {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $*StructWithMutatingMethod):
class SuperBase {
func boom() {}
class SuperSub : SuperBase {
override func boom() {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TFC8closures8SuperSub1afT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperSub) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[SELF:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[SELF_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[SELF]]
// CHECK: [[INNER:%.*]] = function_ref @[[INNER_FUNC_1:_TFFC8closures8SuperSub1a.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> ()
// CHECK: apply [[INNER]]([[SELF_COPY]])
// CHECK: } // end sil function '_TFC8closures8SuperSub1afT_T_'
func a() {
// CHECK: sil shared @[[INNER_FUNC_1]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[CLASS_METHOD:%.*]] = class_method [[ARG]] : $SuperSub, #SuperSub.boom!1
// CHECK: = apply [[CLASS_METHOD]]([[ARG]])
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY_SUPER:%.*]] = upcast [[ARG_COPY]] : $SuperSub to $SuperBase
// CHECK: [[SUPER_METHOD:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_TFC8closures9SuperBase4boomfT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperBase) -> ()
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG_COPY_SUPER]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[INNER_FUNC_1]]'
func a1() {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TFC8closures8SuperSub1bfT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperSub) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[SELF:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[SELF_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[SELF]]
// CHECK: [[INNER:%.*]] = function_ref @[[INNER_FUNC_1:_TFFC8closures8SuperSub1b.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> ()
// CHECK: = apply [[INNER]]([[SELF_COPY]])
// CHECK: } // end sil function '_TFC8closures8SuperSub1bfT_T_'
func b() {
// CHECK: sil shared @[[INNER_FUNC_1]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[INNER:%.*]] = function_ref @[[INNER_FUNC_2:_TFFFC8closures8SuperSub1b.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> ()
// CHECK: = apply [[INNER]]([[ARG_COPY]])
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[INNER_FUNC_1]]'
func b1() {
// CHECK: sil shared @[[INNER_FUNC_2]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[CLASS_METHOD:%.*]] = class_method [[ARG]] : $SuperSub, #SuperSub.boom!1
// CHECK: = apply [[CLASS_METHOD]]([[ARG]]) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperSub) -> ()
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY_SUPER:%.*]] = upcast [[ARG_COPY]] : $SuperSub to $SuperBase
// CHECK: [[SUPER_METHOD:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFC8closures9SuperBase4boomfT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperBase) -> ()
// CHECK: = apply [[SUPER_METHOD]]([[ARG_COPY_SUPER]]) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperBase)
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG_COPY_SUPER]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[INNER_FUNC_2]]'
func b2() {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TFC8closures8SuperSub1cfT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperSub) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[SELF:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[INNER:%.*]] = function_ref @[[INNER_FUNC_1:_TFFC8closures8SuperSub1c.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> ()
// CHECK: [[SELF_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[SELF]]
// CHECK: [[PA:%.*]] = partial_apply [[INNER]]([[SELF_COPY]])
// CHECK: [[PA_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[PA]]
// CHECK: apply [[PA_COPY]]()
// CHECK: destroy_value [[PA]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '_TFC8closures8SuperSub1cfT_T_'
func c() {
// CHECK: sil shared @[[INNER_FUNC_1]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> ()
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[CLASS_METHOD:%.*]] = class_method [[ARG]] : $SuperSub, #SuperSub.boom!1
// CHECK: = apply [[CLASS_METHOD]]([[ARG]]) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperSub) -> ()
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY_SUPER:%.*]] = upcast [[ARG_COPY]] : $SuperSub to $SuperBase
// CHECK: [[SUPER_METHOD:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_TFC8closures9SuperBase4boomfT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperBase) -> ()
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG_COPY_SUPER]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[INNER_FUNC_1]]'
let c1 = { () -> Void in
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TFC8closures8SuperSub1dfT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperSub) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[SELF:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[INNER:%.*]] = function_ref @[[INNER_FUNC_1:_TFFC8closures8SuperSub1d.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> ()
// CHECK: [[SELF_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[SELF]]
// CHECK: [[PA:%.*]] = partial_apply [[INNER]]([[SELF_COPY]])
// CHECK: [[PA_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[PA]]
// CHECK: apply [[PA_COPY]]()
// CHECK: destroy_value [[PA]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '_TFC8closures8SuperSub1dfT_T_'
func d() {
// CHECK: sil shared @[[INNER_FUNC_1]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[INNER:%.*]] = function_ref @[[INNER_FUNC_2:_TFFFC8closures8SuperSub1d.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> ()
// CHECK: = apply [[INNER]]([[ARG_COPY]])
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[INNER_FUNC_1]]'
let d1 = { () -> Void in
// CHECK: sil shared @[[INNER_FUNC_2]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY_SUPER:%.*]] = upcast [[ARG_COPY]] : $SuperSub to $SuperBase
// CHECK: [[SUPER_METHOD:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFC8closures9SuperBase4boomfT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperBase) -> ()
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG_COPY_SUPER]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[INNER_FUNC_2]]'
func d2() {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TFC8closures8SuperSub1efT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperSub) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[SELF:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[SELF_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[SELF]]
// CHECK: [[INNER:%.*]] = function_ref @[[INNER_FUNC_NAME1:_TFFC8closures8SuperSub1e.*]] : $@convention(thin)
// CHECK: = apply [[INNER]]([[SELF_COPY]])
// CHECK: } // end sil function '_TFC8closures8SuperSub1efT_T_'
func e() {
// CHECK: sil shared @[[INNER_FUNC_NAME1]] : $@convention(thin)
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[INNER:%.*]] = function_ref @[[INNER_FUNC_NAME2:_TFFFC8closures8SuperSub1e.*]] : $@convention(thin)
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[PA:%.*]] = partial_apply [[INNER]]([[ARG_COPY]])
// CHECK: [[PA_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[PA]]
// CHECK: apply [[PA_COPY]]() : $@callee_owned () -> ()
// CHECK: destroy_value [[PA]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[INNER_FUNC_NAME1]]'
func e1() {
// CHECK: sil shared @[[INNER_FUNC_NAME2]] : $@convention(thin)
// ChECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY_SUPERCAST:%.*]] = upcast [[ARG_COPY]] : $SuperSub to $SuperBase
// CHECK: [[SUPER_METHOD:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFC8closures9SuperBase4boomfT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperBase) -> ()
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG_COPY_SUPERCAST]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: return
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[INNER_FUNC_NAME2]]'
let e2 = {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TFC8closures8SuperSub1ffT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperSub) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[SELF:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[INNER:%.*]] = function_ref @[[INNER_FUNC_1:_TFFC8closures8SuperSub1fFT_T_U_FT_T_]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> ()
// CHECK: [[SELF_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[SELF]]
// CHECK: [[PA:%.*]] = partial_apply [[INNER]]([[SELF_COPY]])
// CHECK: destroy_value [[PA]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '_TFC8closures8SuperSub1ffT_T_'
func f() {
// CHECK: sil shared @[[INNER_FUNC_1]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[TRY_APPLY_AUTOCLOSURE:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFsoi2qqurFzTGSqx_KzT_x_x : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@in Optional<τ_0_0>, @owned @callee_owned () -> (@out τ_0_0, @error Error)) -> (@out τ_0_0, @error Error)
// CHECK: [[INNER:%.*]] = function_ref @[[INNER_FUNC_2:_TFFFC8closures8SuperSub1fFT_T_U_FT_T_u_KzT_T_]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> @error Error
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[PA:%.*]] = partial_apply [[INNER]]([[ARG_COPY]])
// CHECK: [[REABSTRACT_PA:%.*]] = partial_apply {{.*}}([[PA]])
// CHECK: try_apply [[TRY_APPLY_AUTOCLOSURE]]<()>({{.*}}, {{.*}}, [[REABSTRACT_PA]]) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@in Optional<τ_0_0>, @owned @callee_owned () -> (@out τ_0_0, @error Error)) -> (@out τ_0_0, @error Error), normal [[NORMAL_BB:bb1]], error [[ERROR_BB:bb2]]
// CHECK: [[NORMAL_BB]]{{.*}}
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[INNER_FUNC_1]]'
let f1 = {
// CHECK: sil shared [transparent] @[[INNER_FUNC_2]]
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY_SUPER:%.*]] = upcast [[ARG_COPY]] : $SuperSub to $SuperBase
// CHECK: [[SUPER_METHOD:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFC8closures9SuperBase4boomfT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperBase) -> ()
// CHECK: = apply [[SUPER_METHOD]]([[ARG_COPY_SUPER]]) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperBase) -> ()
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG_COPY_SUPER]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[INNER_FUNC_2]]'
nil ?? super.boom()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TFC8closures8SuperSub1gfT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperSub) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[SELF:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[SELF_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[SELF]]
// CHECK: [[INNER:%.*]] = function_ref @[[INNER_FUNC_1:_TFFC8closures8SuperSub1g.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> ()
// CHECK: = apply [[INNER]]([[SELF_COPY]])
// CHECK: } // end sil function '_TFC8closures8SuperSub1gfT_T_'
func g() {
// CHECK: sil shared @[[INNER_FUNC_1]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> ()
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[TRY_APPLY_FUNC:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFsoi2qqurFzTGSqx_KzT_x_x : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@in Optional<τ_0_0>, @owned @callee_owned () -> (@out τ_0_0, @error Error)) -> (@out τ_0_0, @error Error)
// CHECK: [[INNER:%.*]] = function_ref @[[INNER_FUNC_2:_TFFFC8closures8SuperSub1g.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> @error Error
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[PA:%.*]] = partial_apply [[INNER]]([[ARG_COPY]])
// CHECK: [[REABSTRACT_PA:%.*]] = partial_apply {{%.*}}([[PA]]) : $@convention(thin) (@owned @callee_owned () -> @error Error) -> (@out (), @error Error)
// CHECK: try_apply [[TRY_APPLY_FUNC]]<()>({{.*}}, {{.*}}, [[REABSTRACT_PA]]) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@in Optional<τ_0_0>, @owned @callee_owned () -> (@out τ_0_0, @error Error)) -> (@out τ_0_0, @error Error), normal [[NORMAL_BB:bb1]], error [[ERROR_BB:bb2]]
// CHECK: [[NORMAL_BB]]{{.*}}
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[INNER_FUNC_1]]'
func g1() {
// CHECK: sil shared [transparent] @[[INNER_FUNC_2]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned SuperSub) -> @error Error {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $SuperSub):
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY_SUPER:%.*]] = upcast [[ARG_COPY]] : $SuperSub to $SuperBase
// CHECK: [[SUPER_METHOD:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFC8closures9SuperBase4boomfT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SuperBase) -> ()
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG_COPY_SUPER]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[INNER_FUNC_2]]'
nil ?? super.boom()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TFC8closures24UnownedSelfNestedCapture13nestedCapture{{.*}} : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed UnownedSelfNestedCapture) -> ()
// -- We enter with an assumed strong +1.
// CHECK: bb0([[SELF:%.*]] : $UnownedSelfNestedCapture):
// CHECK: [[OUTER_SELF_CAPTURE:%.*]] = alloc_box $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <@sil_unowned UnownedSelfNestedCapture>
// CHECK: [[PB:%.*]] = project_box [[OUTER_SELF_CAPTURE]]
// -- strong +2
// CHECK: [[SELF_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[SELF]]
// CHECK: [[UNOWNED_SELF:%.*]] = ref_to_unowned [[SELF_COPY]] :
// -- TODO: A lot of fussy r/r traffic and owned/unowned conversions here.
// -- strong +2, unowned +1
// CHECK: unowned_retain [[UNOWNED_SELF]]
// CHECK: store [[UNOWNED_SELF]] to [init] [[PB]]
// SEMANTIC ARC TODO: This destroy_value should probably be /after/ the load from PB on the next line.
// CHECK: destroy_value [[SELF_COPY]]
// CHECK: [[UNOWNED_SELF:%.*]] = load [take] [[PB]]
// -- strong +2, unowned +1
// CHECK: strong_retain_unowned [[UNOWNED_SELF]]
// CHECK: [[SELF:%.*]] = unowned_to_ref [[UNOWNED_SELF]]
// CHECK: [[UNOWNED_SELF2:%.*]] = ref_to_unowned [[SELF]]
// -- strong +2, unowned +2
// CHECK: unowned_retain [[UNOWNED_SELF2]]
// -- strong +1, unowned +2
// CHECK: destroy_value [[SELF]]
// -- closure takes unowned ownership
// CHECK: [[OUTER_CLOSURE:%.*]] = partial_apply {{%.*}}([[UNOWNED_SELF2]])
// -- call consumes closure
// -- strong +1, unowned +1
// CHECK: destroy_value [[CONSUMED_RESULT]]
// -- destroy_values unowned self in box
// -- strong +1, unowned +0
// CHECK: destroy_value [[OUTER_SELF_CAPTURE]]
// -- strong +0, unowned +0
// CHECK: } // end sil function '_TFC8closures24UnownedSelfNestedCapture13nestedCapture{{.*}}'
// -- outer closure
// -- strong +0, unowned +1
// CHECK: sil shared @[[OUTER_CLOSURE_FUN:_TFFC8closures24UnownedSelfNestedCapture13nestedCaptureFT_T_U_FT_FT_S0_]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned @sil_unowned UnownedSelfNestedCapture) -> @owned @callee_owned () -> @owned UnownedSelfNestedCapture {
// CHECK: bb0([[CAPTURED_SELF:%.*]] : $@sil_unowned UnownedSelfNestedCapture):
// -- strong +0, unowned +2
// CHECK: [[CAPTURED_SELF_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[CAPTURED_SELF]] :
// -- closure takes ownership of unowned ref
// CHECK: [[INNER_CLOSURE:%.*]] = partial_apply {{%.*}}([[CAPTURED_SELF_COPY]])
// -- strong +0, unowned +1 (claimed by closure)
// CHECK: destroy_value [[CAPTURED_SELF]]
// CHECK: return [[INNER_CLOSURE]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[OUTER_CLOSURE_FUN]]'
// -- inner closure
// -- strong +0, unowned +1
// CHECK: sil shared @[[INNER_CLOSURE_FUN:_TFFFC8closures24UnownedSelfNestedCapture13nestedCapture.*]] : $@convention(thin) (@owned @sil_unowned UnownedSelfNestedCapture) -> @owned UnownedSelfNestedCapture {
// CHECK: bb0([[CAPTURED_SELF:%.*]] : $@sil_unowned UnownedSelfNestedCapture):
// -- strong +1, unowned +1
// CHECK: strong_retain_unowned [[CAPTURED_SELF:%.*]] :
// CHECK: [[SELF:%.*]] = unowned_to_ref [[CAPTURED_SELF]]
// -- strong +1, unowned +0 (claimed by return)
// CHECK: destroy_value [[CAPTURED_SELF]]
// CHECK: return [[SELF]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '[[INNER_CLOSURE_FUN]]'
class UnownedSelfNestedCapture {
func nestedCapture() {
{[unowned self] in { self } }()()
// Check that capturing 'self' via a 'super' call also captures the generic
// signature if the base class is concrete and the derived class is generic
class ConcreteBase {
func swim() {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared @_TFFC8closures14GenericDerived4swimFT_T_U_FT_T_ : $@convention(thin) <Ocean> (@owned GenericDerived<Ocean>) -> ()
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $GenericDerived<Ocean>):
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY_SUPER:%.*]] = upcast [[ARG_COPY]] : $GenericDerived<Ocean> to $ConcreteBase
// CHECK: [[METHOD:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFC8closures12ConcreteBase4swimfT_T_
// CHECK: apply [[METHOD]]([[ARG_COPY_SUPER]]) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed ConcreteBase) -> ()
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG_COPY_SUPER]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '_TFFC8closures14GenericDerived4swimFT_T_U_FT_T_'
class GenericDerived<Ocean> : ConcreteBase {
override func swim() {
withFlotationAid {
func withFlotationAid(_ fn: () -> ()) {}
// Don't crash on this
func r25993258_helper(_ fn: (inout Int, Int) -> ()) {}
func r25993258() {
r25993258_helper { _ in () }