blob: 5a5d905ff07770ecfcefef1996dd4500732faa5e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
class A {
func foo() { }
class B : A {
func bar() { }
class Other { }
func acceptA(_ a: A) { }
func f0<T : A>(_ obji: T, _ ai: A, _ bi: B) {
var obj = obji, a = ai, b = bi
// Method access // expected-error{{value of type 'T' has no member 'bar'}}
// Calls
// Derived-to-base conversion for assignment
a = obj
// Invalid assignments
obj = a // expected-error{{'A' is not convertible to 'T'}}
obj = b // expected-error{{'B' is not convertible to 'T'}}
// Downcast that is actually a coercion
a = (obj as? A)! // expected-warning{{conditional cast from 'T' to 'A' always succeeds}}
a = obj as A
// Downcasts
b = obj as! B
func call_f0(_ a: A, b: B, other: Other) {
f0(a, a, b)
f0(b, a, b)
f0(other, a, b) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Other' to expected argument type 'A'}}
class X<T> {
func f() -> T {}
class Y<T> : X<[T]> {
func testGenericInherit() {
let yi : Y<Int>
_ = yi.f() as [Int]
struct SS<T> : T { } // expected-error{{inheritance from non-protocol type 'T'}}
enum SE<T> : T { case X } // expected-error{{raw type 'T' is not expressible by any literal}} expected-error {{SE<T>' declares raw type 'T', but does not conform to RawRepresentable and conformance could not be synthesized}}
// Also need Equatable for init?(RawValue)
enum SE2<T : ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral>
: T // expected-error {{'SE2<T>' declares raw type 'T', but does not conform to RawRepresentable and conformance could not be synthesized}} expected-error{{RawRepresentable 'init' cannot be synthesized because raw type 'T' is not Equatable}}
{ case X }
// ... but not if init?(RawValue) and `rawValue` are directly implemented some other way.
protocol InstanceGettable {
static var someInstance : Self { get }
enum SE3<T : ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral> : T where T: InstanceGettable {
case X
init?(rawValue: T) {
self = SE3.X
var rawValue : T {
return T.someInstance
enum SE4<T : ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral & Equatable> : T { case X }