blob: 65c716a6c3a13c4c92deba766aeba01f3a11fd7d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// Type-check function definitions
// Basic type checking
protocol EqualComparable {
func isEqual(_ other: Self) -> Bool
func doCompare<T : EqualComparable, U : EqualComparable>(_ t1: T, t2: T, u: U) -> Bool {
var b1 = t1.isEqual(t2)
if b1 {
return true
return t1.isEqual(u) // expected-error {{cannot invoke 'isEqual' with an argument list of type '(U)'}} expected-note {{expected an argument list of type '(T)'}}
protocol MethodLessComparable {
func isLess(_ other: Self) -> Bool
func min<T : MethodLessComparable>(_ x: T, y: T) -> T {
if (y.isLess(x)) { return y }
return x
// Interaction with existential types
func existential<T : EqualComparable, U : EqualComparable>(_ t1: T, t2: T, u: U) {
var eqComp : EqualComparable = t1 // expected-error{{protocol 'EqualComparable' can only be used as a generic constraint}}
eqComp = u
if t1.isEqual(eqComp) {} // expected-error{{cannot invoke 'isEqual' with an argument list of type '(EqualComparable)'}}
// expected-note @-1 {{expected an argument list of type '(T)'}}
if eqComp.isEqual(t2) {} // expected-error{{member 'isEqual' cannot be used on value of protocol type 'EqualComparable'; use a generic constraint instead}}
protocol OtherEqualComparable {
func isEqual(_ other: Self) -> Bool
func otherExistential<T : EqualComparable>(_ t1: T) {
var otherEqComp : OtherEqualComparable = t1 // expected-error{{value of type 'T' does not conform to specified type 'OtherEqualComparable'}} expected-error{{protocol 'OtherEqualComparable' can only be used as a generic constraint}}
otherEqComp = t1 // expected-error{{value of type 'T' does not conform to 'OtherEqualComparable' in assignment}}
_ = otherEqComp
var otherEqComp2 : OtherEqualComparable // expected-error{{protocol 'OtherEqualComparable' can only be used as a generic constraint}}
otherEqComp2 = t1 // expected-error{{value of type 'T' does not conform to 'OtherEqualComparable' in assignment}}
_ = otherEqComp2
_ = t1 as EqualComparable & OtherEqualComparable // expected-error{{'T' is not convertible to 'EqualComparable & OtherEqualComparable'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?}} {{10-12=as!}} expected-error{{protocol 'OtherEqualComparable' can only be used as a generic constraint}} expected-error{{protocol 'EqualComparable' can only be used as a generic constraint}}
protocol Runcible {
func runce<A>(_ x: A)
func spoon(_ x: Self)
func testRuncible(_ x: Runcible) { // expected-error{{protocol 'Runcible' can only be used as a generic constraint}}
// Overloading
protocol Overload {
associatedtype A
associatedtype B
func getA() -> A
func getB() -> B
func f1(_: A) -> A
func f1(_: B) -> B
func f2(_: Int) -> A // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
func f2(_: Int) -> B // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
func f3(_: Int) -> Int // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
func f3(_: Float) -> Float // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
func f3(_: Self) -> Self // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
var prop : Self { get }
func testOverload<Ovl : Overload, OtherOvl : Overload>(_ ovl: Ovl, ovl2: Ovl,
other: OtherOvl) {
var a = ovl.getA()
var b = ovl.getB()
// Overloading based on arguments
_ = ovl.f1(a)
a = ovl.f1(a)
_ = ovl.f1(b)
b = ovl.f1(b)
// Overloading based on return type
a = ovl.f2(17)
b = ovl.f2(17)
ovl.f2(17) // expected-error{{ambiguous use of 'f2'}}
// Check associated types from different objects/different types.
a = ovl2.f2(17)
a = ovl2.f1(a)
other.f1(a) // expected-error{{cannot invoke 'f1' with an argument list of type '(Ovl.A)'}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for 'f1' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (Self.A), (Self.B)}}
// Overloading based on context
var f3i : (Int) -> Int = ovl.f3
var f3f : (Float) -> Float = ovl.f3
var f3ovl_1 : (Ovl) -> Ovl = ovl.f3
var f3ovl_2 : (Ovl) -> Ovl = ovl2.f3
var f3ovl_3 : (Ovl) -> Ovl = other.f3 // expected-error{{ambiguous reference to member 'f3'}}
var f3i_unbound : (Ovl) -> (Int) -> Int = Ovl.f3
var f3f_unbound : (Ovl) -> (Float) -> Float = Ovl.f3
var f3f_unbound2 : (OtherOvl) -> (Float) -> Float = OtherOvl.f3
var f3ovl_unbound_1 : (Ovl) -> (Ovl) -> Ovl = Ovl.f3
var f3ovl_unbound_2 : (OtherOvl) -> (OtherOvl) -> OtherOvl = OtherOvl.f3
// Subscripting
protocol Subscriptable {
associatedtype Index
associatedtype Value
func getIndex() -> Index
func getValue() -> Value
subscript (index : Index) -> Value { get set }
protocol IntSubscriptable {
associatedtype ElementType
func getElement() -> ElementType
subscript (index : Int) -> ElementType { get }
func subscripting<T : Subscriptable & IntSubscriptable>(_ t: T) {
var index = t.getIndex()
var value = t.getValue()
var element = t.getElement()
value = t[index]
t[index] = value // expected-error{{cannot assign through subscript: 't' is a 'let' constant}}
element = t[17]
t[42] = element // expected-error{{cannot assign through subscript: subscript is get-only}}
// Suggests the Int form because we prefer concrete matches to generic matches in diagnosis.
t[value] = 17 // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'T.Value' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
// Static functions
protocol StaticEq {
static func isEqual(_ x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
func staticEqCheck<T : StaticEq, U : StaticEq>(_ t: T, u: U) {
if t.isEqual(t, t) { return } // expected-error{{static member 'isEqual' cannot be used on instance of type 'T'}}
if T.isEqual(t, y: t) { return }
if U.isEqual(u, y: u) { return }
T.isEqual(t, y: u) // expected-error{{cannot invoke 'isEqual' with an argument list of type '(T, y: U)'}} expected-note {{expected an argument list of type '(T, y: T)'}}
// Operators
protocol Ordered {
static func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
func testOrdered<T : Ordered>(_ x: T, y: Int) {
if y < 100 || 500 < y { return }
if x < x { return }
// Requires clauses
func conformanceViaRequires<T>(_ t1: T, t2: T) -> Bool
where T : EqualComparable, T : MethodLessComparable {
let b1 = t1.isEqual(t2)
if b1 || t1.isLess(t2) {
return true
protocol GeneratesAnElement {
associatedtype Element : EqualComparable
func makeIterator() -> Element
protocol AcceptsAnElement {
associatedtype Element : MethodLessComparable
func accept(_ e : Element)
func impliedSameType<T : GeneratesAnElement>(_ t: T)
where T : AcceptsAnElement {
let e = t.makeIterator(), e2 = t.makeIterator()
if e.isEqual(e2) || e.isLess(e2) {
protocol GeneratesAssoc1 {
associatedtype Assoc1 : EqualComparable
func get() -> Assoc1
protocol GeneratesAssoc2 {
associatedtype Assoc2 : MethodLessComparable
func get() -> Assoc2
func simpleSameType<T : GeneratesAssoc1, U : GeneratesAssoc2>
(_ t: T, u: U) -> Bool
where T.Assoc1 == U.Assoc2 {
return t.get().isEqual(u.get()) || u.get().isLess(t.get())
protocol GeneratesMetaAssoc1 {
associatedtype MetaAssoc1 : GeneratesAnElement
func get() -> MetaAssoc1
protocol GeneratesMetaAssoc2 {
associatedtype MetaAssoc2 : AcceptsAnElement
func get() -> MetaAssoc2
func recursiveSameType
<T : GeneratesMetaAssoc1, U : GeneratesMetaAssoc2, V : GeneratesAssoc1>
(_ t: T, u: U)
where T.MetaAssoc1 == V.Assoc1, V.Assoc1 == U.MetaAssoc2
let e = t.get().makeIterator(), e2 = t.get().makeIterator()
if e.isEqual(e2) || e.isLess(e2) {
// <rdar://problem/13985164>
protocol P1 {
associatedtype Element
protocol P2 {
associatedtype AssocP1 : P1
func getAssocP1() -> AssocP1
func beginsWith2<E0: P1, E1: P1>(_ e0: E0, _ e1: E1) -> Bool
where E0.Element == E1.Element,
E0.Element : EqualComparable
func beginsWith3<S0: P2, S1: P2>(_ seq1: S0, _ seq2: S1) -> Bool
where S0.AssocP1.Element == S1.AssocP1.Element,
S1.AssocP1.Element : EqualComparable {
return beginsWith2(seq1.getAssocP1(), seq2.getAssocP1())
// FIXME: Test same-type constraints that try to equate things we
// don't want to equate, e.g., T == U.
// Bogus requirements
func nonTypeReq<T>(_: T) where T : Wibble {} // expected-error{{use of undeclared type 'Wibble'}}
func badProtocolReq<T>(_: T) where T : Int {} // expected-error{{type 'T' constrained to non-protocol type 'Int'}}
func nonTypeSameType<T>(_: T) where T == Wibble {} // expected-error{{use of undeclared type 'Wibble'}}
func nonTypeSameType2<T>(_: T) where Wibble == T {} // expected-error{{use of undeclared type 'Wibble'}}
func sameTypeEq<T>(_: T) where T = T {} // expected-error{{use '==' for same-type requirements rather than '='}} {{34-35===}}
func badTypeConformance1<T>(_: T) where Int : EqualComparable {} // expected-error{{type 'Int' in conformance requirement does not refer to a generic parameter or associated type}}
func badTypeConformance2<T>(_: T) where T.Blarg : EqualComparable { } // expected-error{{'Blarg' is not a member type of 'T'}}
func badSameType<T, U : GeneratesAnElement, V>(_ : T)
where T == U.Element, U.Element == V {} // expected-error{{same-type requirement makes generic parameters 'T' and 'V' equivalent}}