blob: ae0a24a214e69b24da7443ed296fc10cc691432c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// Deduction of generic arguments
func identity<T>(_ value: T) -> T { return value }
func identity2<T>(_ value: T) -> T { return value }
func identity2<T>(_ value: T) -> Int { return 0 }
struct X { }
struct Y { }
func useIdentity(_ x: Int, y: Float, i32: Int32) {
var x2 = identity(x)
var y2 = identity(y)
// Deduction that involves the result type
x2 = identity(17)
var i32_2 : Int32 = identity(17)
// Deduction where the result type and input type can get different results
var xx : X, yy : Y
xx = identity(yy) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Y' to expected argument type 'X'}}
xx = identity2(yy) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Y' to expected argument type 'X'}}
// FIXME: Crummy diagnostic!
func twoIdentical<T>(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> T {}
func useTwoIdentical(_ xi: Int, yi: Float) {
var x = xi, y = yi
x = twoIdentical(x, x)
y = twoIdentical(y, y)
x = twoIdentical(x, 1)
x = twoIdentical(1, x)
y = twoIdentical(1.0, y)
y = twoIdentical(y, 1.0)
twoIdentical(x, y) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Float' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
func mySwap<T>(_ x: inout T,
_ y: inout T) {
let tmp = x
x = y
y = tmp
func useSwap(_ xi: Int, yi: Float) {
var x = xi, y = yi
mySwap(&x, &x)
mySwap(&y, &y)
mySwap(x, x) // expected-error {{passing value of type 'Int' to an inout parameter requires explicit '&'}} {{10-10=&}}
// expected-error @-1 {{passing value of type 'Int' to an inout parameter requires explicit '&'}} {{13-13=&}}
mySwap(&x, &y) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Float' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
func takeTuples<T, U>(_: (T, U), _: (U, T)) {
func useTuples(_ x: Int, y: Float, z: (Float, Int)) {
takeTuples((x, y), (y, x))
takeTuples((x, y), (x, y)) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'Float'}}
// FIXME: Use 'z', which requires us to fix our tuple-conversion
// representation.
func acceptFunction<T, U>(_ f: (T) -> U, _ t: T, _ u: U) {}
func passFunction(_ f: (Int) -> Float, x: Int, y: Float) {
acceptFunction(f, x, y)
acceptFunction(f, y, y) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Float' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
func returnTuple<T, U>(_: T) -> (T, U) { } // expected-note {{in call to function 'returnTuple'}}
func testReturnTuple(_ x: Int, y: Float) {
returnTuple(x) // expected-error{{generic parameter 'U' could not be inferred}}
var _ : (Int, Float) = returnTuple(x)
var _ : (Float, Float) = returnTuple(y)
// <rdar://problem/22333090> QoI: Propagate contextual information in a call to operands
var _ : (Int, Float) = returnTuple(y) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Float' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
func confusingArgAndParam<T, U>(_ f: (T) -> U, _ g: (U) -> T) {
confusingArgAndParam(g, f)
confusingArgAndParam(f, g)
func acceptUnaryFn<T, U>(_ f: (T) -> U) { }
func acceptUnaryFnSame<T>(_ f: (T) -> T) { }
func acceptUnaryFnRef<T, U>(_ f: inout (T) -> U) { }
func acceptUnaryFnSameRef<T>(_ f: inout (T) -> T) { }
func unaryFnIntInt(_: Int) -> Int {}
func unaryFnOvl(_: Int) -> Int {} // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
func unaryFnOvl(_: Float) -> Int {} // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
// Variable forms of the above functions
var unaryFnIntIntVar : (Int) -> Int = unaryFnIntInt
func passOverloadSet() {
// Passing a non-generic function to a generic function
// Passing an overloaded function set to a generic function
// FIXME: Yet more terrible diagnostics.
acceptUnaryFn(unaryFnOvl) // expected-error{{ambiguous use of 'unaryFnOvl'}}
// Passing a variable of function type to a generic function
// Passing a variable of function type to a generic function to an inout parameter
acceptUnaryFnRef(unaryFnIntIntVar) // expected-error{{passing value of type '(Int) -> Int' to an inout parameter requires explicit '&'}} {{20-20=&}}
func acceptFnFloatFloat(_ f: (Float) -> Float) {}
func acceptFnDoubleDouble(_ f: (Double) -> Double) {}
func passGeneric() {
// Simple deduction for generic member functions
struct SomeType {
func identity<T>(_ x: T) -> T { return x }
func identity2<T>(_ x: T) -> T { return x } // expected-note 2{{found this candidate}}
func identity2<T>(_ x: T) -> Float { } // expected-note 2{{found this candidate}}
func returnAs<T>() -> T {}
func testMemberDeduction(_ sti: SomeType, ii: Int, fi: Float) {
var st = sti, i = ii, f = fi
i = st.identity(i)
f = st.identity(f)
i = st.identity2(i)
f = st.identity2(f) // expected-error{{ambiguous use of 'identity2'}}
i = st.returnAs()
f = st.returnAs()
acceptFnFloatFloat(st.identity2) // expected-error{{ambiguous use of 'identity2'}}
struct StaticFuncs {
static func chameleon<T>() -> T {}
func chameleon2<T>() -> T {}
struct StaticFuncsGeneric<U> {
// FIXME: Nested generics are very broken
// static func chameleon<T>() -> T {}
func chameleon<T>() -> T {}
func testStatic(_ sf: StaticFuncs, sfi: StaticFuncsGeneric<Int>) {
var x: Int16
x = StaticFuncs.chameleon()
x = sf.chameleon2()
// FIXME: Nested generics are very broken
// x = sfi.chameleon()
// typealias SFI = StaticFuncsGeneric<Int>
// x = SFI.chameleon()
_ = x
// Deduction checking for constraints
protocol IsBefore {
func isBefore(_ other: Self) -> Bool
func min2<T : IsBefore>(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> T {
if y.isBefore(x) { return y }
return x
extension Int : IsBefore {
func isBefore(_ other: Int) -> Bool { return self < other }
func callMin(_ x: Int, y: Int, a: Float, b: Float) {
_ = min2(x, y)
min2(a, b) // expected-error{{argument type 'Float' does not conform to expected type 'IsBefore'}}
func rangeOfIsBefore<R : IteratorProtocol>(_ range: R) where R.Element : IsBefore {}
func callRangeOfIsBefore(_ ia: [Int], da: [Double]) {
rangeOfIsBefore(da.makeIterator()) // expected-error{{ambiguous reference to member 'makeIterator()'}}
// Deduction for member operators
protocol Addable {
static func +(x: Self, y: Self) -> Self
func addAddables<T : Addable, U>(_ x: T, y: T, u: U) -> T {
u + u // expected-error{{binary operator '+' cannot be applied to two 'U' operands}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for '+' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: }}
return x+y
// Deduction for bound generic types
struct MyVector<T> { func size() -> Int {} }
func getVectorSize<T>(_ v: MyVector<T>) -> Int {
return v.size()
func ovlVector<T>(_ v: MyVector<T>) -> X {}
func ovlVector<T>(_ v: MyVector<MyVector<T>>) -> Y {}
func testGetVectorSize(_ vi: MyVector<Int>, vf: MyVector<Float>) {
var i : Int
i = getVectorSize(vi)
i = getVectorSize(vf)
getVectorSize(i) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'MyVector<_>'}}
var x : X, y : Y
x = ovlVector(vi)
x = ovlVector(vf)
var vvi : MyVector<MyVector<Int>>
y = ovlVector(vvi)
var yy = ovlVector(vvi)
yy = y
y = yy
// <rdar://problem/15104554>
postfix operator <*>
protocol MetaFunction {
associatedtype Result
static postfix func <*> (_: Self) -> Result?
protocol Bool_ {}
struct False : Bool_ {}
struct True : Bool_ {}
postfix func <*> <B:Bool_>(_: Test<B>) -> Int? { return .none }
postfix func <*> (_: Test<True>) -> String? { return .none }
class Test<C: Bool_> : MetaFunction {
typealias Result = Int
} // picks first <*>
typealias Inty = Test<True>.Result
var iy : Inty = 5 // okay, because we picked the first <*>
var iy2 : Inty = "hello" // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'String' to specified type 'Inty' (aka 'Int')}}
// rdar://problem/20577950
class DeducePropertyParams {
let badSet: Set = ["Hello"]
// SR-69
struct A {}
func foo() {
for i in min(1,2) { // expected-error{{type 'Int' does not conform to protocol 'Sequence'}}
let j = min(Int(3), Float(2.5)) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Float' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
let k = min(A(), A()) // expected-error{{argument type 'A' does not conform to expected type 'Comparable'}}
let oi : Int? = 5
let l = min(3, oi) // expected-error{{value of optional type 'Int?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?}}