blob: 5a1c06cff20564f525aa256e63a0325fac086dc3 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift %clang-importer-sdk
import ctypes
func checkRawRepresentable<T: RawRepresentable>(_: T) {}
func checkEquatable<T: Equatable>(_: T) -> Bool {}
func checkEquatablePattern(_ c: Color) {
switch c {
case red: return
case green: return
case blue: return
func testColor() {
var c: Color = red
c = blue
_ = c.rawValue
_ = checkEquatable(c)
func testTribool() {
var b = Indeterminate
b = True
_ = b.rawValue
func testAnonEnum() {
var a = AnonConst1
a = AnonConst2
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
_ = a as CUnsignedLongLong
#elseif arch(x86_64) || arch(arm64) || arch(powerpc64) || arch(powerpc64le) || arch(s390x)
_ = a as CUnsignedLong
func testAnonEnumSmall() {
var a = AnonConstSmall1
a = AnonConstSmall2
_ = a as Int
func testPoint() -> Float {
var p: Point
p.x = 1.0
return p.y
func testAnonStructs() {
var a_s: AnonStructs
a_s.a = 5
a_s.b = 3.14
a_s.c = 7.5
func testUnnamedStructs() {
var u_s: UnnamedStructs
u_s.x.a = 1
u_s.x.b = 3.14
u_s.x.c = "error" // expected-error{{value of type 'UnnamedStructs.__Unnamed_struct_x' has no member 'c'}}
u_s.y.a = 3.14
u_s.y.b = 2
u_s.y.c = "error" // expected-error{{value of type 'UnnamedStructs.__Unnamed_struct_y' has no member 'c'}}
u_s.y.z.c = 3
u_s.y.z.d = "error" // expected-error{{value of type 'UnnamedStructs.__Unnamed_struct_y.__Unnamed_struct_z' has no member 'd'}}
let _ = u_s.x
let _: UnnamedStructs.__Unnamed_struct_x = u_s.x
// FIXME: Import pointers to opaque types as unique types.
func testPointers() {
_ = HWND(bitPattern: 0)
// Ensure that imported structs can be extended, even if typedef'ed on the C
// side.
func sqrt(_ x: Float) -> Float {}
func atan2(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> Float {}
extension Point {
func asPolar() -> (rho: Float, theta: Float) {
return (sqrt(x*x + y*y), atan2(x, y))
extension AnonStructs {
func frob() -> Double {
return Double(a) + Double(b) + c
func testFuncStructDisambiguation() {
let a : funcOrStruct
var i = funcOrStruct()
i = 5
_ = i
var a2 = funcOrStruct(i: 5)
a2 = a
_ = a2
func testVoid() {
var x: MyVoid // expected-error{{use of undeclared type 'MyVoid'}}
var word: Int = 0
var uword: UInt = 0
func testImportStdintTypes() {
var t9_unqual : Int = intptr_t_test
var t10_unqual : UInt = uintptr_t_test
t9_unqual = word
t10_unqual = uword
_ = t9_unqual
_ = t10_unqual
var t9_qual : intptr_t = 0 // no-warning
var t10_qual : uintptr_t = 0 // no-warning
t9_qual = word
t10_qual = uword
_ = t9_qual
_ = t10_qual
func testImportStddefTypes() {
let t1_unqual: Int = ptrdiff_t_test
let t2_unqual: Int = size_t_test
let t3_unqual: Int = rsize_t_test
_ = t1_unqual as ctypes.ptrdiff_t
_ = t2_unqual as ctypes.size_t
_ = t3_unqual as ctypes.rsize_t
func testImportSysTypesTypes() {
let t1_unqual: Int = ssize_t_test
_ = t1_unqual as ctypes.ssize_t
func testImportOSTypesTypes() {
var t1_unqual: CInt = SInt_test
var t2_unqual: CUnsignedInt = UInt_test
var t1_qual: ctypes.SInt = t1_unqual // expected-error {{no type named 'SInt' in module 'ctypes'}}
var t2_qual: ctypes.UInt = t2_unqual // expected-error {{no type named 'UInt' in module 'ctypes'}}
func testImportTagDeclsAndTypedefs() {
var t1 = FooStruct1(x: 0, y: 0.0)
t1.x = 0
t1.y = 0.0
var t2 = FooStruct2(x: 0, y: 0.0)
t2.x = 0
t2.y = 0.0
var t3 = FooStruct3(x: 0, y: 0.0)
t3.x = 0
t3.y = 0.0
var t4 = FooStruct4(x: 0, y: 0.0)
t4.x = 0
t4.y = 0.0
var t5 = FooStruct5(x: 0, y: 0.0)
t5.x = 0
t5.y = 0.0
var t6 = FooStruct6(x: 0, y: 0.0)
t6.x = 0
t6.y = 0.0
func testNoReturnStuff() {
couldReturnFunction() // not dead
couldReturnFunction() // not dead
couldReturnFunction() // dead
func testFunctionPointers() {
let fp = getFunctionPointer()
_ = fp as (@convention(c) (CInt) -> CInt)?
let wrapper: FunctionPointerWrapper = FunctionPointerWrapper(a: nil, b: nil)
_ = FunctionPointerWrapper(a: fp, b: fp)
_ = wrapper.b as (@convention(c) (CInt) -> CInt)
var anotherFP: @convention(c) (CInt, CLong, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Void
= getFunctionPointer2()
anotherFP = fp // expected-error {{cannot assign value of type 'fptr?' to type '@convention(c) (CInt, CLong, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Void'}}
func testStructDefaultInit() {
let _ = AnonStructs()
let _ = ModRM()
let _ = AnonUnion()
let _ = GLKVector4()
func testArrays() {
nonnullArrayParameters([], [], [])
nonnullArrayParameters(nil, [], []) // expected-error {{nil is not compatible with expected argument type 'UnsafePointer<Int8>'}}
nonnullArrayParameters([], nil, []) // expected-error {{nil is not compatible with expected argument type 'UnsafePointer<UnsafeMutableRawPointer?>'}}
nonnullArrayParameters([], [], nil) // expected-error {{nil is not compatible with expected argument type 'UnsafePointer<Int32>'}}
nullableArrayParameters([], [], [])
nullableArrayParameters(nil, nil, nil)
// It would also be nice to warn here about the arrays being too short, but
// that's probably beyond us for a while.
staticBoundsArray(nil) // no-error
func testVaList() {
withVaList([]) {
hasVaList($0) // okay
hasVaList(nil) // expected-error {{nil is not compatible with expected argument type 'CVaListPointer'}}