blob: 2c502f7af98fea6e81ebfb9c574e899f86903122 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- StructLayout.h - Structure layout ----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines some routines that are useful for performing
// structure layout.
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "swift/Basic/ClusteredBitVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "IRGen.h"
namespace llvm {
class Constant;
class StructType;
class Type;
class Value;
namespace swift {
namespace irgen {
class Address;
class IRGenFunction;
class IRGenModule;
class TypeInfo;
/// An algorithm for laying out a structure.
enum class LayoutStrategy {
/// Compute an optimal layout; there are no constraints at all.
/// The 'universal' strategy: all modules must agree on the layout.
/// The kind of object being laid out.
enum class LayoutKind {
/// A non-heap object does not require a heap header.
/// A heap object is destined to be allocated on the heap and must
/// be emitted with the standard heap header.
class NonFixedOffsetsImpl;
/// The type to pass around for non-fixed offsets.
typedef Optional<NonFixedOffsetsImpl*> NonFixedOffsets;
/// An abstract class for determining non-fixed offsets.
class NonFixedOffsetsImpl {
virtual ~NonFixedOffsetsImpl() = default;
/// Return the offset (in bytes, as a size_t) of the element with
/// the given index.
virtual llvm::Value *getOffsetForIndex(IRGenFunction &IGF,
unsigned index) = 0;
operator NonFixedOffsets() { return NonFixedOffsets(this); }
/// An element layout is the layout for a single element of some sort
/// of aggregate structure.
class ElementLayout {
enum class Kind {
/// The element is known to require no storage in the aggregate.
/// The element can be positioned at a fixed offset within the
/// aggregate.
/// The element cannot be positioned at a fixed offset within the
/// aggregate.
/// The element is an object lacking a fixed size but located at
/// offset zero. This is necessary because LLVM forbids even a
/// 'gep 0' on an unsized type.
enum : unsigned { IncompleteKind = 4 };
/// The swift type information for this element.
const TypeInfo *Type;
/// The offset in bytes from the start of the struct.
unsigned ByteOffset;
/// The index of this element, either in the LLVM struct (if fixed)
/// or in the non-fixed elements array (if non-fixed).
unsigned Index : 28;
/// Whether this element is known to be POD in the local resilience
/// domain.
unsigned IsPOD : 1;
/// The kind of layout performed for this element.
unsigned TheKind : 3;
explicit ElementLayout(const TypeInfo &type)
: Type(&type), TheKind(IncompleteKind) {}
bool isCompleted() const {
return (TheKind != IncompleteKind);
static ElementLayout getIncomplete(const TypeInfo &type) {
return ElementLayout(type);
void completeFrom(const ElementLayout &other) {
TheKind = other.TheKind;
IsPOD = other.IsPOD;
ByteOffset = other.ByteOffset;
Index = other.Index;
void completeEmpty(IsPOD_t isPOD, Size byteOffset) {
TheKind = unsigned(Kind::Empty);
IsPOD = unsigned(isPOD);
// We still want to give empty fields an offset for use by things like
// ObjC ivar emission. We use the first field in a class layout as the
// instanceStart.
ByteOffset = byteOffset.getValue();
Index = 0; // make a complete write of the bitfield
void completeInitialNonFixedSize(IsPOD_t isPOD) {
TheKind = unsigned(Kind::InitialNonFixedSize);
IsPOD = unsigned(isPOD);
Index = 0; // make a complete write of the bitfield
void completeFixed(IsPOD_t isPOD, Size byteOffset, unsigned structIndex) {
TheKind = unsigned(Kind::Fixed);
IsPOD = unsigned(isPOD);
ByteOffset = byteOffset.getValue();
Index = structIndex;
assert(getByteOffset() == byteOffset);
/// Complete this element layout with a non-fixed offset.
/// \param nonFixedElementIndex - the index into the elements array
void completeNonFixed(IsPOD_t isPOD, unsigned nonFixedElementIndex) {
TheKind = unsigned(Kind::NonFixed);
IsPOD = unsigned(isPOD);
Index = nonFixedElementIndex;
const TypeInfo &getType() const { return *Type; }
Kind getKind() const {
return Kind(TheKind);
/// Is this element known to be empty?
bool isEmpty() const {
return getKind() == Kind::Empty;
/// Is this element known to be POD?
IsPOD_t isPOD() const {
return IsPOD_t(IsPOD);
/// Given that this element has a fixed offset, return that offset in bytes.
Size getByteOffset() const {
assert(isCompleted() &&
(getKind() == Kind::Fixed || getKind() == Kind::Empty));
return Size(ByteOffset);
/// Given that this element has a fixed offset, return the index in
/// the LLVM struct.
unsigned getStructIndex() const {
assert(isCompleted() && getKind() == Kind::Fixed);
return Index;
/// Given that this element does not have a fixed offset, return its
/// index in the nonfixed-elements array.
unsigned getNonFixedElementIndex() const {
assert(isCompleted() && getKind() == Kind::NonFixed);
return Index;
Address project(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr,
NonFixedOffsets offsets,
const llvm::Twine &suffix = "") const;
/// A class for building a structure layout.
class StructLayoutBuilder {
IRGenModule &IGM;
SmallVector<llvm::Type*, 8> StructFields;
Size CurSize = Size(0);
Alignment CurAlignment = Alignment(1);
SpareBitVector CurSpareBits;
unsigned NextNonFixedOffsetIndex = 0;
bool IsFixedLayout = true;
IsPOD_t IsKnownPOD = IsPOD;
IsBitwiseTakable_t IsKnownBitwiseTakable = IsBitwiseTakable;
IsFixedSize_t IsKnownAlwaysFixedSize = IsFixedSize;
StructLayoutBuilder(IRGenModule &IGM) : IGM(IGM) {}
/// Add a swift heap header to the layout. This must be the first
/// call to the layout.
void addHeapHeader();
/// Add a number of fields to the layout. The field layouts need
/// only have the TypeInfo set; the rest will be filled out.
/// Returns true if the fields may have increased the storage
/// requirements of the layout.
bool addFields(llvm::MutableArrayRef<ElementLayout> fields,
LayoutStrategy strategy);
/// Return whether the layout is known to be empty.
bool empty() const { return IsFixedLayout && CurSize == Size(0); }
/// Return the current set of fields.
ArrayRef<llvm::Type *> getStructFields() const { return StructFields; }
/// Return whether the structure has a fixed-size layout.
bool isFixedLayout() const { return IsFixedLayout; }
/// Return whether the structure is known to be POD in the local
/// resilience scope.
IsPOD_t isPOD() const { return IsKnownPOD; }
/// Return whether the structure is known to be bitwise-takable in the local
/// resilience scope.
IsBitwiseTakable_t isBitwiseTakable() const {
return IsKnownBitwiseTakable;
/// Return whether the structure is known to be fixed-size in all
/// resilience scopes.
IsFixedSize_t isAlwaysFixedSize() const {
return IsKnownAlwaysFixedSize;
/// Return the size of the structure built so far.
Size getSize() const { return CurSize; }
/// Return the alignment of the structure built so far.
Alignment getAlignment() const { return CurAlignment; }
/// Return the spare bit mask of the structure built so far.
const SpareBitVector &getSpareBits() const { return CurSpareBits; }
/// Return the spare bit mask of the structure built so far.
SpareBitVector &getSpareBits() { return CurSpareBits; }
/// Build the current elements as a new anonymous struct type.
llvm::StructType *getAsAnonStruct() const;
/// Build the current elements as a new anonymous struct type.
void setAsBodyOfStruct(llvm::StructType *type) const;
void addFixedSizeElement(ElementLayout &elt);
void addNonFixedSizeElement(ElementLayout &elt);
void addEmptyElement(ElementLayout &elt);
void addElementAtFixedOffset(ElementLayout &elt);
void addElementAtNonFixedOffset(ElementLayout &elt);
void addNonFixedSizeElementAtOffsetZero(ElementLayout &elt);
/// Apply layout attributes such as @_alignment to the layout properties of a
/// type, diagnosing any problems with them.
void applyLayoutAttributes(IRGenModule &IGM,
CanType ty,
bool isFixedLayout,
/*inout*/ Alignment &alignment);
/// A struct layout is the result of laying out a complete structure.
class StructLayout {
/// The statically-known minimum bound on the alignment.
Alignment MinimumAlign;
/// The statically-known minimum bound on the size.
Size MinimumSize;
/// The statically-known spare bit mask.
SpareBitVector SpareBits;
/// Whether this layout is fixed in size. If so, the size and
/// alignment are exact.
bool IsFixedLayout;
IsPOD_t IsKnownPOD;
IsBitwiseTakable_t IsKnownBitwiseTakable;
IsFixedSize_t IsKnownAlwaysFixedSize = IsFixedSize;
CanType ASTTy;
llvm::Type *Ty;
SmallVector<ElementLayout, 8> Elements;
/// Create a structure layout.
/// \param strategy - how much leeway the algorithm has to rearrange
/// and combine the storage of fields
/// \param kind - the kind of layout to perform, including whether the
/// layout must include the reference-counting header
/// \param typeToFill - if present, must be an opaque type whose body
/// will be filled with this layout
StructLayout(IRGenModule &IGM, CanType astTy,
LayoutKind kind, LayoutStrategy strategy,
ArrayRef<const TypeInfo *> fields,
llvm::StructType *typeToFill = 0);
/// Create a structure layout from a builder.
StructLayout(const StructLayoutBuilder &builder,
CanType astTy,
llvm::Type *type,
ArrayRef<ElementLayout> elements)
: MinimumAlign(builder.getAlignment()),
Elements(elements.begin(), elements.end()) {}
/// Return the element layouts. This is parallel to the fields
/// passed in the constructor.
ArrayRef<ElementLayout> getElements() const { return Elements; }
const ElementLayout &getElement(unsigned i) const { return Elements[i]; }
llvm::Type *getType() const { return Ty; }
Size getSize() const { return MinimumSize; }
Alignment getAlignment() const { return MinimumAlign; }
const SpareBitVector &getSpareBits() const { return SpareBits; }
SpareBitVector &getSpareBits() { return SpareBits; }
bool isKnownEmpty() const { return isFixedLayout() && MinimumSize.isZero(); }
IsPOD_t isPOD() const { return IsKnownPOD; }
IsBitwiseTakable_t isBitwiseTakable() const {
return IsKnownBitwiseTakable;
IsFixedSize_t isAlwaysFixedSize() const {
return IsKnownAlwaysFixedSize;
bool isFixedLayout() const { return IsFixedLayout; }
llvm::Constant *emitSize(IRGenModule &IGM) const;
llvm::Constant *emitAlignMask(IRGenModule &IGM) const;
/// Bitcast the given pointer to this type.
Address emitCastTo(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *ptr,
const llvm::Twine &name = "") const;
Size getHeapHeaderSize(IRGenModule &IGM);
/// Different policies for accessing a physical field.
enum class FieldAccess : uint8_t {
/// Instance variable offsets are constant.
/// Instance variable offsets must be loaded from "direct offset"
/// global variables.
/// Instance variable offsets are kept in fields in metadata, but
/// the offsets of those fields within the metadata are constant.
/// Instance variable offsets are kept in fields in metadata, and
/// the offsets of those fields within the metadata must be loaded
/// from "indirect offset" global variables.
struct ClassLayout {
/// Lazily-initialized array of all fragile stored properties in the class
/// (including superclass stored properties).
ArrayRef<VarDecl*> AllStoredProperties;
/// Lazily-initialized array of all fragile stored properties inherited from
/// superclasses.
ArrayRef<VarDecl*> InheritedStoredProperties;
/// Lazily-initialized array of all field access methods.
ArrayRef<FieldAccess> AllFieldAccesses;
/// Does the class metadata require dynamic initialization.
bool MetadataRequiresDynamicInitialization;
unsigned getFieldIndex(VarDecl *field) const {
// FIXME: This is algorithmically terrible.
auto found = std::find(AllStoredProperties.begin(),
AllStoredProperties.end(), field);
assert(found != AllStoredProperties.end() && "didn't find field in type?!");
return found - AllStoredProperties.begin();
} // end namespace irgen
} // end namespace swift