blob: 4e1c351671d58e33886f96824d65817017bbdd7a [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DiagnosticEngine.cpp - Diagnostic Display Engine -----------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the DiagnosticEngine class, which manages any diagnostics
// emitted by Swift.
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticEngine.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTPrinter.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/Pattern.h"
#include "swift/AST/PrintOptions.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeRepr.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Lexer.h" // bad dependency
#include "swift/Config.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
using namespace swift;
namespace {
enum class DiagnosticOptions {
/// No options.
/// The location of this diagnostic points to the beginning of the first
/// token that the parser considers invalid. If this token is located at the
/// beginning of the line, then the location is adjusted to point to the end
/// of the previous token.
/// This behavior improves experience for "expected token X" diagnostics.
/// After a fatal error subsequent diagnostics are suppressed.
struct StoredDiagnosticInfo {
DiagnosticKind kind : 2;
bool pointsToFirstBadToken : 1;
bool isFatal : 1;
StoredDiagnosticInfo(DiagnosticKind k, bool firstBadToken, bool fatal)
: kind(k), pointsToFirstBadToken(firstBadToken), isFatal(fatal) {}
StoredDiagnosticInfo(DiagnosticKind k, DiagnosticOptions opts)
: StoredDiagnosticInfo(k,
opts == DiagnosticOptions::PointsToFirstBadToken,
opts == DiagnosticOptions::Fatal) {}
// Reproduce the DiagIDs, as we want both the size and access to the raw ids
// themselves.
enum LocalDiagID : uint32_t {
#define DIAG(KIND, ID, Options, Text, Signature) ID,
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsAll.def"
} // end anonymous namespace
// TODO: categorization
static StoredDiagnosticInfo storedDiagnosticInfos[] = {
#define ERROR(ID, Options, Text, Signature) \
StoredDiagnosticInfo(DiagnosticKind::Error, DiagnosticOptions::Options),
#define WARNING(ID, Options, Text, Signature) \
StoredDiagnosticInfo(DiagnosticKind::Warning, DiagnosticOptions::Options),
#define NOTE(ID, Options, Text, Signature) \
StoredDiagnosticInfo(DiagnosticKind::Note, DiagnosticOptions::Options),
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsAll.def"
static_assert(sizeof(storedDiagnosticInfos) / sizeof(StoredDiagnosticInfo) ==
"array size mismatch");
static const char *diagnosticStrings[] = {
#define ERROR(ID, Options, Text, Signature) Text,
#define WARNING(ID, Options, Text, Signature) Text,
#define NOTE(ID, Options, Text, Signature) Text,
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsAll.def"
"<not a diagnostic>",
DiagnosticState::DiagnosticState() {
// Initialize our per-diagnostic state to default
perDiagnosticBehavior.resize(LocalDiagID::NumDiags, Behavior::Unspecified);
static CharSourceRange toCharSourceRange(SourceManager &SM, SourceRange SR) {
return CharSourceRange(SM, SR.Start, Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM, SR.End));
static CharSourceRange toCharSourceRange(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Start,
SourceLoc End) {
return CharSourceRange(SM, Start, End);
/// \brief Extract a character at \p Loc. If \p Loc is the end of the buffer,
/// return '\f'.
static char extractCharAfter(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc) {
auto chars = SM.extractText({Loc, 1});
return chars.empty() ? '\f' : chars[0];
/// \brief Extract a character immediately before \p Loc. If \p Loc is the
/// start of the buffer, return '\f'.
static char extractCharBefore(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc) {
// We have to be careful not to go off the front of the buffer.
auto bufferID = SM.findBufferContainingLoc(Loc);
auto bufferRange = SM.getRangeForBuffer(bufferID);
if (bufferRange.getStart() == Loc)
return '\f';
auto chars = SM.extractText({Loc.getAdvancedLoc(-1), 1}, bufferID);
assert(!chars.empty() && "Couldn't extractText with valid range");
return chars[0];
InFlightDiagnostic &InFlightDiagnostic::highlight(SourceRange R) {
assert(IsActive && "Cannot modify an inactive diagnostic");
if (Engine && R.isValid())
.addRange(toCharSourceRange(Engine->SourceMgr, R));
return *this;
InFlightDiagnostic &InFlightDiagnostic::highlightChars(SourceLoc Start,
SourceLoc End) {
assert(IsActive && "Cannot modify an inactive diagnostic");
if (Engine && Start.isValid())
.addRange(toCharSourceRange(Engine->SourceMgr, Start, End));
return *this;
/// \brief Add an insertion fix-it to the currently-active diagnostic. The
/// text is inserted immediately *after* the token specified.
InFlightDiagnostic &InFlightDiagnostic::fixItInsertAfter(SourceLoc L,
StringRef Str) {
L = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(Engine->SourceMgr, L);
return fixItInsert(L, Str);
/// \brief Add a token-based removal fix-it to the currently-active
/// diagnostic.
InFlightDiagnostic &InFlightDiagnostic::fixItRemove(SourceRange R) {
assert(IsActive && "Cannot modify an inactive diagnostic");
if (R.isInvalid() || !Engine) return *this;
// Convert from a token range to a CharSourceRange, which points to the end of
// the token we want to remove.
auto &SM = Engine->SourceMgr;
auto charRange = toCharSourceRange(SM, R);
// If we're removing something (e.g. a keyword), do a bit of extra work to
// make sure that we leave the code in a good place, without extraneous white
// space around its hole. Specifically, check to see there is whitespace
// before and after the end of range. If so, nuke the space afterward to keep
// things consistent.
if (extractCharAfter(SM, charRange.getEnd()) == ' ' &&
isspace(extractCharBefore(SM, charRange.getStart()))) {
charRange = CharSourceRange(charRange.getStart(),
Engine->getActiveDiagnostic().addFixIt(Diagnostic::FixIt(charRange, {}));
return *this;
InFlightDiagnostic &InFlightDiagnostic::fixItReplace(SourceRange R,
StringRef Str) {
if (Str.empty())
return fixItRemove(R);
assert(IsActive && "Cannot modify an inactive diagnostic");
if (R.isInvalid() || !Engine) return *this;
auto &SM = Engine->SourceMgr;
auto charRange = toCharSourceRange(SM, R);
// If we're replacing with something that wants spaces around it, do a bit of
// extra work so that we don't suggest extra spaces.
if (Str.back() == ' ') {
if (isspace(extractCharAfter(SM, charRange.getEnd())))
Str = Str.drop_back();
if (!Str.empty() && Str.front() == ' ') {
if (isspace(extractCharBefore(SM, charRange.getStart())))
Str = Str.drop_front();
Engine->getActiveDiagnostic().addFixIt(Diagnostic::FixIt(charRange, Str));
return *this;
InFlightDiagnostic &InFlightDiagnostic::fixItReplaceChars(SourceLoc Start,
SourceLoc End,
StringRef Str) {
assert(IsActive && "Cannot modify an inactive diagnostic");
if (Engine && Start.isValid())
toCharSourceRange(Engine->SourceMgr, Start, End), Str));
return *this;
InFlightDiagnostic &InFlightDiagnostic::fixItExchange(SourceRange R1,
SourceRange R2) {
assert(IsActive && "Cannot modify an inactive diagnostic");
auto &SM = Engine->SourceMgr;
// Convert from a token range to a CharSourceRange
auto charRange1 = toCharSourceRange(SM, R1);
auto charRange2 = toCharSourceRange(SM, R2);
// Extract source text.
auto text1 = SM.extractText(charRange1);
auto text2 = SM.extractText(charRange2);
.addFixIt(Diagnostic::FixIt(charRange1, text2));
.addFixIt(Diagnostic::FixIt(charRange2, text1));
return *this;
void InFlightDiagnostic::flush() {
if (!IsActive)
IsActive = false;
if (Engine)
bool DiagnosticEngine::isDiagnosticPointsToFirstBadToken(DiagID ID) const {
return storedDiagnosticInfos[(unsigned) ID].pointsToFirstBadToken;
/// \brief Skip forward to one of the given delimiters.
/// \param Text The text to search through, which will be updated to point
/// just after the delimiter.
/// \param Delim1 The first character delimiter to search for.
/// \param Delim2 The second character delimiter to search for.
/// \returns The string leading up to the delimiter, or the empty string
/// if no delimiter is found.
static StringRef
skipToDelimiter(StringRef &Text, char Delim1, char Delim2 = 0) {
unsigned Depth = 0;
unsigned I = 0;
for (unsigned N = Text.size(); I != N; ++I) {
if (Text[I] == '{') {
if (Depth > 0) {
if (Text[I] == '}')
if (Text[I] == Delim1 || Text[I] == Delim2)
assert(Depth == 0 && "Unbalanced {} set in diagnostic text");
StringRef Result = Text.substr(0, I);
Text = Text.substr(I + 1);
return Result;
static void formatDiagnosticText(StringRef InText,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticArgument> Args,
llvm::raw_ostream &Out);
/// Handle the integer 'select' modifier. This is used like this:
/// %select{foo|bar|baz}2. This means that the integer argument "%2" has a
/// value from 0-2. If the value is 0, the diagnostic prints 'foo'.
/// If the value is 1, it prints 'bar'. If it has the value 2, it prints 'baz'.
/// This is very useful for certain classes of variant diagnostics.
static void formatSelectionArgument(StringRef ModifierArguments,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticArgument> Args,
unsigned SelectedIndex,
llvm::raw_ostream &Out) {
do {
StringRef Text = skipToDelimiter(ModifierArguments, '|');
if (SelectedIndex == 0) {
formatDiagnosticText(Text, Args, Out);
} while (true);
/// \brief Format a single diagnostic argument and write it to the given
/// stream.
static void formatDiagnosticArgument(StringRef Modifier,
StringRef ModifierArguments,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticArgument> Args,
unsigned ArgIndex,
llvm::raw_ostream &Out) {
const DiagnosticArgument &Arg = Args[ArgIndex];
switch (Arg.getKind()) {
case DiagnosticArgumentKind::Integer:
if (Modifier == "select") {
assert(Arg.getAsInteger() >= 0 && "Negative selection index");
formatSelectionArgument(ModifierArguments, Args, Arg.getAsInteger(),
} else if (Modifier == "s") {
if (Arg.getAsInteger() != 1)
Out << 's';
} else {
assert(Modifier.empty() && "Improper modifier for integer argument");
Out << Arg.getAsInteger();
case DiagnosticArgumentKind::Unsigned:
if (Modifier == "select") {
formatSelectionArgument(ModifierArguments, Args, Arg.getAsUnsigned(),
} else if (Modifier == "s") {
if (Arg.getAsUnsigned() != 1)
Out << 's';
} else {
assert(Modifier.empty() && "Improper modifier for unsigned argument");
Out << Arg.getAsUnsigned();
case DiagnosticArgumentKind::String:
assert(Modifier.empty() && "Improper modifier for string argument");
Out << Arg.getAsString();
case DiagnosticArgumentKind::Identifier:
assert(Modifier.empty() && "Improper modifier for identifier argument");
Out << '\'';
Out << '\'';
case DiagnosticArgumentKind::ObjCSelector:
assert(Modifier.empty() && "Improper modifier for selector argument");
Out << '\'' << Arg.getAsObjCSelector() << '\'';
case DiagnosticArgumentKind::Type: {
assert(Modifier.empty() && "Improper modifier for Type argument");
// Strip extraneous parentheses; they add no value.
auto type = Arg.getAsType()->getWithoutParens();
std::string typeName = type->getString();
Out << '\'' << typeName << '\'';
// Decide whether to show the desugared type or not. We filter out some
// cases to avoid too much noise.
bool showAKA = !type->isCanonical();
// If we're complaining about a function type, don't "aka" just because of
// differences in the argument or result types.
if (showAKA && type->is<AnyFunctionType>() &&
showAKA = false;
// Don't unwrap intentional sugar types like T? or [T].
if (showAKA && (isa<SyntaxSugarType>(type.getPointer()) ||
isa<DictionaryType>(type.getPointer()) ||
showAKA = false;
// If they are textually the same, don't show them. This can happen when
// they are actually different types, because they exist in different scopes
// (e.g. everyone names their type parameters 'T').
if (showAKA && typeName == type->getCanonicalType()->getString())
showAKA = false;
// Don't show generic type parameters.
if (showAKA && type->getCanonicalType()->hasTypeParameter())
showAKA = false;
if (showAKA)
Out << " (aka '" << type->getCanonicalType() << "')";
case DiagnosticArgumentKind::TypeRepr:
assert(Modifier.empty() && "Improper modifier for TypeRepr argument");
Out << '\'' << Arg.getAsTypeRepr() << '\'';
case DiagnosticArgumentKind::PatternKind:
assert(Modifier.empty() && "Improper modifier for PatternKind argument");
Out << Arg.getAsPatternKind();
case DiagnosticArgumentKind::StaticSpellingKind:
if (Modifier == "select") {
formatSelectionArgument(ModifierArguments, Args,
unsigned(Arg.getAsStaticSpellingKind()), Out);
} else {
assert(Modifier.empty() &&
"Improper modifier for StaticSpellingKind argument");
Out << Arg.getAsStaticSpellingKind();
case DiagnosticArgumentKind::DescriptiveDeclKind:
assert(Modifier.empty() &&
"Improper modifier for DescriptiveDeclKind argument");
Out << Decl::getDescriptiveKindName(Arg.getAsDescriptiveDeclKind());
case DiagnosticArgumentKind::DeclAttribute:
assert(Modifier.empty() &&
"Improper modifier for DeclAttribute argument");
if (Arg.getAsDeclAttribute()->isDeclModifier())
Out << '\'' << Arg.getAsDeclAttribute()->getAttrName() << '\'';
Out << '@' << Arg.getAsDeclAttribute()->getAttrName();
case DiagnosticArgumentKind::VersionTuple:
assert(Modifier.empty() &&
"Improper modifier for VersionTuple argument");
Out << Arg.getAsVersionTuple().getAsString();
/// \brief Format the given diagnostic text and place the result in the given
/// buffer.
static void formatDiagnosticText(StringRef InText,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticArgument> Args,
llvm::raw_ostream &Out) {
while (!InText.empty()) {
size_t Percent = InText.find('%');
if (Percent == StringRef::npos) {
// Write the rest of the string; we're done.
Out.write(, InText.size());
// Write the string up to (but not including) the %, then drop that text
// (including the %).
Out.write(, Percent);
InText = InText.substr(Percent + 1);
// '%%' -> '%'.
if (InText[0] == '%') {
InText = InText.substr(1);
// Parse an optional modifier.
StringRef Modifier;
unsigned Length = 0;
while (isalpha(InText[Length]))
Modifier = InText.substr(0, Length);
InText = InText.substr(Length);
// Parse the optional argument list for a modifier, which is brace-enclosed.
StringRef ModifierArguments;
if (InText[0] == '{') {
InText = InText.substr(1);
ModifierArguments = skipToDelimiter(InText, '}');
// Find the digit sequence.
unsigned Length = 0;
for (size_t N = InText.size(); Length != N; ++Length) {
if (!isdigit(InText[Length]))
// Parse the digit sequence into an argument index.
unsigned ArgIndex;
bool Result = InText.substr(0, Length).getAsInteger(10, ArgIndex);
assert(!Result && "Unparseable argument index value?");
assert(ArgIndex < Args.size() && "Out-of-range argument index");
InText = InText.substr(Length);
// Convert the argument to a string.
formatDiagnosticArgument(Modifier, ModifierArguments, Args, ArgIndex, Out);
static DiagnosticKind toDiagnosticKind(DiagnosticState::Behavior behavior) {
switch (behavior) {
case DiagnosticState::Behavior::Unspecified:
llvm_unreachable("unspecified behavior");
case DiagnosticState::Behavior::Ignore:
llvm_unreachable("trying to map an ignored diagnostic");
case DiagnosticState::Behavior::Error:
case DiagnosticState::Behavior::Fatal:
return DiagnosticKind::Error;
case DiagnosticState::Behavior::Note:
return DiagnosticKind::Note;
case DiagnosticState::Behavior::Warning:
return DiagnosticKind::Warning;
DiagnosticState::Behavior DiagnosticState::determineBehavior(DiagID id) {
auto set = [this](DiagnosticState::Behavior lvl) {
if (lvl == Behavior::Fatal) {
fatalErrorOccurred = true;
anyErrorOccurred = true;
} else if (lvl == Behavior::Error) {
anyErrorOccurred = true;
previousBehavior = lvl;
return lvl;
// We determine how to handle a diagnostic based on the following rules
// 1) If current state dictates a certain behavior, follow that
// 2) If the user provided a behavior for this specific diagnostic, follow
// that
// 3) If the user provided a behavior for this diagnostic's kind, follow
// that
// 4) Otherwise remap the diagnostic kind
auto diagInfo = storedDiagnosticInfos[(unsigned)id];
bool isNote = diagInfo.kind == DiagnosticKind::Note;
// 1) If current state dictates a certain behavior, follow that
// Notes relating to ignored diagnostics should also be ignored
if (previousBehavior == Behavior::Ignore && isNote)
return set(Behavior::Ignore);
// Suppress diagnostics when in a fatal state, except for follow-on notes
if (fatalErrorOccurred)
if (!showDiagnosticsAfterFatalError && !isNote)
return set(Behavior::Ignore);
// 2) If the user provided a behavior for this specific diagnostic, follow
// that
if (perDiagnosticBehavior[(unsigned)id] != Behavior::Unspecified)
return set(perDiagnosticBehavior[(unsigned)id]);
// 3) If the user provided a behavior for this diagnostic's kind, follow
// that
if (diagInfo.kind == DiagnosticKind::Warning) {
if (suppressWarnings)
return set(Behavior::Ignore);
if (warningsAsErrors)
return set(Behavior::Error);
// 4) Otherwise remap the diagnostic kind
switch (diagInfo.kind) {
case DiagnosticKind::Note:
return set(Behavior::Note);
case DiagnosticKind::Error:
return set(diagInfo.isFatal ? Behavior::Fatal : Behavior::Error);
case DiagnosticKind::Warning:
return set(Behavior::Warning);
void DiagnosticEngine::flushActiveDiagnostic() {
assert(ActiveDiagnostic && "No active diagnostic to flush");
if (TransactionCount == 0) {
} else {
void DiagnosticEngine::emitTentativeDiagnostics() {
for (auto &diag : TentativeDiagnostics) {
void DiagnosticEngine::emitDiagnostic(const Diagnostic &diagnostic) {
auto behavior = state.determineBehavior(diagnostic.getID());
if (behavior == DiagnosticState::Behavior::Ignore)
// Figure out the source location.
SourceLoc loc = diagnostic.getLoc();
if (loc.isInvalid() && diagnostic.getDecl()) {
const Decl *decl = diagnostic.getDecl();
// If a declaration was provided instead of a location, and that declaration
// has a location we can point to, use that location.
loc = decl->getLoc();
if (loc.isInvalid()) {
// There is no location we can point to. Pretty-print the declaration
// so we can point to it.
SourceLoc ppLoc = PrettyPrintedDeclarations[decl];
if (ppLoc.isInvalid()) {
class TrackingPrinter : public StreamPrinter {
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<const Decl *, uint64_t>> &Entries;
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<const Decl *, uint64_t>> &Entries,
raw_ostream &OS) :
StreamPrinter(OS), Entries(Entries) {}
void printDeclLoc(const Decl *D) override {
Entries.push_back({ D, OS.tell() });
SmallVector<std::pair<const Decl *, uint64_t>, 8> entries;
llvm::SmallString<128> buffer;
llvm::SmallString<128> bufferName;
// Figure out which declaration to print. It's the top-most
// declaration (not a module).
const Decl *ppDecl = decl;
auto dc = decl->getDeclContext();
// FIXME: Horrible, horrible hackaround. We're not getting a
// DeclContext everywhere we should.
if (!dc) {
while (!dc->isModuleContext()) {
switch (dc->getContextKind()) {
case DeclContextKind::Module:
llvm_unreachable("Not in a module context!");
case DeclContextKind::FileUnit:
case DeclContextKind::TopLevelCodeDecl:
case DeclContextKind::ExtensionDecl:
ppDecl = cast<ExtensionDecl>(dc);
case DeclContextKind::GenericTypeDecl:
ppDecl = cast<GenericTypeDecl>(dc);
case DeclContextKind::SerializedLocal:
case DeclContextKind::Initializer:
case DeclContextKind::AbstractClosureExpr:
case DeclContextKind::AbstractFunctionDecl:
case DeclContextKind::SubscriptDecl:
dc = dc->getParent();
// Build the module name path (in reverse), which we use to
// build the name of the buffer.
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> nameComponents;
while (dc) {
dc = dc->getParent();
for (unsigned i = nameComponents.size(); i; --i) {
bufferName += nameComponents[i-1];
bufferName += '.';
if (auto value = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(ppDecl)) {
bufferName += value->getNameStr();
} else if (auto ext = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(ppDecl)) {
bufferName += ext->getExtendedType().getString();
// Pretty-print the declaration we've picked.
llvm::raw_svector_ostream out(buffer);
TrackingPrinter printer(entries, out);
ppDecl->print(printer, PrintOptions::printForDiagnostics());
// Build a buffer with the pretty-printed declaration.
auto bufferID = SourceMgr.addMemBufferCopy(buffer, bufferName);
auto memBufferStartLoc = SourceMgr.getLocForBufferStart(bufferID);
// Go through all of the pretty-printed entries and record their
// locations.
for (auto entry : entries) {
PrettyPrintedDeclarations[entry.first] =
// Grab the pretty-printed location.
ppLoc = PrettyPrintedDeclarations[decl];
loc = ppLoc;
// Actually substitute the diagnostic arguments into the diagnostic text.
llvm::SmallString<256> Text;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream Out(Text);
diagnostic.getArgs(), Out);
// Pass the diagnostic off to the consumer.
DiagnosticInfo Info;
Info.ID = diagnostic.getID();
Info.Ranges = diagnostic.getRanges();
Info.FixIts = diagnostic.getFixIts();
for (auto &Consumer : Consumers) {
Consumer->handleDiagnostic(SourceMgr, loc, toDiagnosticKind(behavior), Text,