blob: b5f4346de8ee9d4074a6ccf209289b70fd4448c1 [file] [log] [blame]
.. @raise litre.TestsAreMissing
In-Place Operations
:Author: Dave Abrahams
:Author: Joe Groff
:Abstract: The goal of efficiently processing complex data structures
leads naturally to pairs of related operations such as ``+`` and
``+=``: one that produces a new value, and another that mutates on
the data structure in-place. By formalizing the relationship and
adding syntactic affordances, we can make these pairs easier to work
with and accelerate the evaluation of some common expressions.
In recent standard library design meetings about the proper API for
sets, it was decided that the canonical ``Set`` interface should be
written in terms of methods: [#operators]_ ::
struct Set<Element> {
public func contains(_ x: Element) -> Bool // x ∈ A, A ∋ x
public func isSubsetOf(_ b: Set<Element>) -> Bool // A ⊆ B
public func isStrictSubsetOf(_ b: Set<Element>) -> Bool // A ⊂ B
public func isSupersetOf(_ b: Set<Element>) -> Bool // A ⊇ B
public func isStrictSupersetOf(_ b: Set<Element>) -> Bool // A ⊃ B
When we started to look at the specifics, however, we ran into a
familiar pattern::
public func union(_ b: Set<Element>) -> Set<Element> // A ∪ B
public mutating func unionInPlace(_ b: Set<Element>) // A ∪= B
public func intersect(_ b: Set<Element>) -> Set<Element> // A ∩ B
public mutating func intersectInPlace(_ b: Set<Element>) // A ∩= B
public func subtract(_ b: Set<Element>) -> Set<Element> // A - B
public mutating func subtractInPlace(_ b: Set<Element>) // A -= B
public func exclusiveOr(_ b: Set<Element>) -> Set<Element> // A ⊕ B
public mutating func exclusiveOrInPlace(_ b: Set<Element>) // A ⊕= B
We had seen the same pattern when considering the API for
``String``, but in that case, there are no obvious operator
spellings in all of Unicode. For example::
struct String {
public func uppercase() -> String
public mutating func uppercaseInPlace()
public func lowercase() -> String
public mutating func lowercaseInPlace()
public func replace(
_ pattern: String, with replacement: String) -> String
public mutating func replaceInPlace(
_ pattern: String, with replacement: String)
public func trim() -> String
public mutating func trimInPlace()
It also comes up with generic algorithms such as ``sort()`` (which is
mutating) and ``sorted()``, the corresponding non-mutating version.
We see at least four problems with this kind of API:
1. The lack of a uniform naming convention is problematic. People
have already complained about the asymmetry between mutating
``sort()``, and non-mutating ``reverse()``. The pattern used by
``sort()`` and ``sorted()`` doesn't apply everywhere, and penalizes
the non-mutating form, which should be the more economical of the two.
2. Naming conventions that work everywhere and penalize the mutating
form are awkward. In the case of ``String`` it was considered bad
enough that we didn't bother with the mutating versions of any
operations other than concatenation (which we spelled using ``+``
and ``+=``).
3. Producing a complete interface that defines both variants of each
operation is needlessly tedious. A working (if non-optimal)
mutating version of ``op(x: T, y: U) -> T`` can always be defined
as ::
func opInPlace(x: inout T, y: U) {
x = op(x, y)
Default implementations in protocols could do a lot to relieve
tedium here, but cranking out the same ``xxxInPlace`` pattern for
each ``xxx`` still amounts to a lot of boilerplate.
4. Without formalizing the relationship between the mutating and
non-mutating functions, we lose optimization opportunities. For
example, it should be possible for the compiler to rewrite ::
let x = a.intersect(b).intersect(c).intersect(d)
as ::
var t = a.intersect(b)
let x = t
for efficiency, without forcing the user to sacrifice expressivity.
This optimization would generalize naturally to more common idioms
such as::
let newString = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4
Given all the right conditions, it is true that a similar
optimization can be made at runtime for COW data structures using a
uniqueness check on the left-hand operand. However, that approach
only applies to COW data structures, and penalizes other cases.
The Proposal
Our proposal has four basic components:
1. Solve the naming convention problem by giving the mutating and
non-mutating functions the same name.
2. Establish clarity at the point of use by extending the language to
support a concise yet distinctive syntax for invoking the mutating
3. Eliminate tedium by allowing mutating functions to be automatically
generated from non-mutating ones, and, for value types, vice-versa
(doing this for reference types is problematic due to the lack of a
standard syntax for copying the referent).
4. Support optimization by placing semantic requirements on mutating
and non-mutating versions of the same operation, and allowing the
compiler to make substitutions.
Use One Simple Name
There should be one simple name for both in-place and non-mutating
sorting: ``sort``. Set union should be spelled ``union``. This
unification bypasses the knotty problem of naming conventions and
makes code cleaner and more readable.
When these paired operations are free functions, we can easily
distinguish the mutating versions by the presence of the address-of
operator on the left-hand side::
let z = union(x, y) // non-mutating
union(&x, y) // mutating
Methods are a more interesting case, since on mutating methods,
``self`` is *implicitly* ``inout``::
x.union(y) // mutating or non-mutating?
We propose to allow method pairs of the form:
.. parsed-literal::
extension **X** {
func *f*\ (p₀: T₀, p₁: T₁, p₂: T₂, p\ *n*: T\ *n*) -> **X**
func **=**\ *f*\ (p₀: T₀, p₁: T₁, p₂: T₂, p\ *n*: T\ *n*) -> **Void**
The second ``=f`` method is known as an **assignment method** [#getset]_.
Assignment methods are implicitly ``mutating``.
Together these two methods, ``f`` and ``=f``, are known as an
**assignment method pair**. This concept generalizes in obvious ways
to pairs of generic methods, details open for discussion.
An assignment method is only accessible via a special syntax, for
.. parsed-literal::
x\ **.=**\ union(y)
The target of an assignment method is always required, even when the
target is ``self``::
extension Set {
mutating func frob(_ other: Set) {
let brick = union(other) // self.union(other) implied
self.=union(other) // calls the assignment method
union(other) // warning: result ignored
Assignment Operator Pairs
Many operators have assignment forms, for instance, ``+`` has ``+=``, ``-``
has ``-=``, and so on. However, not all operators do; ``!=`` is not the
assignment form of ``!``, nor is ``<=`` the assignment form of ``<``. Operators
with assignment forms can declare this fact in their ``operator`` declaration:
.. parsed-literal::
infix operator + {
For an operator *op* which ``has_assignment``, a pair of operator definitions
of the form:
.. parsed-literal::
func *op*\ (**X**, Y) -> **X**
func *op*\ =(**inout X**, Y) -> **Void**
is known as an **assignment operator pair**, and similar
generalization to pairs of generic operators is possible.
To avoid confusion, the existing ``assignment`` operator modifier, which
indicates that an operator receives one of its operands implicitly ``inout``,
shall be renamed ``mutating``, since it can also be applied to non-assignment
.. parsed-literal::
postfix operator ++ {
**mutating** // formerly "assignment"
If an operator ``op`` which ``has_assignment`` is in scope, it is an error to
declare ``op=`` as an independent operator:
.. parsed-literal::
operator *☃* { has_assignment }
// Error: '☃=' is the assignment form of existing operator '☃'
operator *☃=* { has_assignment }
Eliminating Tedious Boilerplate
Generating the In-Place Form
Given an ordinary method of a type ``X``:
.. parsed-literal::
extension **X** {
func *f*\ (p₀: T₀, p₁: T₁, p₂: T₂, p\ *n*: T\ *n*) -> **X**
if there is no corresponding *assignment method* in ``X`` with the signature
.. parsed-literal::
extension **X** {
func *=f*\ (p₀: T₀, p₁: T₁, p₂: T₂, p\ *n*: T\ *n*) -> **Void**
we can compile the statement
.. parsed-literal::
x\ **.=**\ *f*\ (a₀, p₁: a₁, p₂: a₂, p\ *n*: a\ *n*)
as though it were written:
.. parsed-literal::
x **= x.**\ *f*\ (a₀, p₁: a₁, p₂: a₂, p\ *n*: a\ *n*)
Generating the Non-Mutating Form
Given an *assignment method* of a value type ``X``:
.. parsed-literal::
extension **X** {
func *=f*\ (p₀: T₀, p₁: T₁, p₂: T₂, p\ *n*: T\ *n*) -> **Void**
if there is no method in ``X`` with the signature
.. parsed-literal::
extension **X** {
func *f*\ (p₀: T₀, p₁: T₁, p₂: T₂, p\ *n*: T\ *n*) -> **X**
we can compile the expression
.. parsed-literal::
**x.**\ *f*\ (a₀, p₁: a₁, p₂: a₂, p\ *n*: a\ *n*)
as though it were written:
.. parsed-literal::
(var y: X) -> X in
y\ **.=**\ *f*\ (a₀, p₁: a₁, p₂: a₂, p\ *n*: a\ *n*)
return y
Generating Operator Forms
If only one member of an *assignment operator pair* is defined, similar
rules allow the generation of code using the other member. E.g.
we can compile
.. parsed-literal::
x *op*\ **=** *expression*
as though it were written:
.. parsed-literal::
x **=** x *op* (*expression*)
.. parsed-literal::
x *op* *expression*
as though it were written:
.. parsed-literal::
(var y: X) -> X in
y *op*\ **=**\ *expression*
return y
Class Types
Assignment and operators are generally applied to value types, but
it's reasonable to ask how to apply them to class types. The first
and most obvious requirement, in our opinion, is that immutable class
types, which are fundamentally values, should work properly.
An assignment operator for an immutable class ``X`` always has the form:
.. parsed-literal::
func *op*\ **=** (lhs: **inout** X, rhs: Y) {
lhs = *expression creating a new X object*
or, with COW optimization:
.. parsed-literal::
func *op*\ **=** (lhs: **inout** X, rhs: Y) {
if isUniquelyReferenced(&lhs) {
lhs.\ *mutateInPlace*\ (rhs)
else {
lhs = *expression creating a new X object*
Notice that compiling either form depends on an assignment to ``lhs``.
A method of a class, however, cannot assign to ``self``, so no
explicitly-written assignment method can work properly for an
immutable class. Therefore, at *least* until there is a way to reseat ``self``
in a method, explicitly-written assignment methods must be banned for
class types::
// Invalid code:
class Foo {
let x: Int
required init(x: Int) { self.x = x }
func advanced(_ amount: Int) -> Self {
return Self(x: self.x + amount)
// Error, because we can't reseat self in a class method
func =advanced(amount: Int) {
self = Self(x: self.x + amount)
// This would also be inappropriate, since it would violate value
// semantics:
// self.x += amount
That said, given an explicitly-written
non-assignment method that produces a new instance, the rules given
above for implicitly-generated assignment method semantics work just
// Valid code:
class Foo {
let x: Int
required init(x: Int) { self.x = x }
func advanced(_ amount: Int) -> Self {
return Self(x: self.x + amount)
var foo = Foo(x: 5)
// Still OK; exactly the same as foo = foo.advanced(10)
The alternative would be to say that explicitly-written assignment methods
cannot work properly for immutable classes and "work" with reference
semantics on other classes. We consider this approach indefensible,
especially when one considers that operators encourage writing
algorithms that can only work properly with value semantics and will
show up in protocols.
Assignment Methods and Operators In Protocols
The presence of a ``=method`` signature in the protocol implies that
the corresponding non-assignment signature is available. Declaring
``=method`` in a protocol generates two witness table
slots, one for each method of the implied pair. If the
``=method`` signature is provided in the protocol, any
corresponding non-assignment ``method`` signature is ignored. A type can
satisfy the protocol requirement by providing either or both members
of the pair; a thunk for the missing member of the pair is generated
as needed.
When only the non-assignment ``method`` member of a pair appears in the
protocol, it generates only one witness table slot. The assignment
signature is implicitly available on existentials and archetypes, with
the usual implicitly-generated semantics.
.. [#operators] Unicode operators, which dispatch to those methods,
would also be supported. For example, ::
public func <T>(a: Set<T>, b: Set<T>) -> Bool {
return a.isStrictSupersetOf(b)
however we decided that these operators were sufficiently esoteric,
and also inaccessible using current programming tools, that they
had to remain a secondary interface.
.. [#getset] the similarity to getter/setter pairs is by no means lost on
the authors. However, omitting one form in this case has a
very different meaning than in the case of getter/setter