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Initializer Inheritance
:Authors: Doug Gregor, John McCall
.. contents::
This proposal introduces the notion of initializer inheritance into
the Swift initialization model. The intent is to more closely model
Objective-C's initializer inheritance model while maintaining memory
An initializer is a definition, and it belongs to the class that
defines it. However, it also has a signature, and it makes sense to
talk about other initializers in related classes that share that
Initializers come in two basic kinds: complete object and subobject.
That is, an initializer either takes responsibility for initializing
the complete object, potentially including derived class subobjects,
or it takes responsibility for initializing only the subobjects of its
class and its superclasses.
There are three kinds of delegation:
* **super**: runs an initializer belonging to a superclass (in ObjC,
``[super init…]``; in Swift, ``super.init(...)``).
* **peer**: runs an initializer belonging to the current class (ObjC
does not have syntax for this, although it is supported by the
runtime; in Swift, the current meaning of ``self.init(...)``)
* **dispatched**: given a signature, runs the initializer with that
signature that is either defined or inherited by the most-derived
class (in ObjC, ``[self init…]``; not currently supported by Swift)
We can also distinguish two ways to originally invoke an initializer:
* **direct**: the most-derived class is statically known
* **indirect**: the most-derived class is not statically known and
an initialization must be dispatched
Either kind of dispatched initialization poses a soundness problem
because there may not be a sound initializer with any given signature
in the most-derived class. In ObjC, initializers are normal instance
methods and are therefore inherited like normal, but this isn't really
quite right; initialization is different from a normal method in that
it's not inherently sensible to require subclasses to provide
initializers at all the signatures that their superclasses provide.
Subobject initializers
The defining class of a subobject initializer is central to its
behavior. It can be soundly inherited by a class C only if is trivial
to initialize the ivars of C, but it's convenient to ignore that and
assume that subobjects will always trivially wrap and delegate to
superclass subobject initializers.
A subobject initializer must either (1) delegate to a peer subobject
initializer or (2) take responsibility for initializing all ivars of
its defining class and delegate to a subobject initializer of its
superclass. It cannot initialize any ivars of its defining class if
it then delegates to a peer subobject initializer, although it can
re-assign ivars after initialization completes.
A subobject initializer soundly acts like a complete object
initializer of a class C if and only if it is defined by C.
Complete object initializers
The defining class of a complete object initializer doesn't really
matter. In principle, complete object initializers could just as well
be freestanding functions to which a metatype is passed. It can make
sense to inherit a complete object initializer.
A complete object initializer must either (1) delegate (in any way) to
another complete object initializer or (2) delegate (dispatched) to a
subobject initializer of the most-derived class. It may not
initialize any ivars, although it can re-assign them after
initialization completes.
A complete object initializer soundly acts like a complete object
initializer of a class C if and only if it delegates to an initializer
which soundly acts like a complete object initializer of C.
These rules are not obvious to check statically because they're
dependent on the dynamic value of the most-derived class C. Therefore
any ability to check them depends on restricting C somehow relative to
the defining class of the initializer. Since, statically, we only
know the defining class of the initializer, we can't establish
soundness solely at the definition site; instead we have to prevent
unsound initializers from being called.
Guaranteed initializers
The chief soundness question comes back to dispatched initialization:
when can we reasonably assume that the most-derived class provides an
initializer with a given signature?
Only a complete object initializer can perform dispatched delegation.
A dispatched delegation which invokes another complete object
initializer poses no direct soundness issues. The dynamic requirement
for soundness is that, eventually, the chain of dispatches leads to a
subobject initializer that soundly acts like a complete object
initializer of the most-derived class.
Virtual initializers
The above condition is not sufficient to make indirect initialization
sound, because it relies on the ability to simply not use an
initializer in cases where its delegation behavior isn't known to be
sound, and we can't do that to arbitrary code. For that, we would
need true virtual initializers.
A virtual initializer is a contract much more like that of a standard
virtual method: it guarantees that every subclass will either define
or inherit a constructor with a given signature, which is easy to
check at the time of definition of the subclass.
Currently, all Swift initializers are subobject initializers, and
there is no way to express the notion of a complete subobject
initializer. We propose to introduce complete subobject initializers
into Swift and to make them inheritable when we can guarantee that
doing so is safe.
Complete object initializers
Introduce the notion of a complete object initializer, which is
written as an initializer with ``Self`` as its return type [#], e.g.::
init() -> Self {
// ...
The use of ``Self`` here fits well with dynamic ``Self``, because a
complete object initializer returns an instance of the dynamic type
being initialized (rather than the type that defines the initializer).
A complete object initializer must delegate to another initializer via
``self.init``, which may itself be either a subobject initializer or a
complete object initializer. The delegation itself is dispatched. For
class A {
var title: String
init() -> Self { // complete object initializer
self.init(withTitle:"The Next Great American Novel")
init withTitle(title: String) { // subobject initializer
self.title = title
Subobject initializers become more restricted. They must initialize
A's instance variables and then perform super delegation to a
subobject initializer of the superclass (if any).
Initializer inheritance
A class inherits the complete object initializers of its direct
superclass when it overrides all of the subobject initializers of its
direct superclass. Subobject initializers are never inherited. Some
class B1 : A {
var counter: Int
init withTitle(title: String) { // subobject initializer
counter = 0
// inherits A's init()
class B2 : A {
var counter: Int
init withTitle(title: String) -> Self { // complete object initializer
self.init(withTitle: title, initialCount: 0)
init withTitle(title: String) initialCount(Int) { // subobject initializer
counter = initialCount
// inherits A's init()
class B3 : A {
var counter: Int
init withInitialCount(initialCount: Int) { // subobject initializer
counter = initialCount
super.init(withTitle: "Unnamed")
init withStringCount(str: String) -> Self { // complete object initializer
var initialCount = 0
if let count = str.toInt() { initialCount = count }
self.init(withInitialCount: initialCount)
// does not inherit A's init(), because init withTitle(String) is not
// overridden.
``B3`` does not override ``A``'s subobject initializer, so it does not
inherit ``init()``. Classes ``B1`` and ``B2``, however, both inherit
the initializer ``init()`` from ``A``, because both override its only
subobject initializer, ``init withTitle(String)``. This means that one
can construct either a ``B1`` or a ``B2`` with no arguments::
B1() // okay
B2() // okay
B3() // error
That ``B1`` uses a subobject initializer to override it's superclass's
subobject initializer while ``B2`` uses a complete object initializer
has an effect on future subclasses. A few more examples::
class C1 : B1 {
init withTitle(title: String) { // subobject initializer
init withTitle(title: String) initialCount(Int) { // subobject initializer
counter = initialCount
class C2 : B2 {
init withTitle(title: String) initialCount(Int) { // subobject initializer
super.init(withTitle: title, initialCount:initialCount)
// inherits A's init(), B2's init withTitle(String)
class C3 : B3 {
init withInitialCount(initialCount: Int) { // subobject initializer
super.init(withInitialCount: initialCount)
// inherits B3's init withStringCount(str: String)
// does not inherit A's init()
Virtual initializers
With the initializer inheritance rules described above, there is no
guarantee that one can dynamically dispatch to an initializer via a
metatype of the class. For example::
class D {
init() { }
func f(_ meta: D.Type) {
meta() // error: no guarantee that an arbitrary of subclass D has an init()
Virtual initializers, which are initializers that have the ``virtual``
attribute, are guaranteed to be available in every subclass of
``D``. For example, if ``D`` was written as::
class D {
@virtual init() { }
func f(_ meta: D.Type) {
meta() // okay: every subclass of D guaranteed to have an init()
Note that ``@virtual`` places a requirement on all subclasses to
ensure that an initializer with the same signature is available in
every subclass. For example::
class E1 : D {
var title: String
// error: E1 must provide init()
class E2 : D {
var title: String
@virtual init() {
title = "Unnamed"
// okay, init() is available here
class E3 : D {
var title: String
@virtual init() -> Self {
self.init(withTitle: "Unnamed")
init withTitle(title: String) {
self.title = title
Whether an initializer is virtual is orthogonal to whether it is a
complete object or subobject initializer. However, an inherited
complete object initializer can be used to satisfy the requirement for
a virtual requirement. For example, ``E3``'s subclasses need not
provide an ``init()`` if they override ``init withTitle(String)``::
class F3A : E3 {
init withTitle(title: String) {
super.init(withTitle: title)
// okay: inherited ``init()`` from E3 satisfies requirement for virtual init()
class F3B : E3 {
// error: requirement for virtual init() not satisfied, because it is neither defined nor inherited
class F3C : E3 {
@virtual init() {
super.init(withTitle: "TSPL")
// okay: satisfies requirement for virtual init().
Objective-C interoperability
When an Objective-C class that contains at least one
designated-initializer annotation (i.e., via
``NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER``) is imported into Swift, it's designated
initializers are considered subobject initializers. Any non-designed
initializers (i.e., secondary or convenience initializers) are
considered to be complete object initializers. No other special-case
behavior is warranted here.
When an Objective-C class with no designated-initializer annotations
is imported into Swift, all initializers in the same module as the
class definition are subobject initializers, while initializers in a
different module are complete object initializers. This effectively
means that subclassing Objective-C classes without designated-initializer
annotations will provide little or no initializer inheritance, because
one would have to override nearly *all* of its initializers before
getting the others inherited. This seems acceptable so long as we get
designated-initializer annotations into enough of the SDK.
In Objective-C, initializers are always inherited, so an error of
omission on the Swift side (failing to override a subobject
initializer from a superclass) can result in runtime errors if an
Objective-C framework messages that initializer. For example, consider
a trivial ``NSDocument``::
class MyDocument : NSDocument {
var title: String
In Swift, there would be no way to create an object of type
``MyDocument``. However, the frameworks will allocate an instance of
``MyDocument`` and then send a message such as
``initWithContentsOfURL:ofType:error:`` to the object. This will find
``-[NSDocument initWithContentsOfURL:ofType:error:]``, which delegates
to ``-[NSDocument init]``, leaving ``MyDocument``'s stored properties
We can improve the experience slightly by producing a diagnostic when
there are no initializers for a given class. However, a more
comprehensive approach is to emit Objective-C entry points for each of
the subobject initializers of the direct superclass that have not been
implemented. These entry points would immediately abort with some
diagnostic indicating that the initializer needs to be
.. [#] Syntax suggestion from Joe Groff.