blob: 3a2ce7a8a10ea4e586f55012e220451f1d3c84ac [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: long_test
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// rdar://28250966
// UNSUPPORTED: OS=watchos
import SwiftPrivate
import StdlibUnittest
var UTF8Decoder = TestSuite("UTF8Decoder")
UTF8Decoder.test("Internal/_decodeOne") {
// Ensure we accept all valid scalars
func ensureValid(_ scalar: UnicodeScalar) {
var data: UInt32 = 0
var i: UInt32 = 0
Swift.UTF8.encode(scalar) { cp in
data |= UInt32(cp) << (i*8)
i += 1
let (codePoint, _) = UTF8._decodeOne(data)
expectOptionalEqual(scalar.value, codePoint, "data=\(asHex(data))")
for i in 0..<0xd800 { ensureValid(UnicodeScalar(i)!) }
for i in 0xe000...0x10ffff { ensureValid(UnicodeScalar(i)!) }
// Check number of valid/invalid sequences of different lengths
var validLengthCounts = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
var maximalSubpartCounts = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
func countValidSequences(
head: CountableClosedRange<UInt32>, tail: CountableClosedRange<UInt32>
) {
for cu0 in head {
for rest in tail {
let data = rest << 8 | cu0
let (codePoint, length) = UTF8._decodeOne(data)
if codePoint != nil {
validLengthCounts[Int(length)] += 1
} else {
maximalSubpartCounts[Int(length)] += 1
countValidSequences(head: 0x00...0x7f, tail: 0...0)
countValidSequences(head: 0xc0...0xdf, tail: 0...0xff)
countValidSequences(head: 0xe0...0xef, tail: 0...0xffff)
countValidSequences(head: 0xf0...0xff, tail: 0...0xffffff)
// Valid sequences
[ 0, 0x80, 0x780, 0xf000, 0x100000 ],
"validLengthCounts=\( { asHex($0) })")
// Maximal subparts of ill-formed sequences
[ 0, 0xf0c5880, 0xc2d000, 0x300000, 0 ],
"maximalSubpartCounts=\( { asHex($0) })")