blob: acc9abcaa4837bf96b8c96ed4588f0fad62800a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
struct NonOptionalStruct {}
enum NonOptionalEnum { case foo }
func foo() -> Int? { return .none }
func nonOptionalStruct() -> NonOptionalStruct { fatalError() }
func nonOptionalEnum() -> NonOptionalEnum { fatalError() }
func use(_ x: Int) {}
func modify(_ x: inout Int) {}
if let x = foo() {
modify(&x) // expected-error{{cannot pass immutable value as inout argument: 'x' is a 'let' constant}}
use(x) // expected-error{{unresolved identifier 'x'}}
if var x = foo() {
use(x) // expected-error{{unresolved identifier 'x'}}
if let x = nonOptionalStruct() { } // expected-error{{initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'NonOptionalStruct'}}
if let x = nonOptionalEnum() { } // expected-error{{initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'NonOptionalEnum'}}
guard let _ = nonOptionalStruct() else { fatalError() } // expected-error{{initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'NonOptionalStruct'}}
guard let _ = nonOptionalEnum() else { fatalError() } // expected-error{{initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'NonOptionalEnum'}}
if case let x? = nonOptionalStruct() { } // expected-error{{'?' pattern cannot match values of type 'NonOptionalStruct'}}
if case let x? = nonOptionalEnum() { } // expected-error{{'?' pattern cannot match values of type 'NonOptionalEnum'}}
class B {} // expected-note * {{did you mean 'B'?}}
class D : B {}// expected-note * {{did you mean 'D'?}}
// TODO poor recovery in these cases
if let {} // expected-error {{expected '{' after 'if' condition}} expected-error {{pattern matching in a condition requires the 'case' keyword}}
if let x = {} // expected-error{{'{' after 'if'}} expected-error {{variable binding in a condition requires an initializer}} expected-error{{initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not '() -> ()'}}
if let x = foo() {
} else {
// TODO: more contextual error? "x is only available on the true branch"?
use(x) // expected-error{{unresolved identifier 'x'}}
if let x = foo() {
} else if let y = foo() { // expected-note {{did you mean 'y'?}}
use(x) // expected-error{{unresolved identifier 'x'}}
} else {
use(x) // expected-error{{unresolved identifier 'x'}}
use(y) // expected-error{{unresolved identifier 'y'}}
var opt: Int? = .none
if let x = opt {}
if var x = opt {}
// <rdar://problem/20800015> Fix error message for invalid if-let
let someInteger = 1
if let y = someInteger {} // expected-error {{initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'Int'}}
if case let y? = someInteger {} // expected-error {{'?' pattern cannot match values of type 'Int'}}
// Test multiple clauses on "if let".
if let x = opt, let y = opt, x != y,
let a = opt, var b = opt {
// Leading boolean conditional.
if 1 != 2, let x = opt,
y = opt, // expected-error {{expected 'let' in conditional}} {{4-4=let }}
x != y,
let a = opt, var b = opt {
// <rdar://problem/20457938> typed pattern is not allowed on if/let condition
if 1 != 2, let x : Int? = opt {}
// expected-warning @-1 {{explicitly specified type 'Int?' adds an additional level of optional to the initializer, making the optional check always succeed}} {{20-26=Int}}
if 1 != 2, case let x? : Int? = 42 {}
// expected-warning @-1 {{non-optional expression of type 'Int' used in a check for optionals}}
// Test error recovery.
// <rdar://problem/19939746> Improve error recovery for malformed if statements
if 1 != 2, { // expected-error {{'() -> ()' is not convertible to 'Bool'}}
} // expected-error {{expected '{' after 'if' condition}}
if 1 != 2, 4 == 57 {}
if 1 != 2, 4 == 57, let x = opt {}
// Test that these don't cause the parser to crash.
if true { if a == 0; {} } // expected-error {{expected '{' after 'if' condition}} expected-error 3{{}}
if a == 0, where b == 0 {} // expected-error 4{{}} expected-note {{}} {{25-25=_ = }}
func testIfCase(_ a : Int?) {
if case nil = a, a != nil {}
if case let (b?) = a, b != 42 {}
if let case (b?) = a, b != 42 {} // expected-error {{pattern matching binding is spelled with 'case let', not 'let case'}} {{6-10=}} {{14-14= let}}
if a != nil, let c = a, case nil = a { _ = c}
if let p? = a {_ = p} // expected-error {{pattern matching in a condition implicitly unwraps optionals}} {{11-12=}}
if let .some(x) = a {_ = x} // expected-error {{pattern matching in a condition requires the 'case' keyword}} {{6-6=case }}
if case _ = a {} // expected-warning {{'if' condition is always true}}
while case _ = a {} // expected-warning {{'while' condition is always true}}
// <rdar://problem/20883147> Type annotation for 'let' condition still expected to be optional
func testTypeAnnotations() {
if let x: Int = Optional(1) {_ = x}
if let x: Int = .some(1) {_ = x}
if case _ : Int8 = 19 {} // expected-warning {{'if' condition is always true}}
func testShadowing(_ a: Int?, b: Int?, c: Int?, d: Int?) {
guard let a = a, let b = a > 0 ? b : nil else { return }
_ = b
if let c = c, let d = c > 0 ? d : nil {
_ = d
func useInt(_ x: Int) {}
func testWhileScoping(_ a: Int?) {// expected-note {{did you mean 'a'?}}
while let x = a { }
useInt(x) // expected-error{{use of unresolved identifier 'x'}}