blob: 3e0cade84acb0cec16c6b7f8cca525e7f61a7fec [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir -p %t
// RUN: %target-clang %S/Inputs/Mirror/ -c -o %t/ -g
// RUN: %target-build-swift -parse-stdlib %s -module-name Reflection -I %S/Inputs/Mirror/ -Xlinker %t/ -o %t/a.out
// RUN: %S/ 360 %target-run %t/a.out %S/Inputs/shuffle.jpg | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// FIXME: timeout wrapper is necessary because the ASan test runs for hours
// DO NOT add more tests to this file. Add them to test/1_stdlib/Runtime.swift.
// XFAIL: linux
import Swift
import Foundation
#if os(OSX)
import AppKit
typealias OSImage = NSImage
typealias OSColor = NSColor
typealias OSBezierPath = NSBezierPath
#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
import UIKit
typealias OSImage = UIImage
typealias OSColor = UIColor
typealias OSBezierPath = UIBezierPath
// Check ObjC mirror implementation.
// CHECK-NEXT: <NSObject: {{0x[0-9a-f]+}}>
// CHECK-LABEL: ObjC subclass:
print("ObjC subclass:")
// CHECK-NEXT: woozle wuzzle
dump("woozle wuzzle" as NSString)
// Test a mixed Swift-ObjC hierarchy.
class NSGood : NSObject {
let x: Int = 22
class NSBetter : NSGood {
let y: String = "333"
// CHECK-LABEL: Swift ObjC subclass:
// CHECK-NEXT: <Reflection.NSBetter: {{0x[0-9a-f]+}}> #0
// CHECK-NEXT: super: Reflection.NSGood
// CHECK-NEXT: super: NSObject
print("Swift ObjC subclass:")
// CHECK-LABEL: ObjC quick look objects:
print("ObjC quick look objects:")
// CHECK-LABEL: ObjC enums:
print("ObjC enums:")
// CHECK-NEXT: We cannot reflect ComparisonResult yet
print("We cannot reflect \(ComparisonResult.orderedAscending) yet")
// Don't crash when introspecting framework types such as NSURL.
// <rdar://problem/16592777>
// CHECK-NEXT: file:///Volumes/
// CHECK-NEXT: - super: NSObject
dump(NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "/Volumes", isDirectory: true))
// -- Check that quick look Cocoa objects get binned correctly to their
// associated enum tag.
// CHECK-NEXT: got the expected quick look text
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: "woozle wuzzle" as NSString) {
case .text("woozle wuzzle"):
print("got the expected quick look text")
case _:
print("got something else")
// CHECK-NEXT: foobar
let somesubclassofnsstring = ("foo" + "bar") as NSString
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: somesubclassofnsstring) {
case .text(let text): print(text)
default: print("not the expected quicklook")
// CHECK-NEXT: got the expected quick look attributed string
let astr = NSAttributedString(string: "yizzle pizzle")
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: astr) {
case .attributedString(let astr2 as NSAttributedString)
where astr == astr2:
print("got the expected quick look attributed string")
case _:
print("got something else")
// CHECK-NEXT: got the expected quick look int
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: Int.max as NSNumber) {
case .int(+Int64(Int.max)):
print("got the expected quick look int")
case _:
print("got something else")
// CHECK-NEXT: got the expected quick look uint
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: NSNumber(value: UInt64.max)) {
case .uInt(UInt64.max):
print("got the expected quick look uint")
case _:
print("got something else")
// CHECK-NEXT: got the expected quick look double
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: 22.5 as NSNumber) {
case .double(22.5):
print("got the expected quick look double")
case _:
print("got something else")
// CHECK-NEXT: got the expected quick look float
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: Float32(1.25)) {
case .float(1.25):
print("got the expected quick look float")
case _:
print("got something else")
// CHECK-NEXT: got the expected quick look image
// CHECK-NEXT: got the expected quick look color
// CHECK-NEXT: got the expected quick look bezier path
let image = OSImage(contentsOfFile:CommandLine.arguments[1])!
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: image) {
case .image(let image2 as OSImage) where image === image2:
print("got the expected quick look image")
case _:
print("got something else")
let color =
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: color) {
case .color(let color2 as OSColor) where color === color2:
print("got the expected quick look color")
case _:
print("got something else")
let path = OSBezierPath()
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: path) {
case .bezierPath(let path2 as OSBezierPath) where path === path2:
print("got the expected quick look bezier path")
case _:
print("got something else")
// CHECK-LABEL: Reflecting NSArray:
// CHECK-NEXT: [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]
print("Reflecting NSArray:")
let intNSArray : NSArray = [1 as NSNumber,2 as NSNumber,3 as NSNumber,4 as NSNumber,5 as NSNumber]
let arrayMirror = Mirror(reflecting: intNSArray)
var buffer = "[ "
for i in arrayMirror.children {
buffer += "\(i.1) "
buffer += "]"
// CHECK-LABEL: Reflecting NSSet:
// CHECK-NEXT: NSSet reflection working fine
print("Reflecting NSSet:")
let numset = NSSet(objects: 1,2,3,4)
let numsetMirror = Mirror(reflecting: numset)
var numsetNumbers = Set<Int>()
for i in numsetMirror.children {
if let number = i.1 as? Int {
if numsetNumbers == Set([1, 2, 3, 4]) {
print("NSSet reflection working fine")
} else {
print("NSSet reflection broken: here are the numbers we got: \(numsetNumbers)")
// CHECK-NEXT: (3.0, 6.0)
// CHECK-NEXT: x: 3.0
// CHECK-NEXT: y: 6.0
dump(CGPoint(x: 3,y: 6))
// CHECK-NEXT: (30.0, 60.0)
// CHECK-NEXT: width: 30.0
// CHECK-NEXT: height: 60.0
dump(CGSize(width: 30, height: 60))
// CHECK-NEXT: (50.0, 60.0, 100.0, 150.0)
// CHECK-NEXT: origin: (50.0, 60.0)
// CHECK-NEXT: x: 50.0
// CHECK-NEXT: y: 60.0
// CHECK-NEXT: size: (100.0, 150.0)
// CHECK-NEXT: width: 100.0
// CHECK-NEXT: height: 150.0
dump(CGRect(x: 50, y: 60, width: 100, height: 150))
// rdar://problem/18513769 -- Make sure that QuickLookObject lookup correctly
// manages memory.
@objc class CanaryBase {
deinit {
print("\(type(of: self)) overboard")
required init() { }
var CanaryHandle = false
class IsDebugQLO : CanaryBase, CustomStringConvertible {
@objc var description: String {
return "I'm a QLO"
class HasDebugQLO : CanaryBase {
@objc var debugQuickLookObject: AnyObject {
return IsDebugQLO()
class HasNumberQLO : CanaryBase {
@objc var debugQuickLookObject: AnyObject {
let number = NSNumber(value: 97210)
return number
class HasAttributedQLO : CanaryBase {
@objc var debugQuickLookObject: AnyObject {
let str = NSAttributedString(string: "attributed string")
objc_setAssociatedObject(str, &CanaryHandle, CanaryBase(),
return str
class HasStringQLO : CanaryBase {
@objc var debugQuickLookObject: AnyObject {
let str = NSString(string: "plain string")
objc_setAssociatedObject(str, &CanaryHandle, CanaryBase(),
return str
func testQLO<T : CanaryBase>(_ type: T.Type) {
autoreleasepool {
_ = PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: type.init())
// CHECK-NEXT: IsDebugQLO overboard
// CHECK-NEXT: HasDebugQLO overboard
// CHECK-NEXT: IsDebugQLO overboard
// CHECK-NEXT: HasNumberQLO overboard
// TODO: tagged numbers are immortal, so we can't reliably check for
// cleanup here
// CHECK-NEXT: HasAttributedQLO overboard
// CHECK-NEXT: CanaryBase overboard
// CHECK-NEXT: HasStringQLO overboard
// CHECK-NEXT: CanaryBase overboard
// CHECK-LABEL: and now our song is done
print("and now our song is done")