blob: c6a99cc993f203998e1a7a8b7bfcded9e2db0fbc [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- swift -*-
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swiftgyb
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// FIXME: Casting.cpp has dozens of places to fail a cast. This test does not
// attempt to enumerate them all.
// XFAIL: linux
import StdlibUnittest
import Foundation
% types = []
% objectTypes = []
% protocolTypes = []
% types.append(['main.Class1', 'main.Class2'])
% objectTypes.append(['main.Class1', 'main.Class2'])
class Class1 { }
class Class2 { }
% types.append(['main.Struct1', 'main.Struct2'])
struct Struct1 { }
struct Struct2 { }
% types.append(['main.ObjCClass1', 'main.ObjCClass2'])
% objectTypes.append(['main.ObjCClass1', 'main.ObjCClass2'])
class ObjCClass1 : NSObject { }
class ObjCClass2 : NSObject { }
% types.append(['DateFormatter', 'NumberFormatter'])
% objectTypes.append(['DateFormatter', 'NumberFormatter'])
// non-Swift Objective-C class
% protocolTypes.append('main.Proto1')
% protocolTypes.append('main.Proto2')
protocol Proto1 { }
protocol Proto2 { }
% protocolTypes.append('URLSessionDelegate')
// non-Swift Objective-C protocol
var CastTrapsTestSuite = TestSuite("CastTraps")
// Test `(T1() as Any) as T2` cast failure
// for all type pairs.
% for (t1, _) in types:
% for (_, t2) in types:
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.crashOutputMatches("Could not cast value of type '")
.crashOutputMatches("${t1}' ")
.crashOutputMatches(" to '")
let o = ${t1}() as Any
let r = o as! ${t2}
% end
% end
// Test `(T1() as AnyObject) as T2` cast failure
// for object type to protocol type pairs
% for (t1, _) in objectTypes:
% for (t2) in protocolTypes:
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.crashOutputMatches("Could not cast value of type '")
.crashOutputMatches("${t1}' ")
.crashOutputMatches(" to '")
let o = ${t1}() as AnyObject
let r = o as! ${t2}
% end
% end