blob: 455a3ca50744aa02827f90d5690baabe09fececa [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -parse -verify %s
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -print-ast-typechecked -source-filename %s -function-definitions=true -prefer-type-repr=false -print-implicit-attrs=true -explode-pattern-binding-decls=true | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
import CoreGraphics
// CHECK-LABEL: extension CGColor
extension CGColor {
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var red: CGFloat
var red: CGFloat { return 0 }
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} func asCMYK() -> CGColor
func asCMYK() -> CGColor { return self }
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} subscript(x: CGColor) -> CGFloat
subscript(x: CGColor) -> CGFloat { return 0 }
@objc var blue: CGFloat { return 0 } // expected-error{{method cannot be marked @objc because Core Foundation types are not classes in Objective-C}}
@objc func asHSV() -> CGColor { return self } // expected-error{{method cannot be marked @objc because Core Foundation types are not classes in Objective-C}}
@objc subscript(x: Int) -> CGFloat { return 0 } // expected-error{{method cannot be marked @objc because Core Foundation types are not classes in Objective-C}}
@objc protocol Foo {
func foo() // expected-note{{satisfying requirement for instance method 'foo()' in protocol 'Foo'}}
// CHECK-LABEL: extension CGColor : Foo
extension CGColor: Foo { // expected-error{{Core Foundation class 'CGColor' cannot conform to @objc protocol 'Foo' because Core Foundation types are not classes in Objective-C}}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} func foo()
func foo() {} // expected-error{{method cannot be an implementation of an @objc requirement because Core Foundation types are not classes in Objective-C}}