blob: 803b18431bbef6f291990c3571a058faa7af9e6b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
@noescape var fn : () -> Int = { 4 } // expected-error {{@noescape may only be used on 'parameter' declarations}} {{1-11=}}
func conflictingAttrs(_ fn: @noescape @escaping () -> Int) {} // expected-error {{@escaping conflicts with @noescape}}
// expected-warning@-1{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{29-39=}}
func doesEscape(_ fn : @escaping () -> Int) {}
func takesGenericClosure<T>(_ a : Int, _ fn : @noescape () -> T) {} // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{47-57=}}
func takesNoEscapeClosure(_ fn : () -> Int) {
// expected-note@-1{{parameter 'fn' is implicitly non-escaping}} {{34-34=@escaping }}
// expected-note@-2{{parameter 'fn' is implicitly non-escaping}} {{34-34=@escaping }}
// expected-note@-3{{parameter 'fn' is implicitly non-escaping}} {{34-34=@escaping }}
// expected-note@-4{{parameter 'fn' is implicitly non-escaping}} {{34-34=@escaping }}
takesNoEscapeClosure { 4 } // ok
_ = fn() // ok
var x = fn // expected-error {{non-escaping parameter 'fn' may only be called}}
// This is ok, because the closure itself is noescape.
takesNoEscapeClosure { fn() }
// This is not ok, because it escapes the 'fn' closure.
doesEscape { fn() } // expected-error {{closure use of non-escaping parameter 'fn' may allow it to escape}}
// This is not ok, because it escapes the 'fn' closure.
func nested_function() {
_ = fn() // expected-error {{declaration closing over non-escaping parameter 'fn' may allow it to escape}}
takesNoEscapeClosure(fn) // ok
doesEscape(fn) // expected-error {{passing non-escaping parameter 'fn' to function expecting an @escaping closure}}
takesGenericClosure(4, fn) // ok
takesGenericClosure(4) { fn() } // ok.
class SomeClass {
final var x = 42
func test() {
// This should require "self."
doesEscape { x } // expected-error {{reference to property 'x' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{18-18=self.}}
// Since 'takesNoEscapeClosure' doesn't escape its closure, it doesn't
// require "self." qualification of member references.
takesNoEscapeClosure { x }
func foo() -> Int {
func plain() { foo() }
let plain2 = { foo() } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{20-20=self.}}
func multi() -> Int { foo(); return 0 }
let mulit2: () -> Int = { foo(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{31-31=self.}}
doesEscape { foo() } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{18-18=self.}}
takesNoEscapeClosure { foo() } // okay
doesEscape { foo(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{18-18=self.}}
takesNoEscapeClosure { foo(); return 0 } // okay
func outer() {
func inner() { foo() }
let inner2 = { foo() } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{22-22=self.}}
func multi() -> Int { foo(); return 0 }
let _: () -> Int = { foo(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{28-28=self.}}
doesEscape { foo() } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{20-20=self.}}
takesNoEscapeClosure { foo() }
doesEscape { foo(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{20-20=self.}}
takesNoEscapeClosure { foo(); return 0 }
let outer2: () -> Void = {
func inner() { foo() } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{22-22=self.}}
let inner2 = { foo() } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{22-22=self.}}
func multi() -> Int { foo(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{29-29=self.}}
let mulit2: () -> Int = { foo(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{33-33=self.}}
doesEscape { foo() } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{20-20=self.}}
takesNoEscapeClosure { foo() } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{30-30=self.}}
doesEscape { foo(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{20-20=self.}}
takesNoEscapeClosure { foo(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{30-30=self.}}
doesEscape {
func inner() { foo() } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{22-22=self.}}
let inner2 = { foo() } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{22-22=self.}}
func multi() -> Int { foo(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{29-29=self.}}
let mulit2: () -> Int = { foo(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{33-33=self.}}
doesEscape { foo() } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{20-20=self.}}
takesNoEscapeClosure { foo() } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{30-30=self.}}
doesEscape { foo(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{20-20=self.}}
takesNoEscapeClosure { foo(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{30-30=self.}}
return 0
takesNoEscapeClosure {
func inner() { foo() }
let inner2 = { foo() } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{22-22=self.}}
func multi() -> Int { foo(); return 0 }
let mulit2: () -> Int = { foo(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{33-33=self.}}
doesEscape { foo() } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{20-20=self.}}
takesNoEscapeClosure { foo() } // okay
doesEscape { foo(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'foo' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{20-20=self.}}
takesNoEscapeClosure { foo(); return 0 } // okay
return 0
struct Outer {
func bar() -> Int {
func plain() { bar() }
let plain2 = { bar() } // expected-error {{call to method 'bar' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{24-24=self.}}
func multi() -> Int { bar(); return 0 }
let _: () -> Int = { bar(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'bar' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{30-30=self.}}
doesEscape { bar() } // expected-error {{call to method 'bar' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{22-22=self.}}
takesNoEscapeClosure { bar() } // okay
doesEscape { bar(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'bar' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{22-22=self.}}
takesNoEscapeClosure { bar(); return 0 } // okay
return 0
func structOuter() {
struct Inner {
func bar() -> Int {
bar() // no-warning
func plain() { bar() }
let plain2 = { bar() } // expected-error {{call to method 'bar' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{26-26=self.}}
func multi() -> Int { bar(); return 0 }
let _: () -> Int = { bar(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'bar' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{32-32=self.}}
doesEscape { bar() } // expected-error {{call to method 'bar' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{24-24=self.}}
takesNoEscapeClosure { bar() } // okay
doesEscape { bar(); return 0 } // expected-error {{call to method 'bar' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit}} {{24-24=self.}}
takesNoEscapeClosure { bar(); return 0 } // okay
return 0
return 0
// Implicit conversions (in this case to @convention(block)) are ok.
func takeNoEscapeAsObjCBlock(_: @noescape @convention(block) () -> Void) // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{33-43=}}
func takeNoEscapeTest2(_ fn : @noescape () -> ()) { // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{31-41=}}
// Autoclosure implies noescape, but produce nice diagnostics so people know
// why noescape problems happen.
func testAutoclosure(_ a : @autoclosure () -> Int) { // expected-note{{parameter 'a' is implicitly non-escaping because it was declared @autoclosure}}
doesEscape { a() } // expected-error {{closure use of non-escaping parameter 'a' may allow it to escape}}
// <rdar://problem/19470858> QoI: @autoclosure implies @noescape, so you shouldn't be allowed to specify both
func redundant(_ fn : @noescape // expected-error @+1 {{@noescape is implied by @autoclosure and should not be redundantly specified}}
@autoclosure () -> Int) {
// expected-warning@-2{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{23-33=}}
protocol P1 {
associatedtype Element
protocol P2 : P1 {
associatedtype Element
func overloadedEach<O: P1, T>(_ source: O, _ transform: @escaping (O.Element) -> (), _: T) {}
func overloadedEach<P: P2, T>(_ source: P, _ transform: @escaping (P.Element) -> (), _: T) {}
struct S : P2 {
typealias Element = Int
func each(_ transform: @noescape (Int) -> ()) { // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{26-36=}}
overloadedEach(self, // expected-error {{cannot invoke 'overloadedEach' with an argument list of type '(S, (Int) -> (), Int)'}}
transform, 1)
// expected-note @-2 {{overloads for 'overloadedEach' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (O, @escaping (O.Element) -> (), T), (P, @escaping (P.Element) -> (), T)}}
// rdar://19763676 - False positive in @noescape analysis triggered by parameter label
func r19763676Callee(_ f: @noescape (_ param: Int) -> Int) {} // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{27-37=}}
func r19763676Caller(_ g: @noescape (Int) -> Int) { // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{27-37=}}
r19763676Callee({ _ in g(1) })
// <rdar://problem/19763732> False positive in @noescape analysis triggered by default arguments
func calleeWithDefaultParameters(_ f: @noescape () -> (), x : Int = 1) {} // expected-warning {{closure parameter prior to parameters with default arguments will not be treated as a trailing closure}}
// expected-warning@-1{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{39-49=}}
func callerOfDefaultParams(_ g: @noescape () -> ()) { // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{33-43=}}
// <rdar://problem/19773562> Closures executed immediately { like this }() are not automatically @noescape
class NoEscapeImmediatelyApplied {
func f() {
// Shouldn't require "self.", the closure is obviously @noescape.
_ = { return ivar }()
final var ivar = 42
// Reduced example from XCTest overlay, involves a TupleShuffleExpr
public func XCTAssertTrue(_ expression: @autoclosure () -> Bool, _ message: String = "", file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) -> Void {
public func XCTAssert(_ expression: @autoclosure () -> Bool, _ message: String = "", file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) -> Void {
XCTAssertTrue(expression, message, file: file, line: line);
/// SR-770 - Currying and `noescape`/`rethrows` don't work together anymore
func curriedFlatMap<A, B>(_ x: [A]) -> (@noescape (A) -> [B]) -> [B] { // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{41-50=}}
return { f in
func curriedFlatMap2<A, B>(_ x: [A]) -> (@noescape (A) -> [B]) -> [B] { // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{42-51=}}
return { (f : @noescape (A) -> [B]) in // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{17-27=}}
func bad(_ a : @escaping (Int)-> Int) -> Int { return 42 }
func escapeNoEscapeResult(_ x: [Int]) -> (@noescape (Int) -> Int) -> Int { // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{43-52=}}
return { f in // expected-note{{parameter 'f' is implicitly non-escaping}}
bad(f) // expected-error {{passing non-escaping parameter 'f' to function expecting an @escaping closure}}
// SR-824 - @noescape for Type Aliased Closures
// Old syntax -- @noescape is the default, and is redundant
typealias CompletionHandlerNE = @noescape (_ success: Bool) -> () // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{33-43=}}
// Explicit @escaping is not allowed here
typealias CompletionHandlerE = @escaping (_ success: Bool) -> () // expected-error{{@escaping attribute may only be used in function parameter position}} {{32-42=}}
// No @escaping -- it's implicit from context
typealias CompletionHandler = (_ success: Bool) -> ()
var escape : CompletionHandlerNE
var escapeOther : CompletionHandler
func doThing1(_ completion: (_ success: Bool) -> ()) {
// expected-note@-1{{parameter 'completion' is implicitly non-escaping}}
// expected-error @+2 {{non-escaping value 'escape' may only be called}}
// expected-error @+1 {{non-escaping parameter 'completion' may only be called}}
escape = completion // expected-error {{declaration closing over non-escaping parameter 'escape' may allow it to escape}}
func doThing2(_ completion: CompletionHandlerNE) {
// expected-note@-1{{parameter 'completion' is implicitly non-escaping}}
// expected-error @+2 {{non-escaping value 'escape' may only be called}}
// expected-error @+1 {{non-escaping parameter 'completion' may only be called}}
escape = completion // expected-error {{declaration closing over non-escaping parameter 'escape' may allow it to escape}}
func doThing3(_ completion: CompletionHandler) {
// expected-note@-1{{parameter 'completion' is implicitly non-escaping}}
// expected-error @+2 {{non-escaping value 'escape' may only be called}}
// expected-error @+1 {{non-escaping parameter 'completion' may only be called}}
escape = completion // expected-error {{declaration closing over non-escaping parameter 'escape' may allow it to escape}}
func doThing4(_ completion: @escaping CompletionHandler) {
escapeOther = completion
// <rdar://problem/19997680> @noescape doesn't work on parameters of function type
func apply<T, U>(_ f: @noescape (T) -> U, g: @noescape (@noescape (T) -> U) -> U) -> U {
// expected-warning@-1{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{23-33=}}
// expected-warning@-2{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{46-56=}}
// expected-warning@-3{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{57-66=}}
return g(f)
// <rdar://problem/19997577> @noescape cannot be applied to locals, leading to duplication of code
enum r19997577Type {
case Unit
case Function(() -> r19997577Type, () -> r19997577Type)
case Sum(() -> r19997577Type, () -> r19997577Type)
func reduce<Result>(_ initial: Result, _ combine: @noescape (Result, r19997577Type) -> Result) -> Result { // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{53-63=}}
let binary: @noescape (r19997577Type, r19997577Type) -> Result = { combine(combine(combine(initial, self), $0), $1) } // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{17-27=}}
switch self {
case .Unit:
return combine(initial, self)
case let .Function(t1, t2):
return binary(t1(), t2())
case let .Sum(t1, t2):
return binary(t1(), t2())
// type attribute and decl attribute
func noescapeD(@noescape f: @escaping () -> Bool) {} // expected-error {{@noescape is now an attribute on a parameter type, instead of on the parameter itself}} {{16-25=}} {{29-29=@noescape }}
func noescapeT(f: @noescape () -> Bool) {} // expected-warning{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{19-29=}}
func autoclosureD(@autoclosure f: () -> Bool) {} // expected-error {{@autoclosure is now an attribute on a parameter type, instead of on the parameter itself}} {{19-31=}} {{35-35=@autoclosure }}
func autoclosureT(f: @autoclosure () -> Bool) {} // ok
func noescapeD_noescapeT(@noescape f: @noescape () -> Bool) {} // expected-error {{@noescape is now an attribute on a parameter type, instead of on the parameter itself}}
// expected-warning@-1{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{39-49=}}
func autoclosureD_noescapeT(@autoclosure f: @noescape () -> Bool) {} // expected-error {{@autoclosure is now an attribute on a parameter type, instead of on the parameter itself}} {{29-41=}} {{45-45=@autoclosure }}
// expected-warning@-1{{@noescape is the default and is deprecated}} {{45-55=}}