blob: c7c6747a3082dec4eae4d11c99cdbfd4143ae782 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
protocol CustomStringConvertible {
func print()
struct TestFormat {}
protocol FormattedPrintable : CustomStringConvertible {
func print(_: TestFormat)
struct IsPrintable1 : CustomStringConvertible {
func print() {}
func accept_creates_Printable (_: () -> CustomStringConvertible) {}
func accept_creates_FormattedPrintable (_: () -> FormattedPrintable) {}
func fp_to_p(_ fp: FormattedPrintable) -> CustomStringConvertible { return fp; }
func p_to_fp(_ p: CustomStringConvertible) -> FormattedPrintable { }
func p_to_ip1(_ p: CustomStringConvertible) -> IsPrintable1 { }
func protocolConformance(ac1: @autoclosure () -> CustomStringConvertible,
ac2: @autoclosure () -> FormattedPrintable,
ip1: @autoclosure () -> IsPrintable1) {
var f1 : (_ fp : FormattedPrintable) -> CustomStringConvertible = fp_to_p
var f2 : (_ p : CustomStringConvertible) -> FormattedPrintable = p_to_fp
let f3 : (_ p : CustomStringConvertible) -> IsPrintable1 = p_to_ip1
// FIXME: closures make ABI conversions explicit. rdar://problem/19517003
f1 = { f2($0) } // okay
f1 = { f3($0) } // okay
f2 = f1 // expected-error{{cannot assign value of type '(FormattedPrintable) -> CustomStringConvertible' to type '(CustomStringConvertible) -> FormattedPrintable'}}
accept_creates_Printable({ ac2() })
accept_creates_Printable({ ip1() })
accept_creates_FormattedPrintable(ac1) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type '() -> CustomStringConvertible' to expected argument type '() -> FormattedPrintable'}}
accept_creates_FormattedPrintable(ip1) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type '() -> IsPrintable1' to expected argument type '() -> FormattedPrintable'}}
func p_gen_to_fp(_: () -> CustomStringConvertible) -> FormattedPrintable {}
func fp_gen_to_p(_: () -> FormattedPrintable) -> CustomStringConvertible {}
func nonTrivialNested() {
// FIXME: closures make ABI conversions explicit. rdar://problem/19517003
var f1 : (_ : () -> CustomStringConvertible) -> CustomStringConvertible = { p_gen_to_fp($0) }
let f2 : (_ : () -> CustomStringConvertible) -> FormattedPrintable = p_gen_to_fp
let f3 : (_ : () -> FormattedPrintable) -> CustomStringConvertible = fp_gen_to_p
f1 = { f2($0) } // okay
f1 = f3 // expected-error{{cannot assign value of type '(() -> FormattedPrintable) -> CustomStringConvertible' to type '(() -> CustomStringConvertible) -> CustomStringConvertible'}}
_ = f1