blob: 6654b182aefbca9979c45d56d78174cb6e8d4be6 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
// REQUIRES: OS=macosx
@available(*, unavailable)
func unavailable_foo() {} // expected-note {{'unavailable_foo()' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
func test() {
unavailable_foo() // expected-error {{'unavailable_foo()' is unavailable}}
@available(*,unavailable,message: "use 'Int' instead")
struct NSUInteger {} // expected-note 2 {{explicitly marked unavailable here}}
func foo(x : NSUInteger) { // expected-error {{'NSUInteger' is unavailable: use 'Int' instead}}
let y : NSUInteger = 42 // expected-error {{'NSUInteger' is unavailable: use 'Int' instead}}
// Test preventing overrides of unavailable methods.
class ClassWithUnavailable {
@available(*, unavailable)
func doNotOverride() {} // expected-note {{'doNotOverride()' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
// FIXME: extraneous diagnostic here
@available(*, unavailable)
init(int _: Int) {} // expected-note 2 {{'init(int:)' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
convenience init(otherInt: Int) {
self.init(int: otherInt) // expected-error {{'init(int:)' is unavailable}}
@available(*, unavailable)
subscript (i: Int) -> Int { // expected-note{{'subscript' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
return i
class ClassWithOverride : ClassWithUnavailable {
override func doNotOverride() {} // expected-error {{cannot override 'doNotOverride' which has been marked unavailable}}
func testInit() {
ClassWithUnavailable(int: 0) // expected-error {{'init(int:)' is unavailable}} // expected-warning{{unused}}
func testSubscript(cwu: ClassWithUnavailable) {
_ = cwu[5] // expected-error{{'subscript' is unavailable}}
/* FIXME 'nil == a' fails to type-check with a bogus error message
* <rdar://problem/17540796>
func markUsed<T>(t: T) {}
func testString() {
let a : String = "Hey"
if a == nil {
} else if nil == a {
else {
markUsed("not nil")
// Test preventing protocol witnesses for unavailable requirements
protocol ProtocolWithRenamedRequirement {
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "new(bar:)")
@objc optional func old(foo: Int) // expected-note{{'old(foo:)' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
func new(bar: Int)
class ClassWithGoodWitness : ProtocolWithRenamedRequirement {
@objc func new(bar: Int) {}
class ClassWithBadWitness : ProtocolWithRenamedRequirement {
@objc func old(foo: Int) {} // expected-error{{'old(foo:)' has been renamed to 'new(bar:)'}}
@objc func new(bar: Int) {}
@available(OSX, unavailable)
let unavailableOnOSX: Int = 0 // expected-note{{explicitly marked unavailable here}}
@available(iOS, unavailable)
let unavailableOniOS: Int = 0
@available(iOS, unavailable) @available(OSX, unavailable)
let unavailableOnBothA: Int = 0 // expected-note{{explicitly marked unavailable here}}
@available(OSX, unavailable) @available(iOS, unavailable)
let unavailableOnBothB: Int = 0 // expected-note{{explicitly marked unavailable here}}
@available(OSX, unavailable)
typealias UnavailableOnOSX = Int // expected-note{{explicitly marked unavailable here}}
@available(iOS, unavailable)
typealias UnavailableOniOS = Int
@available(iOS, unavailable) @available(OSX, unavailable)
typealias UnavailableOnBothA = Int // expected-note{{explicitly marked unavailable here}}
@available(OSX, unavailable) @available(iOS, unavailable)
typealias UnavailableOnBothB = Int // expected-note{{explicitly marked unavailable here}}
@available(macOS, unavailable)
let unavailableOnMacOS: Int = 0 // expected-note{{explicitly marked unavailable here}}
@available(macOS, unavailable)
typealias UnavailableOnMacOS = Int // expected-note{{explicitly marked unavailable here}}
@available(OSXApplicationExtension, unavailable)
let unavailableOnOSXAppExt: Int = 0
@available(macOSApplicationExtension, unavailable)
let unavailableOnMacOSAppExt: Int = 0
@available(OSXApplicationExtension, unavailable)
typealias UnavailableOnOSXAppExt = Int
@available(macOSApplicationExtension, unavailable)
typealias UnavailableOnMacOSAppExt = Int
func testPlatforms() {
_ = unavailableOnOSX // expected-error{{unavailable}}
_ = unavailableOniOS
_ = unavailableOnBothA // expected-error{{unavailable}}
_ = unavailableOnBothB // expected-error{{unavailable}}
_ = unavailableOnMacOS // expected-error{{unavailable}}
_ = unavailableOnOSXAppExt
_ = unavailableOnMacOSAppExt
let _: UnavailableOnOSX = 0 // expected-error{{unavailable}}
let _: UnavailableOniOS = 0
let _: UnavailableOnBothA = 0 // expected-error{{unavailable}}
let _: UnavailableOnBothB = 0 // expected-error{{unavailable}}
let _: UnavailableOnMacOS = 0 // expected-error{{unavailable}}
let _: UnavailableOnOSXAppExt = 0
let _: UnavailableOnMacOSAppExt = 0
struct VarToFunc {
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "function()")
var variable: Int // expected-note 2 {{explicitly marked unavailable here}}
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "function()")
func oldFunction() -> Int { return 42 } // expected-note 2 {{explicitly marked unavailable here}}
func function() -> Int {
_ = variable // expected-error{{'variable' has been renamed to 'function()'}}{{9-17=function()}}
_ = oldFunction() //expected-error{{'oldFunction()' has been renamed to 'function()'}}{{9-20=function}}
_ = oldFunction // expected-error{{'oldFunction()' has been renamed to 'function()'}} {{9-20=function}}
return 42
mutating func testAssignment() {
// This is nonsense, but someone shouldn't be using 'renamed' for this
// anyway. Just make sure we don't crash or anything.
variable = 2 // expected-error {{'variable' has been renamed to 'function()'}} {{5-13=function()}}