blob: 60b67fa3a1d706b5d92502d4da873734195b0354 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend %s -Onone -emit-sil | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: optimized_stdlib
// XFAIL: resilient_stdlib
// Check that pre-specialization works at -Onone.
// This test requires the standard library to be compiled with pre-specializations!
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @_TF13prespecialize4testFTRGSaSi_4sizeSi_T_
// function_ref specialized Collection<A where ...>.makeIterator() -> IndexingIterator<A>
// CHECK: function_ref @_TTSgq5GVs14CountableRangeSi_GS_Si_s10Collections___TFesRxs10Collectionwx8IteratorzGVs16IndexingIteratorx_wx8_ElementzWxS0_7Element_rS_12makeIteratorfT_GS1_x_
// function_ref specialized -> A._Element?
// CHECK: function_ref @_TTSgq5GVs14CountableRangeSi_GS_Si_s14_IndexableBases___TFVs16IndexingIterator4nextfT_GSqwx8_Element_
// Look for generic specialization <Swift.Int> of Swift.Array.subscript.getter : (Swift.Int) -> A
// CHECK: function_ref {{@_TTSgq5Si___TFSag9subscriptFSix|@_TTSg5Si___TFSaap9subscriptFSix}}
// CHECK: return
public func test(_ a: inout [Int], size: Int) {
for i in 0..<size {
for j in 0..<size {
a[i] = a[j]
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @_TF13prespecialize3runFT_T_
// Look for generic specialization <Swift.Int> of Swift.Array.init (repeating : A, count : Swift.Int) -> Swift.Array<A>
// CHECK: function_ref @_TTSgq5Si___TFSaCfT9repeatingx5countSi_GSax_
// CHECK: return
public func run() {
let size = 10000
var p = [Int](repeating: 0, count: size)
for i in 0..<size {
p[i] = i
test(&p, size: size)