blob: 8d2f0268514993ee298084b46210edecef1d1e55 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-sil -O %s | %FileCheck %s
// Check that this file does not crash a compiler.
// The devirtualizer should not devirtualize calls inside fragile functions,
// if the resulting direct call would refer to a private or hidden symbol.
// rdar://21408247
public class ExternalClass {
fileprivate func foo() {}
public func getExternalClass() -> ExternalClass {
return ExternalClass()
// Note: This will eventually be illegal (to have a public @_transparent function
// referring to a private method), but for now it lets us test what can and
// can't be optimized.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [transparent] [fragile] @_TTSfq4g___TF26devirt_access_other_module9invokeFooFCS_13ExternalClassT_
// CHECK-NOT: function_ref
// CHECK: class_method
// CHECK-NOT: function_ref
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK-NOT: function_ref
// CHECK-NOT: checked_cast_br
// CHECK-NOT: bb1
// CHECK: return
@_transparent public func invokeFoo(_ obj: ExternalClass) {
private class PrivateSubclass : ExternalClass {
override fileprivate func foo() {}
internal class InternalSubclass : ExternalClass {
override fileprivate func foo() {}