blob: efa46ad9ca1ceeeb531639d710dccea330ed2596 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-silgen -enable-experimental-property-behaviors %s | %FileCheck %s
protocol behavior {
associatedtype Value
extension behavior {
var value: Value {
get { }
set { }
// TODO: global accessor doesn't get walked??
var global: Int __behavior behavior
struct S1<T> {
var instance: T __behavior behavior
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TFV17property_behavior2S1g8instancex
// CHECK: [[BEHAVIOR_IMP:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFE17property_behaviorPS_8behaviorg5valuewx5Value
// CHECK: apply [[BEHAVIOR_IMP]]<S1<T>, T>
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TFV17property_behavior2S1s8instancex
// CHECK: [[BEHAVIOR_IMP:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFE17property_behaviorPS_8behaviors5valuewx5Value
// CHECK: apply [[BEHAVIOR_IMP]]<S1<T>, T>
static var typeLevel: T __behavior behavior
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TZFV17property_behavior2S1g9typeLevelx
// CHECK: [[BEHAVIOR_IMP:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFE17property_behaviorPS_8behaviorg5valuewx5Value
// CHECK: apply [[BEHAVIOR_IMP]]<S1<T>.Type, T>
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TZFV17property_behavior2S1s9typeLevelx
// CHECK: [[BEHAVIOR_IMP:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFE17property_behaviorPS_8behaviors5valuewx5Value
// CHECK: apply [[BEHAVIOR_IMP]]<S1<T>.Type, T>
class C1<T> {
var instance: T __behavior behavior
static var typeLevel: T __behavior behavior
var zero: Int { get { } }
func exerciseBehavior<T>(_ sx: inout S1<T>, _ sy: inout S1<Int>,
_ cx: C1<T>, _ cy: C1<Int>,
_ z: T) {
var local: T __behavior behavior
_ = local
local = z
var localInt: Int __behavior behavior
_ = localInt
localInt = zero
_ = global
global = zero
_ = sx.instance
sx.instance = z
_ = S1<T>.typeLevel
S1<T>.typeLevel = z
_ = sy.instance
sy.instance = zero
_ = S1<Int>.typeLevel
S1<Int>.typeLevel = zero
_ = cx.instance
cx.instance = z
_ = C1<T>.typeLevel
C1<T>.typeLevel = z
_ = cy.instance
cy.instance = zero
_ = C1<Int>.typeLevel
C1<Int>.typeLevel = zero
protocol withStorage {
associatedtype Value
var storage: Value? { get set }
extension withStorage {
var value: Value {
get { }
set { }
static func initStorage() -> Value? { }
// TODO: storage behaviors in non-instance context
struct S2<T> {
var instance: T __behavior withStorage
class C2<T> {
var instance: T __behavior withStorage
func exerciseStorage<T>(_ sx: inout S2<T>, _ sy: inout S2<Int>,
_ cx: C2<T>, _ cy: C2<Int>,
_ z: T) {
_ = sx.instance
sx.instance = z
_ = sy.instance
sy.instance = zero
_ = cx.instance
cx.instance = z
_ = cy.instance
cy.instance = zero
protocol withInit {
associatedtype Value
var storage: Value? { get set }
func parameter() -> Value
extension withInit {
var value: Value {
get { }
set { }
static func initStorage() -> Value? { }
// TODO: parameterized behaviors in non-instance context
func any<T>() -> T { }
struct S3<T> {
var instance: T __behavior withInit { any() }
class C3<T> {
var instance: T __behavior withInit { any() }
func exerciseStorage<T>(_ sx: inout S3<T>, _ sy: inout S3<Int>,
_ cx: C3<T>, _ cy: C3<Int>,
_ z: T) {
_ = sx.instance
sx.instance = z
_ = sy.instance
sy.instance = zero
_ = cx.instance
cx.instance = z
_ = cy.instance
cy.instance = zero
// FIXME: printing sil_witness_tables for behaviors should indicate what
// var decl the behavior is attached to
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_witness_table private (): behavior module property_behavior
// CHECK: associated_type Value: Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_witness_table private <T> S1<T>: behavior module property_behavior
// CHECK: associated_type Value: T
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_witness_table private <T> S1<T>.Type: behavior module property_behavior
// CHECK: associated_type Value: T
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_witness_table private <T> C1<T>: behavior module property_behavior
// CHECK: associated_type Value: T
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_witness_table private <T> C1<T>.Type: behavior module property_behavior
// CHECK: associated_type Value: T
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_witness_table private <T> S2<T>: withStorage module property_behavior {
// CHECK: associated_type Value: T
// CHECK: method!getter.1
// CHECK: method!setter.1
// CHECK: method!materializeForSet.1
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_witness_table private <T> C2<T>: withStorage module property_behavior {
// CHECK: associated_type Value: T
// CHECK: method!getter.1
// CHECK: method!setter.1
// CHECK: method!materializeForSet.1