blob: 81c86362c432d92344441683e4febc00d891d0b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: executable_test
class Interval {
var lo, hi : Int
init(_ lo:Int, _ hi:Int) {
self.lo = lo
self.hi = hi
func show() {
print("[\(lo), \(hi)]")
class func like(_ lo: Int, _ hi: Int) -> Interval {
return Interval(lo, hi)
class OpenInterval : Interval {
override init(_ lo:Int, _ hi:Int) {
super.init(lo, hi)
override func show() {
print("(\(lo), \(hi))")
override class func like(_ lo:Int, _ hi:Int) -> Interval {
return OpenInterval(lo, hi)
func +(a: Interval, b: Interval) -> Interval {
return Interval(a.lo + b.lo, a.hi + b.hi)
func -(a: Interval, b: Interval) -> Interval {
return Interval(a.lo - b.hi, a.hi - b.lo)
prefix func -(a: Interval) -> Interval {
return type(of: a).like(-a.hi, -a.lo)
// CHECK: [-2, -1]
// CHECK: [4, 6]
(Interval(1,2) + Interval(3,4)).show()
// CHECK: [1, 3]
(Interval(3,4) - Interval(1,2)).show()
// CHECK: (-1, 1)
// CHECK: (-3, 2)
// CHECK: false
print(Interval(1,2) is OpenInterval)
// CHECK: true
var i12 : Interval = OpenInterval(1,2)
print(i12 is OpenInterval)
class RDar16563763_A {}
class RDar16563763_B : RDar16563763_A {}
print("self is Type = \(RDar16563763_A.self is RDar16563763_B.Type)")
// CHECK: self is Type = false
// rdar://problem/19321484
class Base {
func makePossibleString() -> String? {
return "Base"
/* inherits from Base with method that returns a String instead of an Optional
* String */
class CompilerCrasher : Base {
override func makePossibleString() -> String {
return "CompilerCrasher"
class SonOfCompilerCrasher: CompilerCrasher {}
class ReturnOfCompilerCrasher: CompilerCrasher {
override func makePossibleString() -> String {
return "ReturnOfCompilerCrasher"
func testCrash(_ c: Base) -> String? {
let s = c.makePossibleString()
return s
public func driver() {
var c = CompilerCrasher()
var d = SonOfCompilerCrasher()
var e = ReturnOfCompilerCrasher()
var r = testCrash(c)
r = testCrash(d)
r = testCrash(e)
// CHECK: Optional("CompilerCrasher")
// CHECK-NEXT: Optional("CompilerCrasher")
// CHECK-NEXT: Optional("ReturnOfCompilerCrasher")
struct Account {
var owner: String
class Bank {
func transferMoney(_ from: Account?, to: Account!) -> Account! {
return nil
func deposit(_ to: Account) -> Account? {
return nil
class DodgyBank : Bank {
// Parameters: swap ? and !
// Result: less optional
override func transferMoney(_ from: Account!, to: Account?) -> Account {
if let fromAccount = from {
return fromAccount
} else {
return Account(owner: "Bank fees")
// Parameter: more optional
// Result: swap ? and !
override func deposit(_ to: Account?) -> Account! {
if let toAccount = to {
if (toAccount.owner == "Cyberdyne Systems") {
return nil
return to
// CHECK: Account(owner: "A")
// CHECK: Account(owner: "Bank fees")
// CHECK: nil
// CHECK: Optional(main.Account(owner: "A"))
let b = DodgyBank()
#if false
// FIXME: rdar://problem/21435542
print(b.transferMoney(Account(owner: "A"), to: Account(owner: "B")))
print(b.transferMoney(nil, to: nil))
print(b.deposit(Account(owner: "Cyberdyne Systems")))
print(b.deposit(Account(owner: "A")))
print((b as Bank).transferMoney(Account(owner: "A"), to: Account(owner: "B")))
print((b as Bank).transferMoney(nil, to: nil))
print((b as Bank).deposit(Account(owner: "Cyberdyne Systems")))
print((b as Bank).deposit(Account(owner: "A")))
// rdar://25412647
private class Parent<T> {
required init() {}
func doSomething() {
func overriddenMethod() {
fatalError("You should override this method in child class")
private class Child: Parent<String> {
override func overriddenMethod() {
Child().doSomething() // CHECK: Heaven!
// rdar://23376955
protocol Makeable {
func doSomething()
extension Parent : Makeable {}
func makeOne<T : Makeable>(_: T.Type) -> T {
return T()
makeOne(Child.self).doSomething() // CHECK: Heaven!