blob: 739ff8c7c4c81bd33c8c9f38b5a4ee98275374e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
// Leaf expression patterns are matched to corresponding pieces of a switch
// subject (TODO: or ~= expression) using ~= overload resolution.
switch (1, 2.5, "three") {
case (1, _, _):
// Double is ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral
case (_, 2, _),
(_, 2.5, _),
(_, _, "three"):
// ~= overloaded for (Range<Int>, Int)
case (0..<10, _, _),
(0..<10, 2.5, "three"),
(0...9, _, _),
(0...9, 2.5, "three"):
switch (1, 2) {
case (var a, a): // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'a'}}
// 'is' patterns can perform the same checks that 'is' expressions do.
protocol P { func p() }
class B : P {
init() {}
func p() {}
func b() {}
class D : B {
override init() { super.init() }
func d() {}
class E {
init() {}
func e() {}
struct S : P {
func p() {}
func s() {}
// Existential-to-concrete.
var bp : P = B()
switch bp {
case is B,
is D,
is S:
case is E:
switch bp {
case let b as B:
case let d as D:
case let s as S:
case let e as E:
// Super-to-subclass.
var db : B = D()
switch db {
case is D:
case is E: // expected-warning {{always fails}}
// Raise an error if pattern productions are used in expressions.
var b = var a // expected-error{{expected initial value after '='}} expected-error {{type annotation missing in pattern}} expected-error {{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{8-8=;}}
var c = is Int // expected-error{{expected initial value after '='}} expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{8-8=;}}
// TODO: Bad recovery in these cases. Although patterns are never valid
// expr-unary productions, it would be good to parse them anyway for recovery.
//var e = 2 + var y
//var e = var y + 2
// 'E.Case' can be used in a dynamic type context as an equivalent to
// '.Case as E'.
protocol HairType {}
enum MacbookHair: HairType {
case HairSupply(S)
enum iPadHair<T>: HairType {
case HairForceOne
enum Watch {
case Sport, Watch, Edition
let hair: HairType = MacbookHair.HairSupply(S())
switch hair {
case MacbookHair.HairSupply(let s):
case iPadHair<S>.HairForceOne:
case iPadHair<E>.HairForceOne:
case iPadHair.HairForceOne: // expected-error{{generic enum type 'iPadHair' is ambiguous without explicit generic parameters when matching value of type 'HairType'}}
case Watch.Edition: // TODO: should warn that cast can't succeed with currently known conformances
case .HairForceOne: // expected-error{{enum case 'HairForceOne' not found in type 'HairType'}}
// <rdar://problem/19382878> Introduce new x? pattern
switch Optional(42) {
case let x?: break
case nil: break
func SR2066(x: Int?) {
// nil literals should still work when wrapped in parentheses
switch x {
case (nil): break
case _?: break
switch x {
case ((nil)): break
case _?: break
switch (x, x) {
case ((nil), _): break
case (_?, _): break
// Test x???? patterns.
switch (nil as Int???) {
case let x???: print(x, terminator: "")
case let x??: print(x as Any, terminator: "")
case let x?: print(x as Any, terminator: "")
case 4???: break
case nil??: break
case nil?: break
default: break
// <rdar://problem/21995744> QoI: Binary operator '~=' cannot be applied to operands of type 'String' and 'String?'
switch ("foo" as String?) {
case "what": break // expected-error{{expression pattern of type 'String' cannot match values of type 'String?'}}
default: break
// Test some value patterns.
let x : Int?
extension Int {
func method() -> Int { return 42 }
func ~= <T : Equatable>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> Bool {
return lhs == rhs
switch 4 as Int? {
case x?.method(): break // match value
switch 4 {
case x ?? 42: break // match value
default: break
for (var x) in 0...100 {}
for var x in 0...100 {} // rdar://20167543
for (let x) in 0...100 {} // expected-error {{'let' pattern cannot appear nested in an already immutable context}}
var (let y) = 42 // expected-error {{'let' cannot appear nested inside another 'var' or 'let' pattern}}
let (var z) = 42 // expected-error {{'var' cannot appear nested inside another 'var' or 'let' pattern}}
// Crash when re-typechecking EnumElementPattern.
// FIXME: This should actually type-check -- the diagnostics are bogus. But
// at least we don't crash anymore.
protocol PP {
associatedtype E
struct A<T> : PP {
typealias E = T
extension PP {
func map<T>(_ f: (Self.E) -> T) -> T {}
enum EE {
case A
case B
func good(_ a: A<EE>) -> Int {
return {
switch $0 {
case .A:
return 1
return 2
func bad(_ a: A<EE>) { { // expected-error {{unable to infer complex closure return type; add explicit type to disambiguate}} {{10-10= () -> Int in }}
let _: EE = $0
return 1
func ugly(_ a: A<EE>) { { // expected-error {{unable to infer complex closure return type; add explicit type to disambiguate}} {{10-10= () -> Int in }}
switch $0 {
case .A:
return 1
return 2
// SR-2057
enum SR2057 {
case foo
let sr2057: SR2057?
if case .foo = sr2057 { } // expected-error{{enum case 'foo' not found in type 'SR2057?'}}