blob: a463f67c4a5716a3bfa24ab5f43a5908627384be [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
class Base {
func foo() {}
class Sub: Base {
override func foo() {}
func removeOverrides<SomeSub: Sub>(concrete: Sub, generic: SomeSub) {
_ =
_ =
class Base1 {
func foo1(a : Int, b : @escaping () -> ()) {} // expected-note{{potential overridden instance method 'foo1(a:b:)' here}}
func foo2(a : @escaping (Int)->(Int), b : @escaping () -> ()) {} // expected-note{{potential overridden instance method 'foo2(a:b:)' here}}
class Sub1 : Base1 {
override func foo1(a : Int, b : () -> ()) {} // expected-error {{method does not override any method from its superclass}} expected-note {{type does not match superclass instance method with type '(Int, @escaping () -> ()) -> ()'}} {{34-34=@escaping }}
override func foo2(a : (Int)->(Int), b : () -> ()) {} // expected-error {{method does not override any method from its superclass}} expected-note{{type does not match superclass instance method with type '(@escaping (Int) -> (Int), @escaping () -> ()) -> ()'}} {{25-25=@escaping }} {{43-43=@escaping }}
class Base2 {
func foo<T>(a : @escaping (T) -> ()) {} // expected-note{{potential overridden instance method 'foo(a:)' here}}
class Sub2 : Base2 {
override func foo<T>(a : (T) -> ()) {} // expected-error {{method does not override any method from its superclass}} expected-note{{type does not match superclass instance method with type '(@escaping (T) -> ()) -> ()'}}{{28-28=@escaping }}