blob: 0db3ffdca61775686d4edacfc967a30a72841b07 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
import Swift
// Members of structs
struct X {
func f0(_ i: Int) -> X { }
func f1(_ i: Int) { }
mutating func f1(_ f: Float) { }
func f2<T>(_ x: T) -> T { }
struct Y<T> {
func f0(_: T) -> T {}
func f1<U>(_ x: U, y: T) -> (T, U) {}
var i : Int
var x : X
var yf : Y<Float>
func g0(_: (inout X) -> (Float) -> ()) {}
_ = x.f0(i)
_ = x.f0(x.f2(1))
_ = x.f0(1).f2(i)
_ = yf.f0(1)
_ = yf.f1(i, y: 1)
// Members referenced from inside the struct
struct Z {
var i : Int
func getI() -> Int { return i }
mutating func incI() {}
func curried(_ x: Int) -> (Int) -> Int { return { y in x + y } }
subscript (k : Int) -> Int {
get {
return i + k
set {
i -= k
struct GZ<T> {
var i : T
func getI() -> T { return i }
func f1<U>(_ a: T, b: U) -> (T, U) {
return (a, b)
func f2() {
var f : Float
var t = f1(i, b: f)
f = t.1
var zi = Z.i; // expected-error{{instance member 'i' cannot be used on type 'Z'}}
var zj = Z.asdfasdf // expected-error {{type 'Z' has no member 'asdfasdf'}}
var z = Z(i: 0)
var getI = z.getI
var incI = z.incI // expected-error{{partial application of 'mutating'}}
var zi = z.getI()
var zcurried1 = z.curried
var zcurried2 = z.curried(0)
var zcurriedFull = z.curried(0)(1)
// Members of modules
// Module
Swift.print(3, terminator: "")
var format : String
_ = format._splitFirstIf({ $0.isASCII })
// Unqualified references
// Members of literals
// FIXME: Crappy diagnostic
"foo".lower() // expected-error{{value of type 'String' has no member 'lower'}}
var tmp = "foo".debugDescription
// Members of enums
enum W {
case Omega
func foo(_ x: Int) {}
func curried(_ x: Int) -> (Int) -> () {}
var w = W.Omega
var foo =
var fooFull : () =
var wcurried1 = w.curried
var wcurried2 = w.curried(0)
var wcurriedFull : () = w.curried(0)(1)
// Member of enum type
func enumMetatypeMember(_ opt: Int?) {
opt.none // expected-error{{enum element 'none' cannot be referenced as an instance member}}
// Nested types
// Reference a Type member. <rdar://problem/15034920>
class G<T> {
class In { // expected-error{{nested in generic type}}
class func foo() {}
func goo() {
// Members of archetypes
func id<T>(_ t: T) -> T { return t }
protocol P {
func bar(_ x: Int)
mutating func mut(_ x: Int)
static func tum()
extension P {
func returnSelfInstance() -> Self {
return self
func returnSelfOptionalInstance(_ b: Bool) -> Self? {
return b ? self : nil
func returnSelfIUOInstance(_ b: Bool) -> Self! {
return b ? self : nil
static func returnSelfStatic() -> Self {
return Self()
static func returnSelfOptionalStatic(_ b: Bool) -> Self? {
return b ? Self() : nil
static func returnSelfIUOStatic(_ b: Bool) -> Self! {
return b ? Self() : nil
protocol ClassP : class {
func bas(_ x: Int)
func quux(_ x: Int)
class ClassC : ClassP {
func bas(_ x: Int) {}
extension ClassP {
func quux(_ x: Int) {}
func bing(_ x: Int) {}
func generic<T: P>(_ t: T) {
var t = t
// Instance member of archetype
let _: (Int) -> () = id(
let _: () = id(
// Static member of archetype metatype
let _: () -> () = id(T.tum)
// Instance member of archetype metatype
let _: (T) -> (Int) -> () = id(
let _: (Int) -> () = id(
_ = t.mut // expected-error{{partial application of 'mutating' method is not allowed}}
_ = t.tum // expected-error{{static member 'tum' cannot be used on instance of type 'T'}}
// Instance member of extension returning Self)
let _: (T) -> () -> T = id(T.returnSelfInstance)
let _: () -> T = id(T.returnSelfInstance(t))
let _: T = id(T.returnSelfInstance(t)())
let _: () -> T = id(t.returnSelfInstance)
let _: T = id(t.returnSelfInstance())
let _: (T) -> (Bool) -> T? = id(T.returnSelfOptionalInstance)
let _: (Bool) -> T? = id(T.returnSelfOptionalInstance(t))
let _: T? = id(T.returnSelfOptionalInstance(t)(false))
let _: (Bool) -> T? = id(t.returnSelfOptionalInstance)
let _: T? = id(t.returnSelfOptionalInstance(true))
let _: (T) -> (Bool) -> T! = id(T.returnSelfIUOInstance)
let _: (Bool) -> T! = id(T.returnSelfIUOInstance(t))
let _: T! = id(T.returnSelfIUOInstance(t)(true))
let _: (Bool) -> T! = id(t.returnSelfIUOInstance)
let _: T! = id(t.returnSelfIUOInstance(true))
// Static member of extension returning Self)
let _: () -> T = id(T.returnSelfStatic)
let _: T = id(T.returnSelfStatic())
let _: (Bool) -> T? = id(T.returnSelfOptionalStatic)
let _: T? = id(T.returnSelfOptionalStatic(false))
let _: (Bool) -> T! = id(T.returnSelfIUOStatic)
let _: T! = id(T.returnSelfIUOStatic(true))
func genericClassP<T: ClassP>(_ t: T) {
// Instance member of archetype)
let _: (Int) -> () = id(t.bas)
let _: () = id(t.bas(0))
// Instance member of archetype metatype)
let _: (T) -> (Int) -> () = id(T.bas)
let _: (Int) -> () = id(T.bas(t))
let _: () = id(T.bas(t)(1))
func genericClassC<C : ClassC>(_ c: C) {
// Make sure that we can find members of protocol extensions
// on a class-bound archetype
let _ = c.bas(123)
let _ = c.quux(123)
let _ =
// Members of existentials
func existential(_ p: P) {
var p = p
// Fully applied mutating method
_ = p.mut // expected-error{{partial application of 'mutating' method is not allowed}}
// Instance member of existential)
let _: (Int) -> () = id(
let _: () = id(
// Static member of existential metatype)
let _: () -> () = id(type(of: p).tum)
// Instance member of extension returning Self
let _: () -> P = id(p.returnSelfInstance)
let _: P = id(p.returnSelfInstance())
let _: P? = id(p.returnSelfOptionalInstance(true))
let _: P! = id(p.returnSelfIUOInstance(true))
func staticExistential(_ p: P.Type, pp: P.Protocol) {
let ppp: P = p.init()
_ = pp.init() // expected-error{{value of type 'P.Protocol' is a protocol; it cannot be instantiated}}
_ = P() // expected-error{{protocol type 'P' cannot be instantiated}}
// Instance member of metatype
let _: (P) -> (Int) -> () =
let _: (Int) -> () =
// Instance member of metatype value
let _: (P) -> (Int) -> () =
let _: (Int) -> () =
// Static member of existential metatype value
let _: () -> () = p.tum
// Instance member of existential metatype -- not allowed
_ = // expected-error{{instance member 'bar' cannot be used on type 'P'}}
_ = p.mut // expected-error{{instance member 'mut' cannot be used on type 'P'}}
// Static member of metatype -- not allowed
_ = pp.tum // expected-error{{static member 'tum' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'P.Protocol'}}
_ = P.tum // expected-error{{static member 'tum' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'P.Protocol'}}
// Static member of extension returning Self)
let _: () -> P = id(p.returnSelfStatic)
let _: P = id(p.returnSelfStatic())
let _: (Bool) -> P? = id(p.returnSelfOptionalStatic)
let _: P? = id(p.returnSelfOptionalStatic(false))
let _: (Bool) -> P! = id(p.returnSelfIUOStatic)
let _: P! = id(p.returnSelfIUOStatic(true))
protocol StaticP {
static func foo(a: Int)
extension StaticP {
func bar() {
_ = // expected-error{{static member 'foo(a:)' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'StaticP.Protocol'}} {{9-16=Self}}
func nested() {
_ = // expected-error{{static member 'foo(a:)' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'StaticP.Protocol'}} {{11-18=Self}}
func existentialClassP(_ p: ClassP) {
// Instance member of existential)
let _: (Int) -> () = id(p.bas)
let _: () = id(p.bas(0))
// Instance member of existential metatype)
let _: (ClassP) -> (Int) -> () = id(ClassP.bas)
let _: (Int) -> () = id(ClassP.bas(p))
let _: () = id(ClassP.bas(p)(1))
// Partial application of curried protocol methods
protocol Scalar {}
protocol Vector {
func scale(_ c: Scalar) -> Self
protocol Functional {
func apply(_ v: Vector) -> Scalar
protocol Coalgebra {
func coproduct(_ f: Functional) -> (_ v1: Vector, _ v2: Vector) -> Scalar
// Make sure existential is closed early when we partially apply
func wrap<T>(_ t: T) -> T {
return t
func exercise(_ c: Coalgebra, f: Functional, v: Vector) {
let _: (Vector, Vector) -> Scalar = wrap(c.coproduct(f))
let _: (Scalar) -> Vector = v.scale
// Make sure existential isn't closed too late
protocol Copyable {
func copy() -> Self
func copyTwice(_ c: Copyable) -> Copyable {
return c.copy().copy()
// Misc ambiguities
// <rdar://problem/15537772>
struct DefaultArgs {
static func f(_ a: Int = 0) -> DefaultArgs {
return DefaultArgs()
init() {
self = .f()
class InstanceOrClassMethod {
func method() -> Bool { return true }
class func method(_ other: InstanceOrClassMethod) -> Bool { return false }
func testPreferClassMethodToCurriedInstanceMethod(_ obj: InstanceOrClassMethod) {
let result = InstanceOrClassMethod.method(obj)
let _: Bool = result // no-warning
let _: () -> Bool = InstanceOrClassMethod.method(obj)
protocol Numeric {
static func +(x: Self, y: Self) -> Self
func acceptBinaryFunc<T>(_ x: T, _ fn: (T, T) -> T) { }
func testNumeric<T : Numeric>(_ x: T) {
acceptBinaryFunc(x, +)
/* FIXME: We can't check this directly, but it can happen with
multiple modules.
class PropertyOrMethod {
func member() -> Int { return 0 }
let member = false
class func methodOnClass(_ obj: PropertyOrMethod) -> Int { return 0 }
let methodOnClass = false
func testPreferPropertyToMethod(_ obj: PropertyOrMethod) {
let result = obj.member
let resultChecked: Bool = result
let called = obj.member()
let calledChecked: Int = called
let curried = obj.member as () -> Int
let methodOnClass = PropertyOrMethod.methodOnClass
let methodOnClassChecked: (PropertyOrMethod) -> Int = methodOnClass
struct Foo { var foo: Int }
protocol ExtendedWithMutatingMethods { }
extension ExtendedWithMutatingMethods {
mutating func mutatingMethod() {}
var mutableProperty: Foo {
get { }
set { }
var nonmutatingProperty: Foo {
get { }
nonmutating set { }
var mutatingGetProperty: Foo {
mutating get { }
set { }
class ClassExtendedWithMutatingMethods: ExtendedWithMutatingMethods {}
class SubclassExtendedWithMutatingMethods: ClassExtendedWithMutatingMethods {}
func testClassExtendedWithMutatingMethods(_ c: ClassExtendedWithMutatingMethods, // expected-note* {{}}
sub: SubclassExtendedWithMutatingMethods) { // expected-note* {{}}
c.mutatingMethod() // expected-error{{cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 'c' is a 'let' constant}}
c.mutableProperty = Foo(foo: 0) // expected-error{{cannot assign to property}} = 0 // expected-error{{cannot assign to property}}
c.nonmutatingProperty = Foo(foo: 0) = 0
c.mutatingGetProperty = Foo(foo: 0) // expected-error{{cannot use mutating}} = 0 // expected-error{{cannot use mutating}}
_ = c.mutableProperty
_ =
_ = c.nonmutatingProperty
_ =
// FIXME: diagnostic nondeterministically says "member" or "getter"
_ = c.mutatingGetProperty // expected-error{{cannot use mutating}}
_ = // expected-error{{cannot use mutating}}
sub.mutatingMethod() // expected-error{{cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 'sub' is a 'let' constant}}
sub.mutableProperty = Foo(foo: 0) // expected-error{{cannot assign to property}} = 0 // expected-error{{cannot assign to property}}
sub.nonmutatingProperty = Foo(foo: 0) = 0
sub.mutatingGetProperty = Foo(foo: 0) // expected-error{{cannot use mutating}} = 0 // expected-error{{cannot use mutating}}
_ = sub.mutableProperty
_ =
_ = sub.nonmutatingProperty
_ =
_ = sub.mutatingGetProperty // expected-error{{cannot use mutating}}
_ = // expected-error{{cannot use mutating}}
var mutableC = c
mutableC.mutableProperty = Foo(foo: 0) = 0
mutableC.nonmutatingProperty = Foo(foo: 0) = 0
mutableC.mutatingGetProperty = Foo(foo: 0) = 0
_ = mutableC.mutableProperty
_ =
_ = mutableC.nonmutatingProperty
_ =
_ = mutableC.mutatingGetProperty
_ =
var mutableSub = sub
mutableSub.mutableProperty = Foo(foo: 0) = 0
mutableSub.nonmutatingProperty = Foo(foo: 0) = 0
_ = mutableSub.mutableProperty
_ =
_ = mutableSub.nonmutatingProperty
_ =
_ = mutableSub.mutatingGetProperty
_ =
// <rdar://problem/18879585> QoI: error message for attempted access to instance properties in static methods are bad.
enum LedModules: Int {
case WS2811_1x_5V
extension LedModules {
static var watts: Double {
return [0.30][self.rawValue] // expected-error {{instance member 'rawValue' cannot be used on type 'LedModules'}}
// <rdar://problem/15117741> QoI: calling a static function on an instance produces a non-helpful diagnostic
class r15117741S {
static func g() {}
func test15117741(_ s: r15117741S) {
s.g() // expected-error {{static member 'g' cannot be used on instance of type 'r15117741S'}}
// <rdar://problem/22491394> References to unavailable decls sometimes diagnosed as ambiguous
struct UnavailMember {
@available(*, unavailable)
static var XYZ : X { get {} } // expected-note {{'XYZ' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
let _ : [UnavailMember] = [.XYZ] // expected-error {{'XYZ' is unavailable}}
let _ : [UnavailMember] = [.ABC] // expected-error {{type 'UnavailMember' has no member 'ABC'}}
// <rdar://problem/22490787> QoI: Poor error message iterating over property with non-sequence type that defines an Iterator type alias
struct S22490787 {
typealias Iterator = AnyIterator<Int>
func f22490787() {
var path: S22490787 = S22490787()
for p in path { // expected-error {{type 'S22490787' does not conform to protocol 'Sequence'}}
// <rdar://problem/23942743> [QoI] Bad diagnostic when errors inside enum constructor
enum r23942743 {
case Tomato(cloud: String)
let _ = .Tomato(cloud: .none) // expected-error {{reference to member 'Tomato' cannot be resolved without a contextual type}}
// SR-650: REGRESSION: Assertion failed: (baseTy && "Couldn't find appropriate context"), function getMemberSubstitutions
enum SomeErrorType {
case StandaloneError
case UnderlyingError(String)
static func someErrorFromString(_ str: String) -> SomeErrorType? {
if str == "standalone" { return .StandaloneError }
if str == "underlying" { return .UnderlyingError } // expected-error {{member 'UnderlyingError' expects argument of type 'String'}}
return nil
// SR-2193: QoI: better diagnostic when a decl exists, but is not a type
enum SR_2193_Error: Error {
case Boom
do {
throw SR_2193_Error.Boom
} catch let e as SR_2193_Error.Boom { // expected-error {{enum element 'Boom' is not a member type of 'SR_2193_Error'}}