blob: 445f239792b9900dbcf7997d76cf5b9e1d84eafd [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir -p %t
// RUN: %utils/ -o %t %s
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -parse -primary-file %t/swift3.swift %t/common.swift -verify
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -parse -primary-file %t/swift4.swift %t/common.swift -verify -swift-version 4
// BEGIN common.swift
protocol P1 {
static func p1() -> Int
protocol P2 {
static var p2: Int { get }
// BEGIN swift3.swift
// Warning for mistakenly accepted protocol composition production.
func foo(x: P1 & Any & P2.Type?) {
// expected-warning @-1 {{protocol composition with postfix '.Type' is ambiguous and will be rejected in future version of Swift}} {{13-13=(}} {{26-26=)}}
let _: (P1 & P2).Type? = x
let _: (P1 & P2).Type = x!
let _: Int = x!.p1()
let _: Int? = x?.p2
// Type expression
func bar() -> ((P1 & P2)?).Type {
let x = (P1 & P2?).self
// expected-warning @-1 {{protocol composition with postfix '?' is ambiguous and will be rejected in future version of Swift}} {{12-12=(}} {{19-19=)}}
return x
// Non-ident type at non-last position are rejected anyway.
typealias A1 = P1.Type & P2 // expected-error {{type 'P1.Type' cannot be used within a protocol composition}}
// BEGIN swift4.swift
func foo(x: P1 & Any & P2.Type?) { // expected-error {{non-protocol type 'P2.Type?' cannot be used within a protocol composition}}
let _: (P1 & P2).Type? = x // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'P1' to specified type '(P1 & P2).Type?'}}
let _: (P1 & P2).Type = x! // expected-error {{cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type 'P1'}}
let _: Int = x!.p1() // expected-error {{cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type 'P1'}}
let _: Int? = x?.p2 // expected-error {{cannot use optional chaining on non-optional value of type 'P1'}}
func bar() -> ((P1 & P2)?).Type {
let x = (P1 & P2?).self // expected-error {{non-protocol type 'P2?' cannot be used within a protocol composition}}
return x // expected-error {{cannot convert return expression}}
typealias A1 = P1.Type & P2 // expected-error {{type 'P1.Type' cannot be used within a protocol composition}}