blob: 440efc55a974e9e4fd0218bfde13a8488a61d7f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir -p %t
// RUN: %build-clang-importer-objc-overlays
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk-nosource -I %t) -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules -parse %s -verify
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk-nosource -I %t) -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules -emit-ir %s -D IRGEN | %FileCheck %s
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk-nosource -I %t) -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules -print-module -source-filename="%s" -module-to-print SwiftPrivateAttr > %t.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck -check-prefix=GENERATED-NEGATIVE %s < %t.txt
// RUN: diff -U3 %S/Inputs/SwiftPrivateAttr.txt %t.txt
// Look for identifiers with "Priv" in them that haven't been prefixed.
// GENERATED-NEGATIVE-NOT: {{[^A-Za-z0-9_][A-Za-z0-9]*[Pp]riv}}
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import SwiftPrivateAttr
// Note: The long-term plan is for these to only be available from the Swift
// half of a module, or from an overlay. At that point we should test that these
// are available in that case and /not/ in the normal import case.
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{( protected)?}} void @{{.+}}12testProperty
public func testProperty(_ foo: Foo) {
// CHECK: @"\01L_selector(setPrivValue:)"
_ = foo.__privValue
foo.__privValue = foo
// CHECK: @"\01L_selector(setPrivClassValue:)"
_ = Foo.__privClassValue
Foo.__privClassValue = foo
#if !IRGEN
_ = foo.privValue // expected-error {{value of type 'Foo' has no member 'privValue'}}
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{( protected)?}} void @{{.+}}11testMethods
public func testMethods(_ foo: Foo) {
// CHECK: @"\01L_selector(noArgs)"
// CHECK: @"\01L_selector(oneArg:)"
// CHECK: @"\01L_selector(twoArgs:other:)"
foo.__twoArgs(1, other: 2)
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{( protected)?}} void @{{.+}}16testInitializers
public func testInitializers() {
// Checked below; look for "CSo3Bar".
_ = Bar(__noArgs: ())
_ = Bar(__oneArg: 1)
_ = Bar(__twoArgs: 1, other: 2)
_ = Bar(__: 1)
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{( protected)?}} void @{{.+}}18testFactoryMethods
public func testFactoryMethods() {
// CHECK: @"\01L_selector(fooWithOneArg:)"
_ = Foo(__oneArg: 1)
// CHECK: @"\01L_selector(fooWithTwoArgs:other:)"
_ = Foo(__twoArgs: 1, other: 2)
// CHECK: @"\01L_selector(foo:)"
_ = Foo(__: 1)
#if !IRGEN
public func testSubscript(_ foo: Foo) {
_ = foo[foo] // expected-error {{type 'Foo' has no subscript members}}
_ = foo[1] // expected-error {{type 'Foo' has no subscript members}}
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{( protected)?}} void @{{.+}}12testTopLevel
public func testTopLevel() {
// Checked below; look for "PrivFooSub".
let foo = __PrivFooSub()
_ = foo as __PrivProto
foo.conforms(to: __PrivProto.self)
// CHECK: call void @privTest()
_ = __PrivS1()
#if !IRGEN
let _ = PrivFooSub() // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier}}
privTest() // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier}}
PrivS1() // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier}}
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr hidden %swift.type* @_TMaCSo12__PrivFooSub{{.*}} {
// CHECK: %objc_class** @"OBJC_CLASS_REF_$_PrivFooSub"
// CHECK: }
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr hidden {{.+}} @_TTOFCSo3BarcfT2__Vs5Int32_GSQS__
// CHECK: @"\01L_selector(init:)"
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr hidden {{.+}} @_TTOFCSo3BarcfT9__twoArgsVs5Int325otherS0__GSQS__
// CHECK: @"\01L_selector(initWithTwoArgs:other:)"
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr hidden {{.+}} @_TTOFCSo3BarcfT8__oneArgVs5Int32_GSQS__
// CHECK: @"\01L_selector(initWithOneArg:)"
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr hidden {{.+}} @_TTOFCSo3BarcfT8__noArgsT__GSQS__
// CHECK: @"\01L_selector(initWithNoArgs)"
_ = __PrivAnonymousA
_ = __E0PrivA
_ = __PrivE1A as __PrivE1
_ = NSEnum.__privA
_ = NSEnum.B
_ = NSOptions.__privA
_ = NSOptions.B
func makeSureAnyObject(_: AnyObject) {}
#if !IRGEN
func testUnavailableRefs() {
var x: __PrivCFTypeRef // expected-error {{'__PrivCFTypeRef' has been renamed to '__PrivCFType'}}
var y: __PrivCFSubRef // expected-error {{'__PrivCFSubRef' has been renamed to '__PrivCFSub'}}
func testCF(_ a: __PrivCFType, b: __PrivCFSub, c: __PrivInt) {
#if !IRGEN
makeSureAnyObject(c) // expected-error {{argument type '__PrivInt' (aka 'Int32') does not conform to expected type 'AnyObject'}}
extension __PrivCFType {}
extension __PrivCFSub {}
_ = 1 as __PrivInt