blob: a3862f70aaf9fc7975e769b0aa32fadf441f641c [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- EnumPayload.cpp - Payload management for 'enum' Types ------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "EnumPayload.h"
#include "Explosion.h"
#include "GenEnum.h"
#include "IRGenModule.h"
#include <map>
using namespace swift;
using namespace irgen;
// FIXME: Everything here brazenly assumes little-endian-ness.
static llvm::Value *forcePayloadValue(EnumPayload::LazyValue &value) {
if (auto v = value.dyn_cast<llvm::Value *>())
return v;
auto null = llvm::Constant::getNullValue(value.dyn_cast<llvm::Type*>());
value = null;
return null;
static llvm::Type *getPayloadType(EnumPayload::LazyValue value) {
if (auto t = value.dyn_cast<llvm::Type *>())
return t;
return value.dyn_cast<llvm::Value *>()->getType();
EnumPayload EnumPayload::zero(IRGenModule &IGM, EnumPayloadSchema schema) {
// We don't need to create any values yet; they can be filled in when
// real values are inserted.
EnumPayload result;
schema.forEachType(IGM, [&](llvm::Type *type) {
return result;
EnumPayload EnumPayload::fromBitPattern(IRGenModule &IGM,
APInt bitPattern,
EnumPayloadSchema schema) {
EnumPayload result;
schema.forEachType(IGM, [&](llvm::Type *type) {
unsigned bitSize = IGM.DataLayout.getTypeSizeInBits(type);
llvm::IntegerType *intTy
= llvm::IntegerType::get(IGM.getLLVMContext(), bitSize);
// Take some bits off of the bottom of the pattern.
auto bits = bitPattern.zextOrTrunc(bitSize);
auto val = llvm::ConstantInt::get(intTy, bits);
if (val->getType() != type) {
if (type->isPointerTy())
val = llvm::ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr(val, type);
val = llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(val, type);
// Shift the remaining bits down.
bitPattern = bitPattern.lshr(bitSize);
return result;
// Fn: void(LazyValue &payloadValue, unsigned payloadBitWidth,
// unsigned payloadValueOffset, unsigned valueBitWidth,
// unsigned valueOffset)
template<typename Fn>
static void withValueInPayload(IRGenFunction &IGF,
const EnumPayload &payload,
llvm::Type *valueType,
int numBitsUsedInValue,
unsigned payloadOffset,
Fn &&f) {
auto &DataLayout = IGF.IGM.DataLayout;
int valueTypeBitWidth = DataLayout.getTypeSizeInBits(valueType);
int valueBitWidth =
numBitsUsedInValue < 0 ? valueTypeBitWidth : numBitsUsedInValue;
assert(numBitsUsedInValue <= valueTypeBitWidth);
// Find the elements we need to touch.
// TODO: Linear search through the payload elements is lame.
MutableArrayRef<EnumPayload::LazyValue> payloads = payload.PayloadValues;
llvm::Type *payloadType;
int payloadBitWidth;
int valueOffset = 0, payloadValueOffset = payloadOffset;
for (;;) {
payloadType = getPayloadType(payloads.front());
payloadBitWidth = IGF.IGM.DataLayout.getTypeSizeInBits(payloadType);
// Does this element overlap the area we need to touch?
if (payloadValueOffset < payloadBitWidth) {
// See how much of the value we can fit here.
int valueChunkWidth = payloadBitWidth - payloadValueOffset;
valueChunkWidth = std::min(valueChunkWidth, valueBitWidth - valueOffset);
payloadBitWidth, payloadValueOffset,
valueTypeBitWidth, valueOffset);
// If we used the entire value, we're done.
valueOffset += valueChunkWidth;
if (valueOffset >= valueBitWidth)
payloadValueOffset = std::max(payloadValueOffset - payloadBitWidth, 0);
payloads = payloads.slice(1);
void EnumPayload::insertValue(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *value,
unsigned payloadOffset,
int numBitsUsedInValue) {
withValueInPayload(IGF, *this, value->getType(), numBitsUsedInValue, payloadOffset,
[&](LazyValue &payloadValue,
unsigned payloadBitWidth,
unsigned payloadValueOffset,
unsigned valueBitWidth,
unsigned valueOffset) {
auto payloadType = getPayloadType(payloadValue);
// See if the value matches the payload type exactly. In this case we
// don't need to do any work to use the value.
if (payloadValueOffset == 0 && valueOffset == 0) {
if (value->getType() == payloadType) {
payloadValue = value;
// If only the width matches exactly, we can still do a bitcast.
if (payloadBitWidth == valueBitWidth) {
auto bitcast = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(value, payloadType);
payloadValue = bitcast;
// Select out the chunk of the value to merge with the existing payload.
llvm::Value *subvalue = value;
auto valueIntTy =
llvm::IntegerType::get(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext(), valueBitWidth);
auto payloadIntTy =
llvm::IntegerType::get(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext(), payloadBitWidth);
auto payloadTy = getPayloadType(payloadValue);
subvalue = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(subvalue, valueIntTy);
if (valueOffset > 0)
subvalue = IGF.Builder.CreateLShr(subvalue,
llvm::ConstantInt::get(valueIntTy, valueOffset));
subvalue = IGF.Builder.CreateZExtOrTrunc(subvalue, payloadIntTy);
if (payloadValueOffset > 0)
subvalue = IGF.Builder.CreateShl(subvalue,
llvm::ConstantInt::get(payloadIntTy, payloadValueOffset));
// If there hasn't yet been a value stored here, we can use the adjusted
// value directly.
if (<llvm::Type *>()) {
payloadValue = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(subvalue, payloadTy);
// Otherwise, bitwise-or it in, brazenly assuming there are zeroes
// underneath.
else {
// TODO: This creates a bunch of bitcasting noise for non-integer
// payload fields.
auto lastValue = payloadValue.get<llvm::Value *>();
lastValue = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(lastValue, payloadIntTy);
lastValue = IGF.Builder.CreateOr(lastValue, subvalue);
payloadValue = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(lastValue, payloadTy);
llvm::Value *EnumPayload::extractValue(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Type *type,
unsigned payloadOffset) const {
llvm::Value *result = nullptr;
withValueInPayload(IGF, *this, type, -1, payloadOffset,
[&](LazyValue &payloadValue,
unsigned payloadBitWidth,
unsigned payloadValueOffset,
unsigned valueBitWidth,
unsigned valueOffset) {
auto payloadType = getPayloadType(payloadValue);
// If the desired type matches the payload slot exactly, we don't need
// to do anything.
if (payloadValueOffset == 0 && valueOffset == 0) {
if (type == payloadType) {
result = forcePayloadValue(payloadValue);
// If only the width matches exactly, do a bitcast.
if (payloadBitWidth == valueBitWidth) {
result =
// Integrate the chunk of payload into the result value.
auto value = forcePayloadValue(payloadValue);
auto valueIntTy =
llvm::IntegerType::get(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext(), valueBitWidth);
auto payloadIntTy =
llvm::IntegerType::get(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext(), payloadBitWidth);
value = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(value, payloadIntTy);
if (payloadValueOffset > 0)
value = IGF.Builder.CreateLShr(value,
llvm::ConstantInt::get(value->getType(), payloadValueOffset));
if (valueBitWidth > payloadBitWidth)
value = IGF.Builder.CreateZExt(value, valueIntTy);
if (valueOffset > 0)
value = IGF.Builder.CreateShl(value,
llvm::ConstantInt::get(value->getType(), valueOffset));
if (valueBitWidth < payloadBitWidth)
value = IGF.Builder.CreateTrunc(value, valueIntTy);
if (!result)
result = value;
result = IGF.Builder.CreateOr(result, value);
return IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(result, type);
EnumPayload EnumPayload::fromExplosion(IRGenModule &IGM,
Explosion &in, EnumPayloadSchema schema){
EnumPayload result;
schema.forEachType(IGM, [&](llvm::Type *type) {
auto next = in.claimNext();
assert(next->getType() == type && "explosion doesn't match payload schema");
return result;
void EnumPayload::explode(IRGenModule &IGM, Explosion &out) const {
for (LazyValue &value : PayloadValues) {
void EnumPayload::packIntoEnumPayload(IRGenFunction &IGF,
EnumPayload &outerPayload,
unsigned bitOffset) const {
auto &DL = IGF.IGM.DataLayout;
for (auto &value : PayloadValues) {
auto v = forcePayloadValue(value);
outerPayload.insertValue(IGF, v, bitOffset);
bitOffset += DL.getTypeSizeInBits(v->getType());
EnumPayload EnumPayload::unpackFromEnumPayload(IRGenFunction &IGF,
const EnumPayload &outerPayload,
unsigned bitOffset,
EnumPayloadSchema schema) {
EnumPayload result;
auto &DL = IGF.IGM.DataLayout;
schema.forEachType(IGF.IGM, [&](llvm::Type *type) {
auto v = outerPayload.extractValue(IGF, type, bitOffset);
bitOffset += DL.getTypeSizeInBits(type);
return result;
static llvm::Type *getPayloadStorageType(IRGenModule &IGM,
const EnumPayload &payload) {
if (payload.StorageType)
return payload.StorageType;
if (payload.PayloadValues.size() == 1) {
payload.StorageType = getPayloadType(payload.PayloadValues.front());
return payload.StorageType;
SmallVector<llvm::Type *, 2> elementTypes;
for (auto value : payload.PayloadValues) {
payload.StorageType = llvm::StructType::get(IGM.getLLVMContext(),
return payload.StorageType;
EnumPayload EnumPayload::load(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address address,
EnumPayloadSchema schema) {
EnumPayload result = EnumPayload::zero(IGF.IGM, schema);
if (result.PayloadValues.empty())
return result;
auto storageTy = getPayloadStorageType(IGF.IGM, result);
address = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(address, storageTy->getPointerTo());
if (result.PayloadValues.size() == 1) {
result.PayloadValues.front() = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(address);
} else {
Size offset(0);
for (unsigned i : indices(result.PayloadValues)) {
auto &value = result.PayloadValues[i];
auto member = IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(address, i, offset);
auto loadedValue = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(member);
value = loadedValue;
offset += Size(IGF.IGM.DataLayout.getTypeAllocSize(loadedValue->getType()));
return result;
void EnumPayload::store(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address address) const {
if (PayloadValues.empty())
auto storageTy = getPayloadStorageType(IGF.IGM, *this);
address = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(address, storageTy->getPointerTo());
if (PayloadValues.size() == 1) {
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(forcePayloadValue(PayloadValues.front()), address);
} else {
Size offset(0);
for (unsigned i : indices(PayloadValues)) {
auto &value = PayloadValues[i];
auto member = IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(address, i, offset);
auto valueToStore = forcePayloadValue(value);
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(valueToStore, member);
offset += Size(IGF.IGM.DataLayout
namespace {
struct ult {
bool operator()(const APInt &a, const APInt &b) const {
return a.ult(b);
static void emitSubSwitch(IRGenFunction &IGF,
MutableArrayRef<EnumPayload::LazyValue> values,
APInt mask,
MutableArrayRef<std::pair<APInt, llvm::BasicBlock *>> cases,
SwitchDefaultDest dflt) {
assert(!values.empty() && "didn't exit out when exhausting all values?!");
assert(!cases.empty() && "switching with no cases?!");
auto &DL = IGF.IGM.DataLayout;
auto &pv = values.front();
values = values.slice(1);
auto payloadTy = getPayloadType(pv);
unsigned size = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(payloadTy);
// Grab a chunk of the mask.
auto maskPiece = mask.zextOrTrunc(size);
mask = mask.lshr(size);
// If the piece is zero, this doesn't affect the switch. We can just move
// forward and recur.
if (maskPiece == 0) {
for (auto &casePair : cases)
casePair.first = casePair.first.lshr(size);
goto recur;
// Force the value we will test.
auto v = forcePayloadValue(pv);
auto payloadIntTy = llvm::IntegerType::get(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext(), size);
// Need to coerce to integer for 'icmp eq' if it's not already an integer
// or pointer. (Switching or masking will also require a cast to integer.)
if (!isa<llvm::IntegerType>(v->getType())
&& !isa<llvm::PointerType>(v->getType()))
v = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(v, payloadIntTy);
// Apply the mask if it's interesting.
if (!maskPiece.isAllOnesValue()) {
v = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(v, payloadIntTy);
auto maskConstant = llvm::ConstantInt::get(payloadIntTy, maskPiece);
v = IGF.Builder.CreateAnd(v, maskConstant);
// Gather the values we will switch over for this payload chunk.
// FIXME: std::map is lame. Should hash APInts.
std::map<APInt, SmallVector<std::pair<APInt, llvm::BasicBlock*>, 2>, ult>
for (auto casePair : cases) {
// Grab a chunk of the value.
auto valuePiece = casePair.first.zextOrTrunc(size);
// Index the case according to this chunk.
bool needsAdditionalCases = !values.empty() && mask != 0;
SmallVector<std::pair<llvm::BasicBlock *, decltype(cases)>, 2> recursiveCases;
auto blockForCases
= [&](MutableArrayRef<std::pair<APInt, llvm::BasicBlock*>> cases)
-> llvm::BasicBlock *
// If we need to recur, emit a new block.
if (needsAdditionalCases) {
auto newBB = IGF.createBasicBlock("");
recursiveCases.push_back({newBB, cases});
return newBB;
// Otherwise, we can jump directly to the ultimate destination.
assert(cases.size() == 1 && "more than one case for final destination?!");
return cases.front().second;
// If there's only one case, do a cond_br.
if (subCases.size() == 1) {
auto &subCase = *subCases.begin();
llvm::BasicBlock *block = blockForCases(subCase.second);
// If the default case is unreachable, we don't need to conditionally
// branch.
if (dflt.getInt()) {
goto next;
auto &valuePiece = subCase.first;
llvm::Value *valueConstant = llvm::ConstantInt::get(payloadIntTy,
valueConstant = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(valueConstant,
auto cmp = IGF.Builder.CreateICmpEQ(v, valueConstant);
IGF.Builder.CreateCondBr(cmp, block, dflt.getPointer());
goto next;
// Otherwise, do a switch.
v = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(v, payloadIntTy);
auto swi = IGF.Builder.CreateSwitch(v, dflt.getPointer(), subCases.size());
for (auto &subCase : subCases) {
auto &valuePiece = subCase.first;
auto valueConstant = llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext(),
swi->addCase(valueConstant, blockForCases(subCase.second));
// Emit the recursive cases.
for (auto &recursive : recursiveCases) {
emitSubSwitch(IGF, values, mask, recursive.second, dflt);
void EnumPayload::emitSwitch(IRGenFunction &IGF,
APInt mask,
ArrayRef<std::pair<APInt, llvm::BasicBlock *>> cases,
SwitchDefaultDest dflt) const {
// If there's only one case to test, do a simple compare and branch.
if (cases.size() == 1) {
// If the default case is unreachable, don't bother branching at all.
if (dflt.getInt()) {
auto *cmp = emitCompare(IGF, mask, cases[0].first);
IGF.Builder.CreateCondBr(cmp, cases[0].second, dflt.getPointer());
// Otherwise, break down the decision tree.
SmallVector<std::pair<APInt, llvm::BasicBlock*>, 4> mutableCases
(cases.begin(), cases.end());
emitSubSwitch(IGF, PayloadValues, mask, mutableCases, dflt);
llvm::Value *
EnumPayload::emitCompare(IRGenFunction &IGF, APInt mask, APInt value) const {
// Succeed trivially for an empty payload, or if the payload is masked
// out completely.
if (PayloadValues.empty() || mask == 0)
return llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGF.IGM.Int1Ty, 1U);
assert((~mask & value) == 0
&& "value has masked out bits set?!");
auto &DL = IGF.IGM.DataLayout;
llvm::Value *condition = nullptr;
for (auto &pv : PayloadValues) {
auto v = forcePayloadValue(pv);
unsigned size = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(v->getType());
// Break off a piece of the mask and value.
auto maskPiece = mask.zextOrTrunc(size);
auto valuePiece = value.zextOrTrunc(size);
mask = mask.lshr(size);
value = value.lshr(size);
// If this piece is zero, it doesn't affect the comparison.
if (maskPiece == 0)
// Apply the mask and test.
bool isMasked = !maskPiece.isAllOnesValue();
auto intTy = llvm::IntegerType::get(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext(), size);
// Need to bitcast to an integer in order to use 'icmp eq' if the piece
// isn't already an int or pointer, or in order to apply a mask.
if (isMasked
|| (!isa<llvm::IntegerType>(v->getType())
&& !isa<llvm::PointerType>(v->getType())))
v = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(v, intTy);
if (isMasked) {
auto maskConstant = llvm::ConstantInt::get(intTy, maskPiece);
v = IGF.Builder.CreateAnd(v, maskConstant);
llvm::Value *valueConstant = llvm::ConstantInt::get(intTy, valuePiece);
valueConstant = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(valueConstant,
auto cmp = IGF.Builder.CreateICmpEQ(v, valueConstant);
if (!condition)
condition = cmp;
condition = IGF.Builder.CreateAnd(condition, cmp);
// We should have handled the cases where there are no significant conditions
// in the early exit.
assert(condition && "no significant condition?!");
return condition;
EnumPayload::emitApplyAndMask(IRGenFunction &IGF, APInt mask) {
// Early exit if the mask has no effect.
if (mask.isAllOnesValue())
auto &DL = IGF.IGM.DataLayout;
for (auto &pv : PayloadValues) {
auto payloadTy = getPayloadType(pv);
unsigned size = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(payloadTy);
// Break off a chunk of the mask.
auto maskPiece = mask.zextOrTrunc(size);
mask = mask.lshr(size);
// If this piece is all ones, it has no effect.
if (maskPiece.isAllOnesValue())
// If the payload value is vacant, the mask can't change it.
if (<llvm::Type *>())
// If this piece is zero, it wipes out the chunk entirely, and we can
// drop it.
if (maskPiece == 0) {
pv = payloadTy;
// Otherwise, apply the mask to the existing value.
auto v = pv.get<llvm::Value*>();
auto payloadIntTy = llvm::IntegerType::get(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext(), size);
auto maskConstant = llvm::ConstantInt::get(payloadIntTy, maskPiece);
v = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(v, payloadIntTy);
v = IGF.Builder.CreateAnd(v, maskConstant);
v = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(v, payloadTy);
pv = v;
EnumPayload::emitApplyOrMask(IRGenFunction &IGF, APInt mask) {
// Early exit if the mask has no effect.
if (mask == 0)
auto &DL = IGF.IGM.DataLayout;
for (auto &pv : PayloadValues) {
auto payloadTy = getPayloadType(pv);
unsigned size = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(payloadTy);
// Break off a chunk of the mask.
auto maskPiece = mask.zextOrTrunc(size);
mask = mask.lshr(size);
// If this piece is zero, it has no effect.
if (maskPiece == 0)
auto payloadIntTy = llvm::IntegerType::get(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext(), size);
auto maskConstant = llvm::ConstantInt::get(payloadIntTy, maskPiece);
// If the payload value is vacant, or the mask is all ones,
// we can adopt the mask value directly.
if (<llvm::Type *>() || maskPiece.isAllOnesValue()) {
pv = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(maskConstant, payloadTy);
// Otherwise, apply the mask to the existing value.
auto v = pv.get<llvm::Value*>();
v = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(v, payloadIntTy);
v = IGF.Builder.CreateOr(v, maskConstant);
v = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(v, payloadTy);
pv = v;
EnumPayload::emitApplyOrMask(IRGenFunction &IGF,
EnumPayload mask) {
unsigned count = PayloadValues.size();
assert(count == mask.PayloadValues.size());
auto &DL = IGF.IGM.DataLayout;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
auto payloadTy = getPayloadType(PayloadValues[i]);
unsigned size = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(payloadTy);
auto payloadIntTy = llvm::IntegerType::get(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext(), size);
if (mask.PayloadValues[i].is<llvm::Type *>()) {
// We're ORing with zero, do nothing
} else if (PayloadValues[i].is<llvm::Type *>()) {
PayloadValues[i] = mask.PayloadValues[i];
} else {
auto v1 = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(
PayloadValues[i].get<llvm::Value *>(),
auto v2 = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(
mask.PayloadValues[i].get<llvm::Value *>(),
PayloadValues[i] = IGF.Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(
IGF.Builder.CreateOr(v1, v2),
/// Gather spare bits into the low bits of a smaller integer value.
llvm::Value *irgen::emitGatherSpareBits(IRGenFunction &IGF,
const SpareBitVector &spareBitMask,
llvm::Value *spareBits,
unsigned resultLowBit,
unsigned resultBitWidth) {
auto destTy
= llvm::IntegerType::get(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext(), resultBitWidth);
unsigned usedBits = resultLowBit;
llvm::Value *result = nullptr;
auto spareBitEnumeration = spareBitMask.enumerateSetBits();
for (auto optSpareBit = spareBitEnumeration.findNext();
optSpareBit.hasValue() && usedBits < resultBitWidth;
optSpareBit = spareBitEnumeration.findNext()) {
unsigned u = optSpareBit.getValue();
assert(u >= (usedBits - resultLowBit) &&
"used more bits than we've processed?!");
// Shift the bits into place.
llvm::Value *newBits;
if (u > usedBits)
newBits = IGF.Builder.CreateLShr(spareBits, u - usedBits);
else if (u < usedBits)
newBits = IGF.Builder.CreateShl(spareBits, usedBits - u);
newBits = spareBits;
newBits = IGF.Builder.CreateZExtOrTrunc(newBits, destTy);
// See how many consecutive bits we have.
unsigned numBits = 1;
// We don't need more bits than the size of the result.
unsigned maxBits = resultBitWidth - usedBits;
for (unsigned e = spareBitMask.size();
u < e && numBits < maxBits && spareBitMask[u];
++u) {
(void) spareBitEnumeration.findNext();
// Mask out the selected bits.
auto val = APInt::getAllOnesValue(numBits);
if (numBits < resultBitWidth)
val = val.zext(resultBitWidth);
val = val.shl(usedBits);
auto *mask = llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext(), val);
newBits = IGF.Builder.CreateAnd(newBits, mask);
// Accumulate the result.
if (result)
result = IGF.Builder.CreateOr(result, newBits);
result = newBits;
usedBits += numBits;
return result;
llvm::Value *
EnumPayload::emitGatherSpareBits(IRGenFunction &IGF,
const SpareBitVector &spareBits,
unsigned firstBitOffset,
unsigned bitWidth) const {
auto &DL = IGF.IGM.DataLayout;
unsigned payloadOffset = 0;
llvm::Value *spareBitValue = nullptr;
auto destTy = llvm::IntegerType::get(IGF.IGM.getLLVMContext(), bitWidth);
for (auto &pv : PayloadValues) {
// If this value is zero, it has nothing to add to the spare bits.
auto v = pv.dyn_cast<llvm::Value*>();
if (!v) {
payloadOffset += DL.getTypeSizeInBits(pv.get<llvm::Type*>());
unsigned size = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(v->getType());
// Slice the spare bit vector.
// FIXME: this is inefficient.
auto spareBitsPart = SpareBitVector::getConstant(size, false);
unsigned numBitsInPart = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (spareBits[payloadOffset + i]) {
payloadOffset += size;
// If there were no spare bits in this part, it has nothing to add.
if (numBitsInPart == 0)
if (firstBitOffset >= bitWidth)
// Get the spare bits from this part.
auto bits = irgen::emitGatherSpareBits(IGF, spareBitsPart,
v, firstBitOffset, bitWidth);
firstBitOffset += numBitsInPart;
// Accumulate it into the full set.
if (!spareBitValue)
spareBitValue = bits;
spareBitValue = IGF.Builder.CreateOr(spareBitValue, bits);
if (!spareBitValue)
return llvm::ConstantInt::get(destTy, 0);
return spareBitValue;