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<title>Swift containers and value types</title>
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<a href="">Howard Hinnant</a><br>
<h1 align=center>Swift containers and value types</h1>
One of the best things about Cocoa is that it has very strong
conventions. These conventions allow Cocoa programmers to reason about
high-level designs without language support. In the case of containers,
the conventions strongly encourage Cocoa programmers to think of these
objects as values, despite the Objective-C language not having built-in
support for value types. This strong convention is best observed in the
advice we give to class designers. When exposing a container as a
property, programmers are strongly encouraged to use the immutable
version of the container, and to specify the "copy" attribute on the
property. Now, in Swift, we do have formal value types and we should
strongly consider formalizing the Cocoa conventions and make our
containers be value types. Now, in theory, formalizing this semantic for
containers could be disruptive to the day-to-day experience of Cocoa
programmers and therefore we have been doing research to prove that this
isn't the case. We will be reviewing the public API implications and the
internal design implications.
The public API implications are rather simple. If we model containers as
value types, we dramatically simplify the life of public API designers.
We no longer need to specify "copy" on each and every property, and we
also don't need to model immutability as a subclassing relationship (we
wouldn't want to either for reasons this paper won't go into).
Furthermore, computed properties don't need to defensive copy in either
their getter or setter. This is a huge win for safety, and for
performance, because we can defer these problems completely to the
Now, let's consider the implications for class implementors. We have
been doing a lot of research to prove that value semantics would be a
net win, with improved syntax and compile-time error detection, and with
no noticeable performance downside.
Swift Parameter Passing Syntax
In Swift, function parameters can be passed by value or by reference. The
simpler (default) syntax is by value:
func foo(_ c : Character, i : Int) <font color="#C80000">// define foo</font>
// ...
foo(c, i) <font color="#C80000">// call foo</font>
If one wants <code>foo</code> to pass by reference, both the author of <code>foo</code>
and the client of <code>foo</code> agree to use an alternate syntax, for each
individual parameter:
func foo(_ c : Character, i : [inout] Int) <font color="#C80000">// define foo</font>
// ...
foo(c, &amp;i) <font color="#C80000">// call foo</font>
In the latter example above, the author of <code>foo</code> specifies
that the second parameter is to be passed by reference, instead of by
value. And if the caller of <code>foo</code> does not realize which
arguments of <code>foo</code> the author of <code>foo</code> intends to
modify (e.g. intends as <i>out-parameters</i>), then the Swift compiler
will catch this miscommunication and flag a compile-time error.
For a moment, imagine that Swift <b>did not</b> require modified syntax
at the call site:
func doWork() {
<font color="#C80000">// ...</font>
foo(c, i)
<font color="#C80000">// ...</font>
Now, when a human reads the code for <code>doWork()</code>, it is ambiguous
whether or not <code>i</code> is modified by <code>foo</code>, and thus difficult
to know what value of <code>i</code> is sent to <code>bar</code>. One first has to
first look at the <i>signature</i> of <code>foo</code> to discover that it intends
to modify its last argument:
func foo(_ c : Character, i : <b>[inout]</b> Int)
Or alternatively just trust that the author of <code>foo</code> chose a
sufficiently descriptive name for the function so that the human reader
can tell in <code>doWork()</code> whether or not <code>foo</code>
modifies <code>i</code> without looking up the signature of
An even worse scenario would be for Swift to implicitly pass everything by
func foo(_ c : Character, i : Int)
Now in <code>doWork</code>:
func doWork() {
<font color="#C80000">// ...</font>
foo(c, i)
<font color="#C80000">// ...</font>
... we have to not only look at the signature of <code>foo</code>, we
have to examine the entire <b>definition</b> of <code>foo</code> to
discover if we are sending a modified <code>i</code> to <code>bar</code>
or not. And if <code>foo</code> calls any other functions with
<code>i</code> each of <i>those</i> function definitions would also have
to be examined in order to answer this question.
Effectively, if Swift were designed to implicitly pass <code>i</code> by
reference in this example, the programmer must effectively and manually
perform a whole-program-analysis just to reason about the behavior of
Fortunately this is <i>not</i> how Swift was designed. Instead the programmer
can analyze the behavior of <code>doWork</code> by looking <b>only</b>
at the definition of <code>doWork</code>. Either <code>i</code> will be
explicitly passed by reference, or it will be passed by value, and thus
one immediately knows whether further uses of <code>i</code> are getting
a modified value or not:
func doWork() {
<font color="#C80000">// ...</font>
foo(c, i)
bar(i) <font color="#C80000">// i is unchanged by foo</font>
<font color="#C80000">// ...</font>
func doOtherWork() {
<font color="#C80000">// ...</font>
foo(c, &amp;i)
bar(i) <font color="#C80000">// i is most likely modified by foo</font>
<font color="#C80000">// ...</font>
The Impact on Mutable Containers
The ability to locally reason about the behavior of <code>doWork</code>
in the previous section applies to mutable containers such as
<code>Array</code> and <code>String</code> just as much as it applies
to the <code>Int</code> parameter.
For performance reasons, we need to have mutable containers. Otherwise
operations such as continuously appending become too expensive. But we
need to be able to locally reason about code which uses these
containers. If we make <code>Array</code> a reference type, then Swift
will compile this code:
func foo(_ v : Array, i : Int) <font color="#C80000">// define foo</font>
func doWork() {
<font color="#C80000">// ...</font>
foo(v, i)
<font color="#C80000">// ...</font>
But the human reader of this code will have to perform a non-local
analysis to figure out what <code>doWork</code> is doing with the
<code>Array</code> (whether or not it is modified in or under
<code>foo</code>, and thus what value is used in <code>bar</code>). Or
rely on a high quality and strictly followed naming conventions such as
those used in Cocoa. Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with high
quality, strictly followed naming conventions. But they aren't checked
by the compiler. Having the compiler be able to confirm: yes, this
argument can be modified / no, that argument cannot be modified; is a
<i>tremendous</i> productivity booster.
If <code>Array</code> has value semantics, then we only need to glance at
<code>doWork()</code> to discover that both <code>foo</code> and <code>bar</code>
receive the same value in <code>v</code> (just like <code>i</code>).
Swift containers should have value semantics to enable programmers to
locally reason about their code using compiler-enforced syntax.
The Impact of Value Semantics Containers on Cocoa Programmers
I have spent the last couple of weeks looking at a lot of Apple's use of
<code>NSMutableArray</code>, <code>NSMutableDictionary</code> and
<code>NSMutableSet</code>. I've looked at Foundation, AppKit, CoreData,
Mail, etc. Everything I've looked at has shown that the programmers are
going out of their way to reduce and even eliminate sharing between
containers (avoid reference semantics). I am seeing customer-written
DeepCopy methods.
-(NSMutableArray *)mutableDeepCopy;
I am seeing factory functions that return mutable containers which
share with nothing but a local within the factory function.
+ (NSMutableDictionary*) defaultWindowStateForNode: (const TFENode&amp;) inTarget
NSMutableDictionary* result = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
<font color="#C80000">// result is just filled, it shares with nothing...</font>
if (inTarget.IsVolume()
&amp;&amp; (inTarget.IsDiskImage() || inTarget.IsOnReadOnlyVolume())
&amp;&amp; inTarget != TFENodeFactory::GetHomeNode()
&amp;&amp; !inTarget.IsPlaceholderAliasTarget())
[result setBoolFE: NO forKey: kShowToolbarKey];
[result setBoolFE: YES forKey: kShowToolbarKey];
[result setBoolFE: [[self class] shouldShowStatusBar]
forKey: UDefaults::StrKey(UDefaults::kShowStatusBar).PassNSString()];
[result setBoolFE: [[self class] shouldShowTabView]
forKey: UDefaults::StrKey(UDefaults::kShowTabView).PassNSString()];
[result addEntriesFromDictionary: [TBrowserContainerController defaultContainerStateForNode: inTarget]];
return result;
For the above factory function, it makes absolutely no difference whether value
semantics or reference semantics is used for <code>NSMutableDictionary</code>.
On occasion, I am seeing <code>NSMutable*</code> being passed into
functions just for the purpose of having in/out parameters, not creating
any sharing within the function. For example:
- (void)_checkPathForArchive:(DVTFilePath *)archivePath andAddToArray:(NSMutableArray *)archives
if ([self _couldBeArchivePath: archivePath]) {
IDEArchive *archive = [IDEArchive archiveWithArchivePath:archivePath];
if (archive != nil) {
[archives addObject:archive];
And called like this:
[self _checkPathForArchive: archivePath andAddToArray: archives];
Such code is typically used as a private function and called from only
one or two places. Note that here is an example that the human reader
is greatly depending on really good names to make the semantics clear:
<code>andAddToArray</code>. In Swift such code is easily translated to
something like:
_checkPathForArchiveAndAddToArray(archivePath, &amp;archives)
Note that now the code not only has a great name, but the compiler is helping
the programmer ensure that both the client and function both agree that
<code>archives</code> is an in-out argument. And <i>just as importantly</i>,
that <code>archivePath</code> is <b>not</b> to be modified within
<code>_checkPathForArchiveAndAddToArray</code>. However if
<code>archivePath</code> is a mutable object with reference semantics, we lose
that ability to locally reason about this code, even in Swift.
The most worrisome code I see looks like this:
- (_FilteredListInfo *)_backgroundSortNewFilteredMessages:(NSMutableArray *)messages {
// lots and lots of code here involving messages... and then near the bottom:
res.filteredMessages = messages; <font color="#C80000">// share here!</font>
return res;
I.e. this <i>is</i> sharing a mutable container! However if you then
go to the trouble to track down how this method is used, you find that
messages is only bound to a temporary, or to a local variable in the
calling function. So, actually there is no permanent sharing after all.
But the programmer has to do non-local code analysis to figure out that
the above is actually safe. Additionally there is nothing to stop this
function from being misused in the future. This is just a ticking time
bomb in the code.
It would be far easier to reason about this code if <code>messages</code> was
passed, semantically, <i>by-value</i>.
func _backgroundSortNewFilteredMessages(_ messages : Array) -&gt; _FilteredListInfo {
// ...
res.filteredMessages = messages; <font color="#C80000">// copy here!</font>
// ...
return res
This need not imply a performance penalty with reference counting and
copy-on-write. Especially when the argument is a temporary as is the
case in this example.
I'm seeing the same patterns, over and over, after surveying tens of
thousands of lines of code across multiple applications. Cocoa programmers are:
Avoiding accidental sharing with manual deep copies where necessary.
Avoiding accidental sharing through the use of simple factory functions and
ordinary in/out parameters for functions that do not hold lasting
references internally.
In a few cases, being really careful to only pass temporaries or locals to
a function that does form a permanent reference. And these functions can
not be reasoned about by only looking at the local function itself.
It appears to me that Cocoa programmers are already using value
semantics for their containers. But they are getting no help at all
from their programming environment in doing so. Instead they are
relying solely on good coding conventions and very descriptive method
names. Cocoa programmers <b>will not</b> undergo a painful paradigm
shift by giving Swift containers value semantics.
The most concern I hear when talking about "large" objects having value
semantics is that of performance. One understandably does not want to
be copying tons of data around. The plan for Swift containers is to
implement them with the reference-counted copy-on-write idiom. In doing
so, the Swift programmer is freed from the tedious task of writing "deep
copy" functions, and yet the type behaves just like an <code>Int</code>.
Additionally the type can be passed by reference, just like an
<code>Int</code>, in the relatively few places where pass-by-reference
is the desired behavior.
In making Swift containers behave just like <code>Int</code>, not only
is the overall Swift API simplified, but this is also a boon to generic
algorithms. For example one can confidently write a generic sorting
algorithm that works for sequences of <code>Int</code>, and for
sequences of <code>Array&lt;Int&gt;</code>. The generic code need not
concern itself with the question of whether or not the type has value
semantics or reference semantics.
Cocoa programmers already view and use containers as value types, even though
to achieve this they have to rely <i>only</i> on strong coding conventions.
They get no help from ObjC in this regard.
Swift can have both reference and by-value parameters, and the latter
has the simpler syntax. This helps programmers to locally reason about
their code when using value types by making it clear that most arguments
passed to functions are not modified. Function results tend to be
returned from the function.
In the relatively infrequent case that the programmer intends to modify
a function argument (i.e. as an out-parameter), if value semantics are
used, Swift makes the modification explicit in the client code through
use of '<code>&amp;</code>' at the call site. Thus the programmer can
more easily spot the few cases where this is desired.
<li>Swift cannot provide such protection for types with reference semantics.</li>
Performance is not compromised by formally adopting value semantics for
containers in Swift.
Swift containers should have value semantics to enable programmers to
locally reason about their code using compiler-enforced syntax.