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Unified Function Syntax via Selector Splitting
.. warning:: This document was used in planning Swift 1.0; it has not been kept
up to date and does not describe the current or planned behavior of Swift. In
particular, we experimented with preposition-based splitting and decided
against it.
.. contents::
Cocoa Selectors
A Cocoa selector is intended to convey what a method does or produces
as well as what its various arguments are. For example,
``NSTableView`` has the following method::
- (void)moveRowAtIndex:(NSInteger)oldIndex toIndex:(NSInteger)newIndex;
Note that there are three pieces of information in the selector
1. What the method is doing ("moving a row").
2. What the first argument is ("the index of the row we're moving").
3. What the second argument is ("the index we're moving to").
However, there are only two selector pieces: "moveRowAtIndex" and
"toIndex". The first selector piece is conveying both #1 and #2, and
it reads well in English because the preposition "at" separates the
action (``moveRow``) from the first argument (``AtIndex``), while the
second selector piece conveys #3. Cocoa conventions in this area are
fairly strong, where the first selector piece describes what the
operation is doing or produces, and well as what the first argument
is, and subsequent selector pieces describe the remaining arguments.
Splitting Selectors at Prepositions
When importing an Objective-C selector, split the first selector piece
into a base method name and a first argument name. The actual split
will occur just before the last preposition in the selector piece,
using camelCase word boundaries to identify words. The resulting
method name is::
where ``moveRow`` is the base name, ``atIndex`` is the name of the
first argument (note that the 'a' has been automatically lowercased),
and ``toIndex`` is the name of the second argument.
In the (fairly rare) case where there are two prepositions in the
initial selector, splitting at the last preposition improves the
likelihood of a better split, because the last prepositional phrase is
more likely to pertain to the first argument. For example,
``appendBezierPathWithArcFromPoint:toPoint:radius:`` becomes::
If there are no prepositions within the first selector piece, the
entire first selector piece becomes the base name, and the first
argument is unnamed. For example ``UIView``'s
``insertSubview:atIndex:`` becomes::
where '_' is a placeholder for an argument with no name.
Calling Syntax
By splitting selectors into a base name and argument names, Swift's
keyword-argument calling syntax works naturally::
tableView.moveRow(atIndex: i, toIndex: j)
view.insertSubview(someView, atIndex: i)
The syntax generalizes naturally to global and local functions that
have no object argument, i.e.,::
NSMakeRange(location: loc, length: len)
assuming that we had argument names for C functions or a Swift overlay
that provided them. It also nicely handles cases where argument names
aren't available, e.g.,::
NSMakeRange(loc, len)
as well as variadic methods::
NSString(stringwithFormat: "%@ : %@", key, value)
Declaration Syntax
The existing "selector-style" declaration syntax can be extended to
better support declaring functions with separate base names and first
argument names, i.e.::
func moveRow atIndex(Int) toIndex(Int)
However, this declaration looks very little like the call site, which
uses a parenthesized argument list, commas, and colons. Let's
eliminate the "selector-style" declaration syntax entirely. We can use
the existing ("tuple-style") declaration syntax to mirror the call
syntax directly::
func moveRow(_ atIndex: Int, toIndex: Int)
Now, sometimes the argument name that works well at the call site
doesn't work well for the body of the function. For example, splitting
the selector for ``UIView``'s ``contentHuggingPriorityForAxis:``
results in::
func contentHuggingPriority(_ forAxis: UILayoutConstraintAxis) -> UILayoutPriority
The name ``forAxis`` works well at the call site, but not within the
function body. So, we allow one to specify the name of the parameter
for the body of the function::
func contentHuggingPriority(forAxis axis: UILayoutConstraintAxis) -> UILayoutPriority {
// use 'axis' in the body
One can use '_' in either the argument or parameter name position to
specify that there is no name. For example::
func f(_ a: Int) // no argument name; parameter name is 'a'
func g(b _: Int) // argument name is 'b'; no parameter name
The first function doesn't support keyword arguments; it is what an
imported C or C++ function would use. The second function supports a
keyword argument (``b``), but the parameter is not named (and
therefore cannot be used) within the body. The second form is fairly
uncommon, and will presumably only to be used for backward
Method Names
The name of a method in this scheme is determined by the base name and
the names of each of the arguments, and is written as::
to mirror the form of declarations and calls, with types, arguments,
and commas omitted. In code, one can refer to the name of a function
just by its basename, if the context provides enough information to
uniquely determine the method. For example, when uncurrying a method
reference to a variable of specified type::
let f: (UILayoutConstraintAxis) -> UILayoutPriority = view.contentHuggingPriority
To refer to the complete method name, place the method name in
backticks, as in this reference to an optional method in a delegate::
if let method = delegate.`tableView(_:viewForTableColumn:row:)` {
// ...
Objective-C ``init`` methods correspond to initializers in
Swift. Swift splits the selector name after the ``init``. For example,
``NSView``'s ``initWithFrame:`` method becomes the initializer::
init(withFrame: NSRect)
There is a degenerate case here where the ``init`` method has
additional words following ``init``, but there is no argument with
which to associate the information, such as with
``initForIncrementalLoad``. This is currently handled by adding an
empty tuple parameter to store the name, i.e.::
which requires the somewhat unfortunate initialization syntax::
Fortunately, this is a relatively isolated problem: Cocoa and Cocoa
Touch contain only four selectors of this form::
With a number that small, it's easy enough to provide overlays.
Handling Poor Mappings
The split-at-last-preposition heuristic works well for a significant
number of selectors, but it is not perfect. Therefore, we will
introduce an attribute into Objective-C that allows one to specify the
Swift method name for that Objective-C API. For example, by default,
the ``NSURL`` method ``+bookmarkDataWithContentsOfURL:error:`` will
come into Swift as::
class func bookmarkDataWithContents(ofURL bookmarkFileURL: NSURL, error: inout NSError) -> NSData
However, one can provide a different mapping with the ``method_name``
+ (NSData *)bookmarkDataWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)bookmarkFileURL error:(NSError **)error __attribute__((method_name(bookmarkData(withContentsOfURL:error:))))
This attribute specifies the Swift method name corresponding to that
selector. Presumably, the ``method_name`` attribute will be wrapped in
a macro supplied by Foundation, i.e.,::
#define NS_METHOD_NAME(Name) __attribute__((method_name(Name)))
For 1.0, it is not feasible to mark up the Objective-C headers in the
various SDKs. Therefore, the compiler will contain a list of mapping
from Objective-C selectors to Swift method names. Post-1.0, we can
migrate these mappings to the headers.
A mapping in the other direction is also important, allowing one to
associate a specific Objective-C selector with a method. For example,
a Boolean property::
var enabled: Bool {
@objc(isEnabled) get {
// ...
set {
// ...
Optionality and Ordering of Keyword Arguments
A number of programming languages have keyword arguments in one form
or another, including Ada, C#, Fortran 95, Lua, OCaml,
Perl 6, Python, and Ruby. Objective-C and Smalltalk's use of selectors
is roughly equivalent, in the sense that the arguments get names.
The languages with keyword arguments (but not Objective-C and
Smalltalk) all allow re-ordering of
arguments at the call site, and many allow one to
provide arguments positionally without their associated name at the
call site. However, Cocoa APIs were designed based on the
understanding that they would not be re-ordered, and the sentence
structure of some selectors depends on that. To that end, a new
attribute ``call_arguments(strict)`` can be placed on any function and
indicates that keyword arguments are required and cannot be reordered
in calls to that function, i.e.::
func moveRow(_ atIndex:Int, toIndex:Int)
Swift's Objective-C importer will automatically add this to all
imported Objective-C methods, so that Cocoa APIs will retain their
sentence structure.
Removing ``with`` and ``for`` from Argument Names
The prepositions ``with`` and ``for`` are commonly used in the first
selector piece to separate the action or result of a method from the
first argument, but don't themselves convey much information at either
the call or declaration site. For example, ``NSColor``'s
``colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha:`` is called as::
NSColor.color(withRed: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)
The ``with`` in this case feels spurious and makes ``withRed`` feel
out of sync with ``green``, ``blue``, and ``alpha``. Therefore, we
will remove the ``with`` (or ``for``) from any argument name, so that
this call becomes::
NSColor.color(red: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)
In addition to improving the call site, this eliminates the need to
rename parameters as often at the declaration site, i.e., this::
class func color(withRed red: CGFloat, green: CGFloat, blue: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor
class func color(_ red: CGFloat, green: CGFloat, blue: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat) -> NSColor
Note that we only perform this removal for ``with`` and ``for``; other
prepositions tend to have important meaning associated with them, and
are therefore not removed. For example, consider calls to the
``NSImage`` method ``-drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:`` with
the leading prepositions retained and removed, respectively::
image.draw(inRect: x, fromRect: x, operation: op, fraction: 0.5)
image.draw(rect: x, rect: y, operation: op, fraction: 0.5)
Here, dropping the leading prepositions is actively harmful, because
we've lost the directionality provided by ``in`` and ``from`` in the
first two arguments. ``with`` and ``for`` do not have this problem.
The second concern with dropping ``with`` and ``for`` is that we need
to either specify or infer the prepositions when declaring a
method. For example, consider the following initializer::
init(frame: CGRect)
How would the compiler know to insert the preposition "with" into the
name when computing the selector, so that this maps to
``initWithFrame:``? In many cases, where we're overriding a method or
initializer from a superclass or we are implementing a method to conform
to a protocol, the selector can be deduced from method/initializer in
the superclass or protocol. In those cases where new API is being
defined in Swift where the selector requires a preposition, one would
use the ``objc`` attribute with a selector::
init(frame: CGRect)
Imported Objective-C methods would have the appropriate ``objc``
attribute attached to them automatically.
Which Prepositions?
English has a large number of prepositions, and many of those words
also have other rules as adjectives, adverbs, and so on. The following
list, taken from `The English Club`_, with poetic, archaic, and non-US
forms removed, provided the starting point for the list of
prepositions used in splitting. The **bolded** prepositions are used
to split; notes indicate whether Cocoa uses this preposition as a
preposition in any of its selectors, as well as any special
circumstances that affect inclusion or exclusion from the list.
|Preposition |In Cocoa?|Dropped? | Notes |
| Aboard | No | | |
| About | No* | | Used as an adjective |
| **Above** | Yes | No | |
| Across | No | | |
| **After** | Yes | No | |
| Against | Yes* | | Misleading when split |
| **Along** | Yes | No | |
| **Alongside** | Yes | No | |
| Amid | No | | |
| Among | No | | |
| Anti | No* | | Used as an adjective |
| Around | No | | |
| **As** | Yes | No | |
| Astride | No | | |
| **At** | Yes | No | |
| Bar | No* | | Used as a noun |
| Barring | No | | |
| **Before** | Yes | No | |
| Behind | No | | |
| **Below** | Yes | No | |
| Beneath | No | | |
| Beside | No | | |
| Besides | No | | |
| Between | Yes | | Not amenable to parameters |
| Beyond | No | | |
| But | No | | |
| **By** | Yes | No | |
| Circa | No | | |
| Concerning | No | | |
| Considering | No | | |
| Counting | No* | | Used as an adjective |
| Cum | No | | |
| Despite | No | | |
| Down | No* | | Used as a noun |
| During | Yes* | | Misleading when split |
| Except | No | | |
| Excepting | No | | |
| Excluding | No | | |
| **Following** | Yes | No | |
| **For** | Yes | **Yes** | |
| **From** | Yes | No | |
| **Given** | Yes* | No | Never splits a selector |
| **In** | Yes | No | |
| **Including** | Yes* | No | Never splits a selector |
| **Inside** | Yes | No | |
| **Into** | Yes | No | |
| Less | No* | | Always "less than" |
| Like | Yes* | | Misleading when split |
| Minus | No | | |
| Near | No | | |
| Notwithstanding| No | | |
| **Of** | Yes | No | |
| Off | No* | | Used as a noun |
| **On** | Yes | No | |
| Onto | No | | |
| Opposite | No | | |
| Out | No* | | Used as an adverb |
| Outside | Yes* | | Misleading when split |
| Over | No* | | Used as an adverb |
| Past | No | | |
| Pending | No* | | Used as an adjective |
| Per | Yes* | | Misleading to split |
| Plus | No | | Used as an adjective |
| Pro | No | | |
| Regarding | No | | |
| Respecting | No | | |
| Round | No | | |
| Save | No* | | Used as adjective, verb |
| Saving | No* | | Used as adjective |
| **Since** | Yes | No | |
| Than | No* | | Always "greater than" |
| Through | Yes* | | Misleading when split |
| Throughout | No | | |
| **To** | Yes | No | |
| Toward | No | | |
| Towards | No | | |
| Under | No | | |
| Underneath | No | | |
| Unlike | No | | |
| **Until** | Yes | No | |
| Unto | No | | |
| Up | No* | | Used as adjective |
| Upon | Yes* | | Misleading when split |
| Versus | No | | |
| **Via** | Yes | No | |
| **With** | Yes | **Yes** | |
| **Within** | Yes | No | |
| Without | Yes* | | Misleading when split |
| Worth | No | | |
.. _the english club: