blob: d28999a7cbbfbaa13786fc5b98f303975d0a790b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: not %complete-test 2>&1 | %FileCheck -check-prefix=MISSING-ALL %s
// MISSING-ALL: usage: complete-test -tok=A file
// MISSING-ALL: missing <source-file>
// RUN: not %complete-test %s 2>&1 | %FileCheck -check-prefix=MISSING-TOK %s
// MISSING-TOK: missing -tok=
// RUN: not %complete-test -tok=NOPE %s 2>&1 | %FileCheck -check-prefix=MISSING-TOK-IN %s
// MISSING-TOK-IN: cannot find code completion token in source file
// RUN: %complete-test -tok=INT_DOT %s | %FileCheck -check-prefix=INT_DOT %s -strict-whitespace
// RUN: %complete-test -tok=ALL %s | %FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL %s
// RUN: %complete-test -tok=DIFF -raw %s > %t.complete-test
// RUN: %sourcekitd-test -pos=49:5 %s -- %s > %t.sourcekitd-test
// RUN: diff %t.complete-test %t.sourcekitd-test
struct MyInt {
func advancedFeatures(x: Int) {}
func advancedFeatures(x: Int, y: Int) {}
var bigPower: Int = 0
func descriptiveIntention(x: Int) {}
func foo() {
let x = MyInt()
// INT_DOT: {{^}}advancedFeatures(x:
// INT_DOT: {{^}}bigPower{{$}}
// INT_DOT: {{^}}descriptiveIntention(x: Int){{$}}
func bar() {
// ALL: bar()
// ALL: foo()
// A simple struct that will have a reliable sort order for diff'ing so that we
// can check that the -raw output from complete-test looks like
// sourcekitd-test.
struct ForDiff {
let w: Int
let x: String
func y() {}
func z() throws {}
func diff(x: ForDiff) {
// XFAIL: broken_std_regex