blob: c8e47cd257263dba7c476ccf27bbefe451148611 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -parse -verify %s
func foo(a : [(some: Int, (key: Int, value: String))]) -> String {
for (i , (j, k)) in a { // expected-error {{cannot express tuple conversion '(some: Int, (key: Int, value: String))' to '(Int, (Int, String))'}}{8-8=some: }} {{13-13=key: }} {{16-16=value: }}
if i == j { return k }
func rdar28207648() -> [(Int, CustomStringConvertible)] {
let v : [(Int, Int)] = []
return v as [(Int, CustomStringConvertible)] // expected-error {{cannot express tuple conversion '(Int, Int)' to '(Int, CustomStringConvertible)'}}
class rdar28207648Base {}
class rdar28207648Derived : rdar28207648Base {}
func rdar28207648(x: (Int, rdar28207648Derived)) -> (Int, rdar28207648Base) {
return x as (Int, rdar28207648Base) // expected-error {{cannot express tuple conversion '(Int, rdar28207648Derived)' to '(Int, rdar28207648Base)'}}