blob: d1d516129250c49a39537eabd43c66bc5806f647 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -Xllvm -sil-full-demangle -emit-silgen %s | %FileCheck %s
protocol ClassBound : class {}
protocol NotClassBound {}
class C : ClassBound, NotClassBound {}
struct S : NotClassBound {}
struct Unloadable : NotClassBound { var x : NotClassBound }
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts36opaque_archetype_to_opaque_archetype{{.*}}
func opaque_archetype_to_opaque_archetype
<T:NotClassBound, U>(_ t:T) -> U {
return t as! U
// CHECK: bb0([[RET:%.*]] : $*U, {{%.*}}: $*T):
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr take_always T in {{%.*}} : $*T to U in [[RET]] : $*U
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts36opaque_archetype_is_opaque_archetype{{.*}}
func opaque_archetype_is_opaque_archetype
<T:NotClassBound, U>(_ t:T, u:U.Type) -> Bool {
return t is U
// CHECK: checked_cast_addr_br take_always T in [[VAL:%.*]] : $*T to U in [[DEST:%.*]] : $*U, [[YES:bb[0-9]+]], [[NO:bb[0-9]+]]
// CHECK: [[YES]]:
// CHECK: [[Y:%.*]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, -1
// CHECK: destroy_addr [[DEST]]
// CHECK: br [[CONT:bb[0-9]+]]([[Y]] : $Builtin.Int1)
// CHECK: [[NO]]:
// CHECK: [[N:%.*]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, 0
// CHECK: br [[CONT]]([[N]] : $Builtin.Int1)
// CHECK: [[CONT]]([[I1:%.*]] : $Builtin.Int1):
// -- apply the _getBool library fn
// CHECK-NEXT: function_ref Swift._getBool
// CHECK-NEXT: [[GETBOOL:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFs8_getBoolFBi1_Sb :
// CHECK-NEXT: [[RES:%.*]] = apply [[GETBOOL]]([[I1]])
// -- we don't consume the checked value
// CHECK: return [[RES]] : $Bool
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts35opaque_archetype_to_class_archetype{{.*}}
func opaque_archetype_to_class_archetype
<T:NotClassBound, U:ClassBound> (_ t:T) -> U {
return t as! U
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr take_always T in {{%.*}} : $*T to U in [[DOWNCAST_ADDR:%.*]] : $*U
// CHECK: [[DOWNCAST:%.*]] = load [[DOWNCAST_ADDR]] : $*U
// CHECK: return [[DOWNCAST]] : $U
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts35opaque_archetype_is_class_archetype{{.*}}
func opaque_archetype_is_class_archetype
<T:NotClassBound, U:ClassBound> (_ t:T, u:U.Type) -> Bool {
return t is U
// CHECK: copy_addr {{.*}} : $*T
// CHECK: checked_cast_addr_br take_always T in [[VAL:%.*]] : {{.*}} to U
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts34class_archetype_to_class_archetype{{.*}}
func class_archetype_to_class_archetype
<T:ClassBound, U:ClassBound>(_ t:T) -> U {
return t as! U
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr {{.*}} T in {{%.*}} : $*T to U in [[DOWNCAST_ADDR:%.*]] : $*U
// CHECK: [[DOWNCAST:%.*]] = load [[DOWNCAST_ADDR]]
// CHECK: return [[DOWNCAST]] : $U
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts34class_archetype_is_class_archetype{{.*}}
func class_archetype_is_class_archetype
<T:ClassBound, U:ClassBound>(_ t:T, u:U.Type) -> Bool {
return t is U
// CHECK: checked_cast_addr_br {{.*}} T in {{%.*}} : $*T to U in {{%.*}} : $*U
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts38opaque_archetype_to_addr_only_concrete{{.*}}
func opaque_archetype_to_addr_only_concrete
<T:NotClassBound> (_ t:T) -> Unloadable {
return t as! Unloadable
// CHECK: bb0([[RET:%.*]] : $*Unloadable, {{%.*}}: $*T):
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr take_always T in {{%.*}} : $*T to Unloadable in [[RET]] : $*Unloadable
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts38opaque_archetype_is_addr_only_concrete{{.*}}
func opaque_archetype_is_addr_only_concrete
<T:NotClassBound> (_ t:T) -> Bool {
return t is Unloadable
// CHECK: checked_cast_addr_br take_always T in [[VAL:%.*]] : {{.*}} to Unloadable in
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts37opaque_archetype_to_loadable_concrete{{.*}}
func opaque_archetype_to_loadable_concrete
<T:NotClassBound>(_ t:T) -> S {
return t as! S
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr take_always T in {{%.*}} : $*T to S in [[DOWNCAST_ADDR:%.*]] : $*S
// CHECK: [[DOWNCAST:%.*]] = load [[DOWNCAST_ADDR]] : $*S
// CHECK: return [[DOWNCAST]] : $S
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts37opaque_archetype_is_loadable_concrete{{.*}}
func opaque_archetype_is_loadable_concrete
<T:NotClassBound>(_ t:T) -> Bool {
return t is S
// CHECK: checked_cast_addr_br take_always T in {{%.*}} : $*T to S in
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts24class_archetype_to_class{{.*}}
func class_archetype_to_class
<T:ClassBound>(_ t:T) -> C {
return t as! C
// CHECK: [[DOWNCAST:%.*]] = unconditional_checked_cast {{%.*}} to $C
// CHECK: return [[DOWNCAST]] : $C
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts24class_archetype_is_class{{.*}}
func class_archetype_is_class
<T:ClassBound>(_ t:T) -> Bool {
return t is C
// CHECK: checked_cast_br {{%.*}} to $C
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts38opaque_existential_to_opaque_archetype{{.*}}
func opaque_existential_to_opaque_archetype
<T:NotClassBound>(_ p:NotClassBound) -> T {
return p as! T
// CHECK: bb0([[RET:%.*]] : $*T, [[ARG:%.*]] : $*NotClassBound):
// CHECK: [[TEMP:%.*]] = alloc_stack $NotClassBound
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr [[ARG]] to [initialization] [[TEMP]]
// CHECK-NEXT: unconditional_checked_cast_addr take_always NotClassBound in [[TEMP]] : $*NotClassBound to T in [[RET]] : $*T
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[TEMP]]
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr [[ARG]]
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T0:%.*]] = tuple ()
// CHECK-NEXT: return [[T0]]
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts38opaque_existential_is_opaque_archetype{{.*}}
func opaque_existential_is_opaque_archetype
<T:NotClassBound>(_ p:NotClassBound, _: T) -> Bool {
return p is T
// CHECK: checked_cast_addr_br take_always NotClassBound in [[CONTAINER:%.*]] : {{.*}} to T in
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts37opaque_existential_to_class_archetype{{.*}}
func opaque_existential_to_class_archetype
<T:ClassBound>(_ p:NotClassBound) -> T {
return p as! T
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr take_always NotClassBound in {{%.*}} : $*NotClassBound to T in [[DOWNCAST_ADDR:%.*]] : $*T
// CHECK: [[DOWNCAST:%.*]] = load [[DOWNCAST_ADDR]] : $*T
// CHECK: return [[DOWNCAST]] : $T
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts37opaque_existential_is_class_archetype{{.*}}
func opaque_existential_is_class_archetype
<T:ClassBound>(_ p:NotClassBound, _: T) -> Bool {
return p is T
// CHECK: checked_cast_addr_br take_always NotClassBound in {{%.*}} : $*NotClassBound to T in
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts36class_existential_to_class_archetype{{.*}}
func class_existential_to_class_archetype
<T:ClassBound>(_ p:ClassBound) -> T {
return p as! T
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr {{.*}} ClassBound in {{%.*}} : $*ClassBound to T in [[DOWNCAST_ADDR:%.*]] : $*T
// CHECK: [[DOWNCAST:%.*]] = load [[DOWNCAST_ADDR]]
// CHECK: return [[DOWNCAST]] : $T
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts36class_existential_is_class_archetype{{.*}}
func class_existential_is_class_archetype
<T:ClassBound>(_ p:ClassBound, _: T) -> Bool {
return p is T
// CHECK: checked_cast_addr_br {{.*}} ClassBound in {{%.*}} : $*ClassBound to T in {{%.*}} : $*T
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts40opaque_existential_to_addr_only_concrete{{.*}}
func opaque_existential_to_addr_only_concrete(_ p: NotClassBound) -> Unloadable {
return p as! Unloadable
// CHECK: bb0([[RET:%.*]] : $*Unloadable, {{%.*}}: $*NotClassBound):
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr take_always NotClassBound in {{%.*}} : $*NotClassBound to Unloadable in [[RET]] : $*Unloadable
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts40opaque_existential_is_addr_only_concrete{{.*}}
func opaque_existential_is_addr_only_concrete(_ p: NotClassBound) -> Bool {
return p is Unloadable
// CHECK: checked_cast_addr_br take_always NotClassBound in {{%.*}} : $*NotClassBound to Unloadable in
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts39opaque_existential_to_loadable_concrete{{.*}}
func opaque_existential_to_loadable_concrete(_ p: NotClassBound) -> S {
return p as! S
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr take_always NotClassBound in {{%.*}} : $*NotClassBound to S in [[DOWNCAST_ADDR:%.*]] : $*S
// CHECK: [[DOWNCAST:%.*]] = load [[DOWNCAST_ADDR]] : $*S
// CHECK: return [[DOWNCAST]] : $S
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts39opaque_existential_is_loadable_concrete{{.*}}
func opaque_existential_is_loadable_concrete(_ p: NotClassBound) -> Bool {
return p is S
// CHECK: checked_cast_addr_br take_always NotClassBound in {{%.*}} : $*NotClassBound to S in
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts26class_existential_to_class{{.*}}
func class_existential_to_class(_ p: ClassBound) -> C {
return p as! C
// CHECK: [[DOWNCAST:%.*]] = unconditional_checked_cast {{%.*}} to $C
// CHECK: return [[DOWNCAST]] : $C
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts26class_existential_is_class{{.*}}
func class_existential_is_class(_ p: ClassBound) -> Bool {
return p is C
// CHECK: checked_cast_br {{%.*}} to $C
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF13generic_casts27optional_anyobject_to_classFGSqPs9AnyObject__GSqCS_1C_
// CHECK: checked_cast_br {{%.*}} : $AnyObject to $C
func optional_anyobject_to_class(_ p: AnyObject?) -> C? {
return p as? C