blob: 5719a18e687147df72d5d111aebd45a3c895fad0 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -parse %s -module-name themodule -enable-source-import -I %S/../decl/enum -sdk "" -verify -show-diagnostics-after-fatal
import Swift
import nonexistentimport // expected-error {{no such module 'nonexistentimport'}}
// Test imported names
// Imported from swift stdlib.
var importedtype : Int
// Imported from enumtest module.
import enum enumtest.unionSearchFlags
var importedunion: unionSearchFlags = .backwards
// This shouldn't be imported from data.
var notimported : MaybeInt // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'MaybeInt'}}
// Name binding stress test
var callee1 : () -> (Int,Int,Int) // Takes nothing, returns tuple.
func test_shadowing() {
// Shadow Int.
enum Int { case xyz; case abc }
// We get the shadowed version of Int.
var _ : Int = .abc
func unknown_member() {
var error = Swift.nonexistent_member // expected-error {{module 'Swift' has no member named 'nonexistent_member'}}
// varname Processing
var varname1 : (a : Int, b : Int)
// Not very useful, but it is allowed.
var (varname2_a, varname2_b) : (a : Int, b : Int) = varname1
func test_varname_binding() {
var c = (4, 5)
var (d, e) = (c.1, c.0)
var ((), (g1, g2), h) = ((), (e, d), e)
var (j, k, l) = callee1()
var (m, n) = callee1() // expected-error{{'(Int, Int, Int)' is not convertible to '(_, _)', tuples have a different number of elements}}
var (o, p, q, r) = callee1() // expected-error{{'(Int, Int, Int)' is not convertible to '(_, _, _, _)', tuples have a different number of elements}}
// ForwardIndex referencing of types.
// We don't allow namebinding to look forward past a var declaration in the
// main module
var x : x_ty // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'x_ty'}}
typealias x_ty = Int
// We allow namebinding to look forward past a function declaration (and other
// declarations which never have side-effects) in the main module
func fy() -> y_ty { return 1 }
typealias y_ty = Int
// FIXME: Should reject this!
//typealias x = x
// FIXME: Should reject this (has infinite size or is tautological depend on
// how you look at it).
enum y {
case y
case Int
// We don't have a typeof, but this would also be an error somehow.
//var x : typeof(x)
// ForwardIndex referencing of values.
func func2() {
func func3() {
undefined_func() // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'undefined_func'}}
// Overloading
struct a_struct { var x : Int }
infix operator *** : Starry
precedencegroup Starry {
associativity: left
higherThan: AssignmentPrecedence
lowerThan: TernaryPrecedence
func ***(lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Int {
return 4
func ***(lhs: a_struct, rhs: a_struct) {}
func ***(lhs: a_struct, rhs: (Int) -> Int) {}
func ov_fn_result() -> Int {}
func ov_fn_result() -> Double {}
func ov_fn_result2() -> (Int) -> (Int) -> Int {}
func ov_fn_result2() -> (Int) -> (a_struct) -> Int {}
func overloadtest(x: Int) {
var _ : Int = ((ov_fn_result))()
var _ : Double = ((ov_fn_result))()
// Test overloaded operators.
let s : a_struct
_ = 4 *** 17 // Resolved to the *** operator that takes ints.
s *** s // Resolved to the *** operator that takes a_struct.
s *** {$0 + 4} // Closure obviously not a struct.
_ = ov_fn_result2()(4)(4) // picks the ov_fn_result2 taking an Int.
_ = ov_fn_result2()(4)(s) // picks the ov_fn_result2 taking a_struct.
func localtest() {
func shadowbug() {
var Foo = 10
func g() {
struct S {
// FIXME: Swap these two lines to crash our broken lookup.
typealias Foo = Int
var x : Foo
func scopebug() {
var Foo = 10
struct S {
typealias Foo = Int
Foo = 17
_ = Foo
func scopebug2() {
struct S1 {}
struct S2 {
var x : S1
func f0() -> ThisTypeDoesNotExist { return 1 } // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'ThisTypeDoesNotExist'}}
for _ in [1] { }
// Accessing names from our own module
var qualifiedvalue : Int = themodule.importedtype
var qualifiedtype : themodule.x_ty = 5
prefix operator +++
postfix operator +++
prefix operator ++
postfix operator ++
prefix func +++(a: inout Int) { a += 2 }
postfix func +++(a: inout Int) { a += 2 }
var test = 0
// Forward references to local variables.
func forwardReference() {
x = 0 // expected-error{{use of local variable 'x' before its declaration}}
var x: Float = 0.0 // expected-note{{'x' declared here}}
class ForwardReference {
var x: Int = 0
func test() {
x = 0 // expected-error{{use of local variable 'x' before its declaration}}
var x: Float = 0.0 // expected-note{{'x' declared here}}
func questionablyValidForwardReference() { print(qvfrVar, terminator: ""); }; var qvfrVar: Int = 0
// FIXME: This should warn too.
print(forwardReferenceVar, terminator: ""); var forwardReferenceVar: Int = 0
// <rdar://problem/23248290> Name lookup: "Cannot convert type 'Int' to expected argument type 'Int'" while trying to initialize ivar of generic type in class scope
struct Matrix4<T: FloatingPoint> {
static func size() -> Int {}
private var data: Int = Matrix4.size() // Ok: Matrix4<T>
init() {
data = Matrix4.size() // Ok: Matrix4<T>
// <rdar://problem/19558785> for-in collection/where expressions are parsed with pattern variables in scope
func r19558785() {
let b = 10
for b in 0...b {
_ = b