blob: 2714a5d8e772a671e9217980ed70422186a7328c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-ir %s | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: CPU=i386_or_x86_64
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Swift
import Builtin
class X {
@objc func f() { }
@objc class func g() { }
@objc var value : Int { get }
@objc subscript (i : Int) -> Int { get }
sil_vtable X {}
sil @_TFC14dynamic_lookup1XD : $@convention(method) (X) -> ()
// [objc] t.X.f (t.X)() -> ()
sil @_TToFC14dynamic_lookup1X1ffT_T_ : $@convention(objc_method) (X) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $X):
%3 = tuple ()
return %3 : $()
// [objc] X.g (ObjectiveC.X.Type)() -> ()
sil @_TToZFC14dynamic_lookup1X1gfT_T_ : $@convention(thin) (@thick X.Type) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $@thick X.Type):
%14 = tuple () // user: %15
return %14 : $()
sil @_TToFC14dynamic_lookup1Xg9subscriptFSiSi : $@convention(objc_method) (Int, X) -> Int {
bb0(%0 : $Int, %1 : $X):
%4 = function_ref @_TFSi33_convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteralfMSiFT3valBi64__Si : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int64, @thin Int.Type) -> Int // user: %7
%5 = metatype $@thin Int.Type
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 5
%7 = apply %4(%6, %5) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int64, @thin Int.Type) -> Int // user: %9
return %7 : $Int
sil @_TFSi33_convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteralfMSiFT3valBi64__Si : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int64, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
// [objc] dynamic_lookup.X.value.getter : Swift.Int
sil @_TToFC14dynamic_lookup1Xg5valueSi : $@convention(objc_method) (X) -> Int {
bb0(%0 : $X):
%4 = function_ref @_TFSi33_convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteralfMSiFT3valBi64__Si : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int64, @thin Int.Type) -> Int // user: %7
%5 = metatype $@thin Int.Type
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 5
%7 = apply %4(%6, %5) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int64, @thin Int.Type) -> Int // user: %9
return %7 : $Int
// CHECK: define{{( protected)?}} void @dynamic_lookup_br(%objc_object*)
sil @dynamic_lookup_br : $@convention(thin) (AnyObject) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $AnyObject):
%1 = alloc_box $AnyObject
%1a = project_box %1 : $@box AnyObject
store %0 to %1a : $*AnyObject
%3 = alloc_box $Optional<() -> ()>
%4 = load %1a : $*AnyObject
strong_retain %4 : $AnyObject
%6 = open_existential_ref %4 : $AnyObject to $@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-000000000000") AnyObject
%7 = unchecked_ref_cast %6 : $@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-000000000000") AnyObject to $Builtin.UnknownObject
// CHECK: [[SEL:%[0-9]+]] = load i8*, i8** @"\01L_selector(f)"
// CHECK: [[RESPONDS:%[0-9]+]] = load i8*, i8** @"\01L_selector(respondsToSelector:)"
// CHECK: [[HAS_SEL:%[0-9]]] = call i1 {{.*}}@objc_msgSend {{.*}}(%objc_object* [[OBJECT:%[0-9]+]], i8* [[RESPONDS]], i8* [[SEL]])
// CHECK: br i1 [[HAS_SEL]]
dynamic_method_br %7 : $Builtin.UnknownObject, #X.f!1.foreign, bb1, bb2
bb1(%8 : $@convention(objc_method) (Builtin.UnknownObject) -> ()):
br bb3
br bb3
%43 = tuple ()
return %43 : $()
// CHECK: define{{( protected)?}} void @dynamic_lookup_static_br(%swift.type*)
sil @dynamic_lookup_static_br : $@convention(thin) (@thick AnyObject.Type) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $@thick AnyObject.Type):
// CHECK: [[SEL:%[0-9]+]] = load i8*, i8** @"\01L_selector(g)", align {{(4|8)}}
// CHECK: [[RESPONDS:%[0-9]+]] = load i8*, i8** @"\01L_selector(respondsToSelector:)"
// CHECK: [[HAS_SEL:%[0-9]]] = call i1 {{.*}}@objc_msgSend {{.*}}(%objc_object* [[OBJECT:%[0-9]+]], i8* [[RESPONDS]], i8* [[SEL]])
// CHECK: br i1 [[HAS_SEL]]
%1 = open_existential_metatype %0 : $@thick AnyObject.Type to $@thick (@opened("EF9BE7CA-DFBF-11E4-99CB-28CFE91AF28F") AnyObject).Type
dynamic_method_br %1 : $@thick (@opened("EF9BE7CA-DFBF-11E4-99CB-28CFE91AF28F") AnyObject).Type, #X.g!1.foreign, bb1, bb2
bb1(%8 : $@convention(objc_method) (@thick (@opened("EF9BE7CA-DFBF-11E4-99CB-28CFE91AF28F") AnyObject).Type) -> ()):
br bb3
br bb3
%43 = tuple ()
return %43 : $()
sil @_T1t23dynamic_lookup_propertyFT1xPSo13AnyObject__T_ : $@convention(thin) (AnyObject) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $AnyObject):
%1 = alloc_box $AnyObject
%1a = project_box %1 : $@box AnyObject
store %0 to %1a : $*AnyObject
%6 = load %1a : $*AnyObject // users: %24, %8, %7
strong_retain %6 : $AnyObject
%8 = open_existential_ref %6 : $AnyObject to $@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-111111111111") AnyObject // users: %11, %9
%9 = unchecked_ref_cast %8 : $@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-111111111111") AnyObject to $Builtin.UnknownObject
dynamic_method_br %9 : $Builtin.UnknownObject, #X.value!getter.1.foreign, bb1, bb2
bb1(%10 : $@convention(objc_method) (Builtin.UnknownObject) -> Int):
br bb3
br bb3
%43 = tuple ()
return %43 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{( protected)?}} void @_T1t16opt_to_subscriptFT3objPSo13AnyObject_1iSi_T_(%objc_object*, {{(i32|i64)}})
sil @_T1t16opt_to_subscriptFT3objPSo13AnyObject_1iSi_T_ : $@convention(thin) (AnyObject, Int) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $AnyObject, %1 : $Int):
%2 = alloc_box $AnyObject
%2a = project_box %2 : $@box AnyObject
%3 = alloc_box $Int
%3a = project_box %3 : $@box Int
store %0 to %2a : $*AnyObject
store %1 to %3a : $*Int
%8 = load %2a : $*AnyObject
strong_retain %8 : $AnyObject
%10 = open_existential_ref %8 : $AnyObject to $@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-111111111111") AnyObject
%11 = unchecked_ref_cast %10 : $@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-111111111111") AnyObject to $Builtin.UnknownObject
// CHECK: [[SEL:%[0-9]+]] = load i8*, i8** @"\01L_selector(objectAtIndexedSubscript:)", align {{(4|8)}}
// CHECK: [[RESPONDS:%[0-9]+]] = load i8*, i8** @"\01L_selector(respondsToSelector:)"
// CHECK-NEXT: [[HAS_SEL:%[0-9]]] = call i1 {{.*}}@objc_msgSend {{.*}}(%objc_object* [[OBJECT:%[0-9]+]], i8* [[RESPONDS]], i8* [[SEL]])
// CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[HAS_SEL]], label [[HAS_METHOD:%[0-9]+]], label [[HAS_METHOD:%[0-9]+]]
dynamic_method_br %11 : $Builtin.UnknownObject, #X.subscript!getter.1.foreign, bb1, bb2
bb1(%13 : $@convention(objc_method) (Int, Builtin.UnknownObject) -> Int): // Preds: bb0
%14 = partial_apply %13(%11) : $@convention(objc_method) (Int, Builtin.UnknownObject) -> Int
%15 = load %3a : $*Int
%16 = apply %14(%15) : $@callee_owned Int -> Int
br bb3
br bb3
%30 = tuple ()
return %30 : $()