blob: c54e48cd58b5ca4a4e6cff96c384c43c7eea154f [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t
// RUN: mkdir -p %t
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -parse -verify %s -DIMPORT_TOP_LEVEL
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -parse -verify %s
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -emit-module-path %t/submodules.swiftmodule %s -DNO_ERRORS
// RUN: echo 'import submodules; let s = "\(x), \(y)"' | %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -parse - -I %t
// RUN: echo 'import submodules; let s = "\(x), \(y)"' | not %target-swift-frontend -parse - -I %t 2>&1 | %FileCheck -check-prefix=MISSING %s
import ctypes
import ctypes.bits
// MISSING: missing required modules:
// MISSING-DAG: 'ctypes.bits'
// MISSING-DAG: 'ctypes'
// From bits submodule
public var x : DWORD = MY_INT
public var y : CInt = x
let _: ctypes.DWORD = ctypes.MY_INT
let _: ctypes.Color?
// Error: "bits" should not be a valid name in this scope.
let _: bits.DWORD = 0 // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'bits'}}