blob: ee946c1362602c0a44ad6fee5ac9b9284761a5f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -parse -verify -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules %s
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Dispatch
import Foundation
import stdio
import AvailabilityExtras
// Test if an instance method marked __attribute__((unavailable)) on
// the *class* NSObject can be used.
func test_unavailable_instance_method(_ x : NSObject) -> Bool {
return x.allowsWeakReference() // expected-error {{'allowsWeakReference()' is unavailable}}
func test_unavailable_method_in_protocol(_ x : NSObjectProtocol) {
// expected-warning @+1 {{expression of type 'NSObjectProtocol' is unused}}
x.retain() // expected-error {{'retain()' is unavailable}}
func test_unavailable_method_in_protocol_use_class_instance(_ x : NSObject) {
x.retain() // expected-error {{'retain()' is unavailable}} expected-warning {{result of call to 'retain()' is unused}}
func test_unavailable_func(_ x : NSObject) {
NSDeallocateObject(x) // expected-error {{'NSDeallocateObject' is unavailable}}
func test_deprecated_imported_as_unavailable(_ s:UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>) {
_ = tmpnam(s) // expected-warning {{'tmpnam' is deprecated: Due to security concerns inherent in the design of tmpnam(3), it is highly recommended that you use mkstemp(3) instead.}}
func test_NSInvocation(_ x: NSInvocation, // expected-error {{'NSInvocation' is unavailable}}
y: NSInvocationOperation,// expected-error {{'NSInvocationOperation' is unavailable}}
z: NSMethodSignature) {} // expected-error {{'NSMethodSignature' is unavailable}}
func test_class_avail(_ x:NSObject, obj: AnyObject) {
x.`class`() // expected-error {{'class()' is unavailable in Swift: use 'type(of:)' instead}} expected-warning {{result of call to 'class()' is unused}}
_ = NSObject.`class`() // expected-error {{'class()' is unavailable in Swift: use 'self' instead}}
_ = obj.`class`!() // expected-error {{'class()' is unavailable in Swift: use 'type(of:)' instead}}
func test_unavailable_app_extension() {
// No expected error here. See corresponding App extension test.
_ = SomeCrazyAppExtensionForbiddenAPI() // no-error
func test_swift_unavailable() {
NSSwiftOldUnavailableFunction() // expected-error {{'NSSwiftOldUnavailableFunction()' is unavailable in Swift}}
NSSwiftNewUnavailableFunction() // expected-error {{'NSSwiftNewUnavailableFunction()' is unavailable in Swift}}
NSSwiftNewUnavailableFunction2() // expected-error {{'NSSwiftNewUnavailableFunction2()' is unavailable in Swift}}
NSSwiftNewUnavailableFunctionPremium() // expected-error {{'NSSwiftNewUnavailableFunctionPremium()' is unavailable in Swift: You didn't want to use it anyway.}}
let x: NSSwiftUnavailableStruct? = nil // expected-error {{'NSSwiftUnavailableStruct' is unavailable in Swift}}
func test_CFReleaseRetainAutorelease(_ x: CFTypeRef, color: CGColor) {
CFRelease(x) // expected-error {{'CFRelease' is unavailable: Core Foundation objects are automatically memory managed}}
CGColorRelease(color) // expected-error {{'CGColorRelease' is unavailable: Core Foundation objects are automatically memory managed}}
CFRetain(x) // expected-error {{'CFRetain' is unavailable: Core Foundation objects are automatically memory managed}} expected-warning {{result of call to 'CFRetain' is unused}}
CGColorRetain(color) // expected-error {{'CGColorRetain' is unavailable: Core Foundation objects are automatically memory managed}} expected-warning {{result of call to 'CGColorRetain' is unused}}
CFAutorelease(x) // expected-error {{'CFAutorelease' is unavailable: Core Foundation objects are automatically memory managed}} expected-warning {{result of call to 'CFAutorelease' is unused}}
func testRedeclarations() {
unavail1() // expected-error {{is unavailable: first}}
unavail2() // expected-error {{is unavailable: middle}}
unavail3() // expected-error {{is unavailable: last}}
UnavailClass1.self // expected-error {{is unavailable: first}}
UnavailClass2.self // expected-error {{is unavailable: middle}}
UnavailClass3.self // expected-error {{is unavailable: last}}
let _: UnavailStruct1 // expected-error {{is unavailable: first}}
let _: UnavailStruct2 // expected-error {{is unavailable: first}}
let _: UnavailStruct3 // expected-error {{is unavailable: first}}
let _: UnavailStruct4 // expected-error {{is unavailable: middle}}
let _: UnavailStruct5 // expected-error {{is unavailable: middle}}
let _: UnavailStruct6 // expected-error {{is unavailable: last}}
let _: UnavailProto1 // expected-error {{is unavailable: first}}
let _: UnavailProto2 // expected-error {{is unavailable: middle}}
let _: UnavailProto3 // expected-error {{is unavailable: last}}
func test_NSZone(_ z : NSZone) {
NSCreateZone(1, 1, true) // expected-error {{'NSCreateZone' is unavailable}} expected-warning {{result of call to 'NSCreateZone' is unused}}
NSSetZoneName(z, "name") // expected-error {{'NSSetZoneName' is unavailable}}
NSZoneName(z) // expected-error {{'NSZoneName' is unavailable}} expected-warning {{result of call to 'NSZoneName' is unused}}
func test_DistributedObjects(_ o: NSObject,
a: NSConnection, // expected-error {{'NSConnection' is unavailable in Swift: Use NSXPCConnection instead}}
b: NSConnectionDelegate, // expected-error {{'NSConnectionDelegate' is unavailable in Swift: Use NSXPCConnection instead}}
c: NSDistantObjectRequest, // expected-error {{'NSDistantObjectRequest' is unavailable in Swift: Use NSXPCConnection instead}}
d: NSDistantObject, // expected-error {{'NSDistantObject' is unavailable in Swift: Use NSXPCConnection instead}}
e: NSPortNameServer, // expected-error {{'NSPortNameServer' is unavailable in Swift: Use NSXPCConnection instead}}
f: NSMachBootstrapServer, // expected-error {{'NSMachBootstrapServer' is unavailable in Swift: Use NSXPCConnection instead}}
g: NSMessagePortNameServer, // expected-error {{'NSMessagePortNameServer' is unavailable in Swift: Use NSXPCConnection instead}}
h: NSSocketPortNameServer, // expected-error {{'NSSocketPortNameServer' is unavailable in Swift: Use NSXPCConnection instead}}
i: NSPortCoder) { // expected-error {{'NSPortCoder' is unavailable in Swift: Use NSXPCConnection instead}}
let ca = NSConnectionDidDieNotification // expected-error {{'NSConnectionDidDieNotification' is unavailable in Swift: Use NSXPCConnection instead}}
let cc = NSConnectionReplyMode // expected-error {{'NSConnectionReplyMode' is unavailable in Swift: Use NSXPCConnection instead}}
_ = o.classForPortCoder // expected-error {{'classForPortCoder' is unavailable in Swift: Use NSXPCConnection instead}}
func test_NSCalendarDate(_ o: NSCalendarDate) {} // expected-error {{'NSCalendarDate' is unavailable in Swift: Use NSCalendar and NSDateComponents and NSDateFormatter instead}}
func testImportAsMember() {
_ = CGColorCreateGenericGray(0.5, 1.0) // expected-error {{'CGColorCreateGenericGray' has been replaced by 'CGColor.init(gray:alpha:)'}} {{7-31=CGColor}} {{32-32=gray: }} {{37-37=alpha: }}
_ = CGColor(gray: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)
func testUnavailableRenamedEnum() {
_ = NSClothingStyle.hipster
_ = NSClothingStyleOfficeCasual // expected-error{{'NSClothingStyleOfficeCasual' has been renamed to 'NSClothingStyle.semiFormal'}} {{7-34=NSClothingStyle.semiFormal}}