blob: e7e5f11c32499401eadea05e8d0a823125625734 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- IntegerArithmetic.swift.gyb --------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
%# Ignore the following admonition; it applies to the resulting .swift file only
// Automatically Generated From IntegerArithmetic.swift.gyb. Do Not Edit
// Directly!
integerBinaryOps = [
('add', '+', 'Adds', 'the result'),
('subtract', '-', 'Subtracts', 'the result'),
('multiply', '*', 'Multiplies', 'the result'),
('divide', '/', 'Divides', 'the result'),
('remainder', '%', 'Divides', 'the remainder')
/// This protocol is an implementation detail of `IntegerArithmetic`; do
/// not use it directly.
/// Its requirements are inherited by `IntegerArithmetic` and thus must
/// be satisfied by types conforming to that protocol.
public protocol _IntegerArithmetic {
% for name, _, Action, result in integerBinaryOps:
/// ${Action} `lhs` and `rhs`, returning ${result} and a `Bool` that is
/// `true` iff the operation caused an arithmetic overflow.
static func ${name}WithOverflow(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> (Self, overflow: Bool)
% end
/// The common requirements for types that support integer arithmetic.
public protocol IntegerArithmetic : _IntegerArithmetic, Comparable {
// Checked arithmetic functions. Specific implementations in
// FixedPoint.swift.gyb support static checking for integer types.
% for name, op, Action, result in integerBinaryOps:
/// ${Action} `lhs` and `rhs`, returning ${result} and trapping in case of
/// arithmetic overflow (except in -Ounchecked builds).
static func ${op} (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
% end
/// Explicitly convert to `IntMax`, trapping on overflow (except in
/// -Ounchecked builds).
func toIntMax() -> IntMax
% for name, op, Action, result in integerBinaryOps:
/// ${Action} `lhs` and `rhs`, returning ${result} and trapping in case of
/// arithmetic overflow (except in -Ounchecked builds).
public func ${op} <T : _IntegerArithmetic>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T {
return _overflowChecked(T.${name}WithOverflow(lhs, rhs))
% if (op != '/') and (op != '%'):
/// ${Action} `lhs` and `rhs`, silently discarding any overflow.
public func &${op} <T : _IntegerArithmetic>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T {
return T.${name}WithOverflow(lhs, rhs).0
% end
/// ${Action} `lhs` and `rhs` and stores ${result} in `lhs`, trapping in
/// case of arithmetic overflow (except in -Ounchecked builds).
public func ${op}= <T : _IntegerArithmetic>(lhs: inout T, rhs: T) {
lhs = lhs ${op} rhs
% end
//===--- SignedNumber -----------------------------------------------------===//
// A numeric type that supports abs(x), +x and -x
// SignedNumber itself contains only operator requirements having
// default implementations on the base protocol.
/// Instances of conforming types can be subtracted, arithmetically
/// negated, and initialized from `0`.
/// Axioms:
/// - `x - 0 == x`
/// - `-x == 0 - x`
/// - `-(-x) == x`
public protocol SignedNumber : Comparable, ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
/// Returns the result of negating `x`.
static prefix func - (x: Self) -> Self
/// Returns the difference between `lhs` and `rhs`.
static func - (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
// Do not use this operator directly; call abs(x) instead
static func ~> (_:Self,_:(_Abs, ())) -> Self
// Unary negation in terms of subtraction. This is a default
// implementation; models of SignedNumber can provide their own
// implementations.
public prefix func - <T : SignedNumber>(x: T) -> T {
return 0 - x
// Unary +
public prefix func + <T : SignedNumber>(x: T) -> T {
return x
//===--- abs(x) -----------------------------------------------------------===//
public struct _Abs {}
internal func _abs<Args>(_ args: Args) -> (_Abs, Args) {
return (_Abs(), args)
// Do not use this operator directly; call abs(x) instead
public func ~> <T : SignedNumber>(x:T,_:(_Abs, ())) -> T {
return x < 0 ? -x : x
// FIXME: should this be folded into SignedNumber?
/// A type that supports an "absolute value" function.
public protocol AbsoluteValuable : SignedNumber {
/// Returns the absolute value of `x`.
static func abs(_ x: Self) -> Self
// Do not use this operator directly; call abs(x) instead
public func ~> <T : AbsoluteValuable>(x:T,_:(_Abs, ())) -> T {
return T.abs(x)
/// Returns the absolute value of `x`.
/// Concrete instances of `SignedNumber` can specialize this
/// function by conforming to `AbsoluteValuable`.
public func abs<T : SignedNumber>(_ x: T) -> T {
return x~>_abs()
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "IntegerArithmetic")
public typealias IntegerArithmeticType = IntegerArithmetic
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "SignedNumber")
public typealias SignedNumberType = SignedNumber
// ${'Local Variables'}:
// eval: (read-only-mode 1)
// End: