blob: fdb8c9e42286f147e7679a631eaae767a1580da6 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift -D ERRORS
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
struct Token1 {}
struct Token2 {}
struct Token3 {}
class C1 {}
class C1x : C1 {}
class C1xx : C1x {}
protocol P1 {}
protocol P1x : P1 {}
struct P1ImplS1 : P1 {}
struct P1xImplS1 : P1x {}
class P1ImplC1x : C1, P1 {}
class P1ImplC1xx {}
class P1xImplC1x : C1, P1x {}
var which = ""
var Overrides = TestSuite("Overrides")
Overrides.test("covariant argument override, non-optional to optional") {
class Base {
func foo(_: C1) { which = "" }
class Derived : Base {
override func foo(_: C1?) { which = "" }
expectEqual("", which)
Derived().foo(nil as C1?)
expectEqual("", which)
Overrides.test("covariant argument override, derived class to base class") {
class Base {
func foo(_: C1x) { which = "" }
class Derived : Base {
override func foo(_: C1) { which = "" }
expectEqual("", which)
expectEqual("", which)
Overrides.test("covariant argument override, optional derived class to non-optional base class") {
class Base {
func foo(_: C1x) { which = "" }
class Derived : Base {
override func foo(_: C1?) { which = "" }
expectEqual("", which)
expectEqual("", which)
expectEqual("", which)
Overrides.test("covariant argument override, protocol to protocol") {
// Covariant overrides don't work with protocols
class Base {
func foo(_: P1x) { which = "" }
class Derived : Base {
/*FIXME: override */ func foo(_: P1) { which = "" }
expectEqual("", which)
expectEqual("", which)
Overrides.test("covariant argument override, struct to protocol") {
// Covariant overrides don't work with protocols
class Base {
func foo(_: P1ImplS1) { which = "" }
class Derived : Base {
/*FIXME: override */ func foo(_: P1) { which = "" }
expectFailure {
expectEqual("", which)
expectEqual("", which)
Overrides.test("contravariant return type override, optional to non-optional") {
class Base {
func foo() -> C1? { which = " -> C1?"; return C1() }
class Derived : Base {
override func foo() -> C1 {
which = " -> C1"; return C1()
_ = Derived().foo() as C1
expectEqual(" -> C1", which)
_ = Derived().foo() as C1?
expectEqual(" -> C1", which)
Overrides.test("contravariant return type override, base class to derived class") {
class Base {
func foo() -> C1 { which = " -> C1"; return C1() }
class Derived : Base {
override func foo() -> C1x {
which = " -> C1x"; return C1x()
_ = Derived().foo() as C1
expectEqual(" -> C1x", which)
_ = Derived().foo() as C1x
expectEqual(" -> C1x", which)
Overrides.test("contravariant return type override, optional base class to non-optional derived class") {
class Base {
func foo() -> C1? { which = " -> C1?"; return C1() }
class Derived : Base {
override func foo() -> C1x {
which = " -> C1x"; return C1x()
_ = Derived().foo() as C1
expectEqual(" -> C1x", which)
_ = Derived().foo() as C1x
expectEqual(" -> C1x", which)
Overrides.test("contravariant return type override, protocol to protocol") {
// Contravariant overrides on return type don't work with protocols
class Base {
func foo() -> P1 { which = " -> P1"; return P1ImplS1() }
class Derived : Base {
/*FIXME: override */ func foo() -> P1x {
which = " -> P1x"; return P1xImplS1()
// FIXME: uncomment when the bug is fixed.
// Derived().foo() as P1 // error: ambiguous use of 'foo()'
// expectEqual(" -> P1x", which)
_ = Derived().foo() as P1x
expectEqual(" -> P1x", which)
Overrides.test("contravariant return type override, protocol to struct") {
// Contravariant overrides on return type don't work with protocols
class Base {
func foo() -> P1 { which = " -> P1"; return P1ImplS1() }
class Derived : Base {
/*FIXME: override */ func foo() -> P1ImplS1 {
which = " -> P1ImplS1"; return P1ImplS1()
// FIXME: uncomment when the bug is fixed.
// Derived().foo() as P1 // error: ambiguous use of 'foo()'
// expectEqual(" -> P1ImplS1", which)
_ = Derived().foo() as P1ImplS1
expectEqual(" -> P1ImplS1", which)
Overrides.test("overrides don't affect overload resolution") {
class Base {
func foo(_: P1) { which = "" }
class Derived : Base {
func foo(_: P1x) { which = "" }
class MoreDerived : Derived {
override func foo(_: P1) { which = "" }
expectEqual("", which)
expectEqual("", which)
expectEqual("", which)
expectEqual("", which)
expectEqual("", which)
var Overloads = TestSuite("Overloads")
Overloads.test("perfect match") {
class Base {
func foo(_: C1, _: C1, _: C1) { which = "C1, C1, C1" }
func foo(_: C1, _: C1, _: C1x) { which = "C1, C1, C1x" }
func foo(_: C1, _: C1x, _: C1) { which = "C1, C1x, C1" }
func foo(_: C1, _: C1x, _: C1x) { which = "C1, C1x, C1x" }
func foo(_: C1x, _: C1, _: C1) { which = "C1x, C1, C1" }
func foo(_: C1x, _: C1, _: C1x) { which = "C1x, C1, C1x" }
func foo(_: C1x, _: C1x, _: C1) { which = "C1x, C1x, C1" }
func foo(_: C1x, _: C1x, _: C1x) { which = "C1x, C1x, C1x" }
Base().foo(C1(), C1(), C1()); expectEqual("C1, C1, C1", which)
Base().foo(C1(), C1(), C1x()); expectEqual("C1, C1, C1x", which)
Base().foo(C1(), C1x(), C1()); expectEqual("C1, C1x, C1", which)
Base().foo(C1(), C1x(), C1x()); expectEqual("C1, C1x, C1x", which)
Base().foo(C1x(), C1(), C1()); expectEqual("C1x, C1, C1", which)
Base().foo(C1x(), C1(), C1x()); expectEqual("C1x, C1, C1x", which)
Base().foo(C1x(), C1x(), C1()); expectEqual("C1x, C1x, C1", which)
Base().foo(C1x(), C1x(), C1x()); expectEqual("C1x, C1x, C1x", which)
Overloads.test("implicit conversion to superclass") {
class Base {
func foo(_: C1) { which = "foo(C1)" }
Base().foo(C1()); expectEqual("foo(C1)", which)
Base().foo(C1x()); expectEqual("foo(C1)", which)
Base().foo(C1xx()); expectEqual("foo(C1)", which)
Overloads.test("implicit conversion to protocol existential") {
class Base {
func foo(_: P1) { which = "foo(P1)" }
Base().foo(P1ImplS1()); expectEqual("foo(P1)", which)
Base().foo(P1xImplS1()); expectEqual("foo(P1)", which)
Overloads.test("implicit conversion to a superclass is better than conversion to an optional") {
class Base {
func foo(_: C1) { which = "foo(C1)" }
func foo(_: C1x?) { which = "foo(C1x?)" }
Base().foo(C1()); expectEqual("foo(C1)", which)
Base().foo(C1x()); expectEqual("foo(C1)", which)
Base().foo(C1xx()); expectEqual("foo(C1)", which)
Base().foo(C1x() as C1x?); expectEqual("foo(C1x?)", which)
Base().foo(C1xx() as C1xx?); expectEqual("foo(C1x?)", which)
Overloads.test("implicit conversion to a protocol existential is better than conversion to an optional") {
class Base {
func foo(_: P1) { which = "foo(P1)" }
func foo(_: P1x?) { which = "foo(P1x?)" }
Base().foo(P1ImplS1()); expectEqual("foo(P1)", which)
Base().foo(P1xImplS1()); expectEqual("foo(P1)", which)
Base().foo(P1xImplS1() as P1x?); expectEqual("foo(P1x?)", which)
Overloads.test("implicit conversion to a superclass is ambiguous with conversion to a protocol existential") {
class Base {
func foo(_: C1) { which = "foo(C1)" } // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
func foo(_: P1) { which = "foo(P1)" } // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
Base().foo(C1()); expectEqual("foo(C1)", which)
Base().foo(P1ImplS1()); expectEqual("foo(P1)", which)
// expected-error @-1 {{ambiguous use of 'foo'}}
Overloads.test("generic methods are worse than non-generic") {
class Base {
func foo(_: C1) { which = "foo(C1)" }
func foo(_: Any) { which = "foo(Any)" }
func foo<T>(_: T) { which = "foo(T)" }
// It is not possible to call foo<T>(T). foo(Any) always wins.
func bar(_: C1) { which = "bar(C1)" }
func bar<T>(_: T) { which = "bar(T)" }
Base().foo(C1()); expectEqual("foo(C1)", which)
Base().foo(Token1()); expectEqual("foo(Any)", which)
Base().bar(C1()); expectEqual("bar(C1)", which)
Base().bar(Token1()); expectEqual("bar(T)", which)