blob: c108fff7840a197365b030097b41a94ae3b0516c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -parse %s -verify
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import CoreFoundation
import Foundation
func testCFToObjC(_ cfStr: CFString, cfMutableStr: CFMutableString) {
var nsStr: NSString = cfStr
nsStr = cfMutableStr
_ = nsStr
var nsMutableStr: NSMutableString = cfMutableStr
nsMutableStr = cfStr // expected-error{{cannot assign value of type 'CFString' to type 'NSMutableString'}}
// sanity check
nsStr = nsMutableStr
func testObjCToCF(_ nsStr: NSString, nsMutableStr: NSMutableString) {
var cfStr: CFString = nsStr
cfStr = nsMutableStr
var cfMutableStr: CFMutableString = nsMutableStr
cfMutableStr = cfStr // expected-error{{cannot assign value of type 'CFString' to type 'CFMutableString'}}
// sanity check
cfStr = cfMutableStr
func testCFToNative(_ cfStr: CFString, cfMutableStr: CFMutableString) {
var str = cfStr as String
str = cfMutableStr as String
_ = str
func testNativeToCF(_ str: String) {
var cfStr = str as CFString
var cfMutableStr = str as CFMutableString // expected-error{{'String' is not convertible to 'CFMutableString'}} {{26-28=as!}}
func testCFToAnyObject(_ cfStr: CFString, cfMutableStr: CFMutableString,
cfTree: CFTree) {
var anyObject: AnyObject = cfStr
anyObject = cfMutableStr
anyObject = cfTree
_ = anyObject
func testAnyObjectToCF(_ anyObject: AnyObject) {
var cfStr: CFString = anyObject as! CFString
var _: CFMutableString = anyObject as! CFMutableString
var _: CFTree = anyObject as! CFTree
// No implicit conversions.
cfStr = anyObject // expected-error{{'AnyObject' is not convertible to 'CFString'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?}} {{20-20= as! CFString}}
_ = cfStr
func testUncheckableCasts(_ anyObject: AnyObject, nsObject: NSObject,
anyObjectType: AnyObject.Type,
nsObjectType: NSObject.Type) {
if let _ = anyObject as? CFString { } // expected-error{{conditional downcast to CoreFoundation type 'CFString' will always succeed}}
if let _ = nsObject as? CFString { } // expected-error{{conditional downcast to CoreFoundation type 'CFString' will always succeed}}
if let _ = anyObject as? CFTree { } // expected-error{{conditional downcast to CoreFoundation type 'CFTree' will always succeed}}
if let _ = nsObject as? CFTree { } // expected-error{{will always succeed}}
if let _ = anyObjectType as? CFString.Type { } // expected-error{{conditional downcast to CoreFoundation type 'CFString.Type' will always succeed}}
if let _ = nsObjectType as? CFString.Type { } // expected-error{{conditional downcast to CoreFoundation type 'CFString.Type' will always succeed}}
if let _ = anyObjectType as? CFTree.Type { } // expected-error{{conditional downcast to CoreFoundation type 'CFTree.Type' will always succeed}}
if let _ = nsObjectType as? CFTree.Type { } // expected-error{{will always succeed}}
func testCFConvWithIUO(_ x: CFString!, y: NSString!) {
func acceptCFString(_ a: CFString!) { }
func acceptNSString(_ b: NSString!) { }