blob: 5c866c8c77226c421a8a8a4c074a5cb91e51935b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
func markUsed<T>(_ t: T) {}
struct X { }
var _x: X
class SomeClass {}
func takeTrailingClosure(_ fn: () -> ()) -> Int {}
func takeIntTrailingClosure(_ fn: () -> Int) -> Int {}
// Stored properties
var stored_prop_1: Int = 0
var stored_prop_2: Int = takeTrailingClosure {}
// Computed properties -- basic parsing
var a1: X {
get {
return _x
var a2: X {
get {
return _x
set {
_x = newValue
var a3: X {
get {
return _x
set(newValue) {
_x = newValue
var a4: X {
set {
_x = newValue
get {
return _x
var a5: X {
set(newValue) {
_x = newValue
get {
return _x
// Reading/writing properties
func accept_x(_ x: X) { }
func accept_x_inout(_ x: inout X) { }
func test_global_properties(_ x: X) {
a1 = x // expected-error {{cannot assign to value: 'a1' is a get-only property}}
a2 = x
a3 = x
a4 = x
a5 = x
accept_x_inout(&a1) // expected-error {{cannot pass immutable value as inout argument: 'a1' is a get-only property}}
//===--- Implicit 'get'.
var implicitGet1: X {
return _x
var implicitGet2: Int {
var zzz = 0
// For the purpose of this test, any other function attribute work as well.
func foo() {}
return 0
var implicitGet3: Int {
func foo() {}
return 0
// Here we used apply weak to the getter itself, not to the variable.
var x15: Int {
// For the purpose of this test we need to use an attribute that cannot be
// applied to the getter.
var foo: SomeClass? = SomeClass() // expected-warning {{variable 'foo' was written to, but never read}}
return 0
// Disambiguated as stored property with a trailing closure in the initializer.
// FIXME: QoI could be much better here.
var disambiguateGetSet1a: Int = 0 {
get {} // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'get'}}
var disambiguateGetSet1b: Int = 0 {
get { // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'get'}}
return 42
var disambiguateGetSet1c: Int = 0 {
set {} // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'set'}}
var disambiguateGetSet1d: Int = 0 {
set(newValue) {} // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'set'}} expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'newValue'}}
// Disambiguated as stored property with a trailing closure in the initializer.
func disambiguateGetSet2() {
func get(_ fn: () -> ()) {}
var a: Int = takeTrailingClosure {
get {}
// Check that the property is read-write.
a = a + 42
func disambiguateGetSet2Attr() {
func get(_ fn: () -> ()) {}
var a: Int = takeTrailingClosure {
func foo() {}
get {}
// Check that the property is read-write.
a = a + 42
// Disambiguated as stored property with a trailing closure in the initializer.
func disambiguateGetSet3() {
func set(_ fn: () -> ()) {}
var a: Int = takeTrailingClosure {
set {}
// Check that the property is read-write.
a = a + 42
func disambiguateGetSet3Attr() {
func set(_ fn: () -> ()) {}
var a: Int = takeTrailingClosure {
func foo() {}
set {}
// Check that the property is read-write.
a = a + 42
// Disambiguated as stored property with a trailing closure in the initializer.
func disambiguateGetSet4() {
func set(_ x: Int, fn: () -> ()) {}
let newValue: Int = 0
var a: Int = takeTrailingClosure {
set(newValue) {}
// Check that the property is read-write.
a = a + 42
func disambiguateGetSet4Attr() {
func set(_ x: Int, fn: () -> ()) {}
var newValue: Int = 0
var a: Int = takeTrailingClosure {
func foo() {}
set(newValue) {}
// Check that the property is read-write.
a = a + 42
// Disambiguated as stored property with a trailing closure in the initializer.
var disambiguateImplicitGet1: Int = 0 { // expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type 'Int'}}
return 42
var disambiguateImplicitGet2: Int = takeIntTrailingClosure {
return 42
// Observed properties
class C {
var prop1 = 42 {
didSet { }
var prop2 = false {
willSet { }
var prop3: Int? = nil {
didSet { }
var prop4: Bool? = nil {
willSet { }
protocol TrivialInit {
class CT<T : TrivialInit> {
var prop1 = 42 {
didSet { }
var prop2 = false {
willSet { }
var prop3: Int? = nil {
didSet { }
var prop4: Bool? = nil {
willSet { }
var prop5: T? = nil {
didSet { }
var prop6: T? = nil {
willSet { }
var prop7 = T() {
didSet { }
var prop8 = T() {
willSet { }
// Parsing problems
var computed_prop_with_init_1: X {
get {}
} = X() // expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{2-2=;}}
// FIXME: Redundant error below
var x2 { // expected-error{{computed property must have an explicit type}} expected-error{{type annotation missing in pattern}}
get {
return _x
var (x3): X { // expected-error{{getter/setter can only be defined for a single variable}}
get {
return _x
var duplicateAccessors1: X {
get { // expected-note {{previous definition of getter is here}}
return _x
set { // expected-note {{previous definition of setter is here}}
_x = value
get { // expected-error {{duplicate definition of getter}}
return _x
set(v) { // expected-error {{duplicate definition of setter}}
_x = v
var duplicateAccessors2: Int = 0 {
willSet { // expected-note {{previous definition of willSet is here}}
didSet { // expected-note {{previous definition of didSet is here}}
willSet { // expected-error {{duplicate definition of willSet}}
didSet { // expected-error {{duplicate definition of didSet}}
var extraTokensInAccessorBlock1: X {
get {}
a // expected-error {{expected 'get', 'set', 'willSet', or 'didSet' keyword to start an accessor definition}}
var extraTokensInAccessorBlock2: X {
get {}
weak // expected-error {{expected 'get', 'set', 'willSet', or 'didSet' keyword to start an accessor definition}}
var extraTokensInAccessorBlock3: X {
get {}
a = b // expected-error {{expected 'get', 'set', 'willSet', or 'didSet' keyword to start an accessor definition}}
set {}
get {}
var extraTokensInAccessorBlock4: X {
get blah wibble // expected-error{{expected '{' to start getter definition}}
var extraTokensInAccessorBlock5: X {
set blah wibble // expected-error{{expected '{' to start setter definition}}
var extraTokensInAccessorBlock6: X {
willSet blah wibble // expected-error{{expected '{' to start willSet definition}}
var extraTokensInAccessorBlock7: X {
didSet blah wibble // expected-error{{expected '{' to start didSet definition}}
var extraTokensInAccessorBlock8: X {
foo // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'foo'}}
get {} // expected-error{{use of unresolved identifier 'get'}}
set {} // expected-error{{use of unresolved identifier 'set'}}
var extraTokensInAccessorBlock9: Int {
get // expected-error {{expected '{' to start getter definition}}
var a = b
struct extraTokensInAccessorBlock10 {
var x: Int {
get // expected-error {{expected '{' to start getter definition}}
var a = b
init() {}
var x9: X {
get ( ) { // expected-error{{expected '{' to start getter definition}}
var x10: X {
set ( : ) { // expected-error{{expected setter parameter name}}
get {}
var x11 : X {
set { // expected-error{{variable with a setter must also have a getter}}
var x12: X {
set(newValue %) { // expected-error {{expected ')' after setter parameter name}} expected-note {{to match this opening '('}}
// expected-error@-1 {{expected '{' to start setter definition}}
var x13: X {} // expected-error {{computed property must have accessors specified}}
// Type checking problems
struct Y { }
var y: Y
var x20: X {
get {
return y // expected-error{{cannot convert return expression of type 'Y' to return type 'X'}}
set {
y = newValue // expected-error{{cannot assign value of type 'X' to type 'Y'}}
var x21: X {
get {
return y // expected-error{{cannot convert return expression of type 'Y' to return type 'X'}}
set(v) {
y = v // expected-error{{cannot assign value of type 'X' to type 'Y'}}
var x23: Int, x24: Int { // expected-error{{'var' declarations with multiple variables cannot have explicit getters/setters}}
return 42
var x25: Int { // expected-error{{'var' declarations with multiple variables cannot have explicit getters/setters}}
return 42
}, x26: Int
// Properties of struct/enum/extensions
struct S {
var _backed_x: X, _backed_x2: X
var x: X {
get {
return _backed_x
set(v) {
_backed_x = v
extension S {
var x2: X {
get {
return self._backed_x2
set {
_backed_x2 = newValue
var x3: X {
get {
return self._backed_x2
struct StructWithExtension1 {
var foo: Int
static var fooStatic = 4
extension StructWithExtension1 {
var fooExt: Int // expected-error {{extensions may not contain stored properties}}
static var fooExtStatic = 4
class ClassWithExtension1 {
var foo: Int = 0
class var fooStatic = 4 // expected-error {{class stored properties not supported in classes; did you mean 'static'?}}
extension ClassWithExtension1 {
var fooExt: Int // expected-error {{extensions may not contain stored properties}}
class var fooExtStatic = 4 // expected-error {{class stored properties not supported in classes; did you mean 'static'?}}
enum EnumWithExtension1 {
var foo: Int // expected-error {{enums may not contain stored properties}}
static var fooStatic = 4
extension EnumWithExtension1 {
var fooExt: Int // expected-error {{extensions may not contain stored properties}}
static var fooExtStatic = 4
protocol ProtocolWithExtension1 {
var foo: Int { get }
static var fooStatic : Int { get }
extension ProtocolWithExtension1 {
final var fooExt: Int // expected-error{{extensions may not contain stored properties}}
final static var fooExtStatic = 4 // expected-error{{static stored properties not supported in generic types}}
func getS() -> S {
let s: S
return s
func test_extension_properties(_ s: inout S, x: inout X) {
s.x = x
s.x2 = x
s.x3 = x // expected-error{{cannot assign to property: 'x3' is a get-only property}}
getS().x = x // expected-error{{cannot assign to property: 'getS' returns immutable value}}
getS().x2 = x // expected-error{{cannot assign to property: 'getS' returns immutable value}}
getS().x3 = x // expected-error{{cannot assign to property: 'x3' is a get-only property}}
accept_x_inout(&getS().x) // expected-error{{cannot pass immutable value as inout argument: 'getS' returns immutable value}}
accept_x_inout(&getS().x2) // expected-error{{cannot pass immutable value as inout argument: 'getS' returns immutable value}}
accept_x_inout(&getS().x3) // expected-error{{cannot pass immutable value as inout argument: 'x3' is a get-only property}}
x = getS().x
x = getS().x2
x = getS().x3
accept_x_inout(&s.x3) // expected-error{{cannot pass immutable value as inout argument: 'x3' is a get-only property}}
extension S {
func test(other_x: inout X) {
x = other_x
x2 = other_x
x3 = other_x // expected-error{{cannot assign to property: 'x3' is a get-only property}}
other_x = x
other_x = x2
other_x = x3
// Accessor on non-settable type
struct Aleph {
var b: Beth {
get {
return Beth(c: 1)
struct Beth {
var c: Int
func accept_int_inout(_ c: inout Int) { }
func accept_int(_ c: Int) { }
func test_settable_of_nonsettable(_ a: Aleph) {
a.b.c = 1 // expected-error{{cannot assign}}
let x:Int = a.b.c
_ = x
accept_int_inout(&a.b.c) // expected-error {{cannot pass immutable value as inout argument: 'b' is a get-only property}}
// TODO: Static properties are only implemented for nongeneric structs yet.
struct MonoStruct {
static var foo: Int = 0
static var (bar, bas): (String, UnicodeScalar) = ("zero", "0")
static var zim: UInt8 {
return 0
static var zang = UnicodeScalar("\0")
static var zung: UInt16 {
get {
return 0
set {}
var a: Double
var b: Double
struct MonoStructOneProperty {
static var foo: Int = 22
enum MonoEnum {
static var foo: Int = 0
static var zim: UInt8 {
return 0
struct GenStruct<T> {
static var foo: Int = 0 // expected-error{{static stored properties not supported in generic types}}
class MonoClass {
class var foo: Int = 0 // expected-error{{class stored properties not supported in classes; did you mean 'static'?}}
protocol Proto {
static var foo: Int { get }
func staticPropRefs() -> (Int, Int, String, UnicodeScalar, UInt8) {
return (,,, MonoStruct.bas,
func staticPropRefThroughInstance(_ foo: MonoStruct) -> Int {
return //expected-error{{static member 'foo' cannot be used on instance of type 'MonoStruct'}}
func memberwiseInitOnlyTakesInstanceVars() -> MonoStruct {
return MonoStruct(a: 1.2, b: 3.4)
func getSetStaticProperties() -> (UInt8, UInt16) {
MonoStruct.zim = 12 // expected-error{{cannot assign}}
MonoStruct.zung = 34
return (MonoStruct.zim, MonoStruct.zung)
var selfRefTopLevel: Int {
return selfRefTopLevel // expected-warning {{attempting to access 'selfRefTopLevel' within its own getter}}
var selfRefTopLevelSetter: Int {
get {
return 42
set {
markUsed(selfRefTopLevelSetter) // no-warning
selfRefTopLevelSetter = newValue // expected-warning {{attempting to modify 'selfRefTopLevelSetter' within its own setter}}
var selfRefTopLevelSilenced: Int {
get {
return properties.selfRefTopLevelSilenced // no-warning
set {
properties.selfRefTopLevelSilenced = newValue // no-warning
class SelfRefProperties {
var getter: Int {
return getter // expected-warning {{attempting to access 'getter' within its own getter}}
// expected-note@-1 {{access 'self' explicitly to silence this warning}} {{12-12=self.}}
var setter: Int {
get {
return 42
set {
markUsed(setter) // no-warning
var unused = setter + setter // expected-warning {{initialization of variable 'unused' was never used; consider replacing with assignment to '_' or removing it}} {{7-17=_}}
setter = newValue // expected-warning {{attempting to modify 'setter' within its own setter}}
// expected-note@-1 {{access 'self' explicitly to silence this warning}} {{7-7=self.}}
var silenced: Int {
get {
return self.silenced // no-warning
set {
self.silenced = newValue // no-warning
var someOtherInstance: SelfRefProperties = SelfRefProperties()
var delegatingVar: Int {
// This particular example causes infinite access, but it's easily possible
// for the delegating instance to do something else.
return someOtherInstance.delegatingVar // no-warning
func selfRefLocal() {
var getter: Int {
return getter // expected-warning {{attempting to access 'getter' within its own getter}}
var setter: Int {
get {
return 42
set {
markUsed(setter) // no-warning
setter = newValue // expected-warning {{attempting to modify 'setter' within its own setter}}
struct WillSetDidSetProperties {
var a: Int {
willSet {
didSet {
var b: Int {
willSet {
var c: Int {
willSet(newC) {
var d: Int {
didSet {
get { // expected-error {{didSet variable may not also have a get specifier}}
return 4
var e: Int {
willSet {
set { // expected-error {{willSet variable may not also have a set specifier}}
return 4
var f: Int {
willSet(5) {} // expected-error {{expected willSet parameter name}}
didSet(^) {} // expected-error {{expected didSet parameter name}}
var g: Int {
willSet(newValue 5) {} // expected-error {{expected ')' after willSet parameter name}} expected-note {{to match this opening '('}}
// expected-error@-1 {{expected '{' to start willSet definition}}
var h: Int {
didSet(oldValue ^) {} // expected-error {{expected ')' after didSet parameter name}} expected-note {{to match this opening '('}}
// expected-error@-1 {{expected '{' to start didSet definition}}
// didSet/willSet with initializers.
// Disambiguate trailing closures.
var disambiguate1: Int = 42 { // simple initializer, simple label
didSet {
var disambiguate2: Int = 42 { // simple initializer, complex label
willSet(v) {
var disambiguate3: Int = takeTrailingClosure {} { // Trailing closure case.
willSet(v) {
var disambiguate4: Int = 42 {
willSet {}
var disambiguate5: Int = 42 {
didSet {}
var disambiguate6: Int = takeTrailingClosure {
func f() {}
return ()
var inferred1 = 42 {
willSet {
didSet {
var inferred2 = 40 {
willSet {
var inferred3 = 50 {
willSet(newC) {
// Disambiguated as accessor.
struct WillSetDidSetDisambiguate1 {
var willSet: Int
var x: (() -> ()) -> Int = takeTrailingClosure {
willSet = 42 // expected-error {{expected '{' to start willSet definition}}
struct WillSetDidSetDisambiguate1Attr {
var willSet: Int
var x: (() -> ()) -> Int = takeTrailingClosure {
willSet = 42 // expected-error {{expected '{' to start willSet definition}}
// Disambiguated as accessor.
struct WillSetDidSetDisambiguate2 {
func willSet(_: () -> Int) {}
var x: (() -> ()) -> Int = takeTrailingClosure {
willSet {}
struct WillSetDidSetDisambiguate2Attr {
func willSet(_: () -> Int) {}
var x: (() -> ()) -> Int = takeTrailingClosure {
willSet {}
// No need to disambiguate -- this is clearly a function call.
func willSet(_: () -> Int) {}
struct WillSetDidSetDisambiguate3 {
var x: Int = takeTrailingClosure({
willSet { 42 }
protocol ProtocolGetSet1 {
var a: Int // expected-error {{property in protocol must have explicit { get } or { get set } specifier}}
protocol ProtocolGetSet2 {
var a: Int {} // expected-error {{property in protocol must have explicit { get } or { get set } specifier}}
protocol ProtocolGetSet3 {
var a: Int { get }
protocol ProtocolGetSet4 {
var a: Int { set } // expected-error {{variable with a setter must also have a getter}}
protocol ProtocolGetSet5 {
var a: Int { get set }
protocol ProtocolGetSet6 {
var a: Int { set get }
protocol ProtocolWillSetDidSet1 {
var a: Int { willSet } // expected-error {{property in protocol must have explicit { get } or { get set } specifier}} expected-error {{expected get or set in a protocol property}}
protocol ProtocolWillSetDidSet2 {
var a: Int { didSet } // expected-error {{property in protocol must have explicit { get } or { get set } specifier}} expected-error {{expected get or set in a protocol property}}
protocol ProtocolWillSetDidSet3 {
var a: Int { willSet didSet } // expected-error {{property in protocol must have explicit { get } or { get set } specifier}} expected-error {{expected get or set in a protocol property}}
protocol ProtocolWillSetDidSet4 {
var a: Int { didSet willSet } // expected-error {{property in protocol must have explicit { get } or { get set } specifier}} expected-error {{expected get or set in a protocol property}}
var globalDidsetWillSet: Int { // expected-error {{non-member observing properties require an initializer}}
didSet {}
var globalDidsetWillSet2 : Int = 42 {
didSet {}
class Box {
var num: Int
init(num: Int) {
self.num = num
func double(_ val: inout Int) {
val *= 2
class ObservingPropertiesNotMutableInWillSet {
var anotherObj : ObservingPropertiesNotMutableInWillSet
init() {}
var property: Int = 42 {
willSet {
// <rdar://problem/16826319> willSet immutability behavior is incorrect = 19 // ok
property = 19 // expected-warning {{attempting to store to property 'property' within its own willSet}}
double(&property) // expected-warning {{attempting to store to property 'property' within its own willSet}}
double(& // no-warning
// <rdar://problem/21392221> - call to getter through BindOptionalExpr was not viewed as a load
var _oldBox : Int
weak var weakProperty: Box? {
willSet {
_oldBox = weakProperty?.num ?? -1
func localCase() {
var localProperty: Int = 42 {
willSet {
localProperty = 19 // expected-warning {{attempting to store to property 'localProperty' within its own willSet}}
func doLater(_ fn : () -> ()) {}
// rdar://<rdar://problem/16264989> property not mutable in closure inside of its willSet
class MutableInWillSetInClosureClass {
var bounds: Int = 0 {
willSet {
let oldBounds = bounds
doLater { self.bounds = oldBounds }
// <rdar://problem/16191398> add an 'oldValue' to didSet so you can implement "didChange" properties
var didSetPropertyTakingOldValue : Int = 0 {
didSet(oldValue) {
// rdar://16280138 - synthesized getter is defined in terms of archetypes, not interface types
protocol AbstractPropertyProtocol {
associatedtype Index
var a : Index { get }
struct AbstractPropertyStruct<T> : AbstractPropertyProtocol {
typealias Index = T
var a : T
// Allow _silgen_name accessors without bodies.
var _silgen_nameGet1: Int {
@_silgen_name("get1") get
set { }
var _silgen_nameGet2: Int {
set { }
@_silgen_name("get2") get
var _silgen_nameGet3: Int {
@_silgen_name("get3") get
var _silgen_nameGetSet: Int {
@_silgen_name("get4") get
@_silgen_name("set4") set
// <rdar://problem/16375910> reject observing properties overriding readonly properties
class Base16375910 {
var x : Int { // expected-note {{attempt to override property here}}
return 42
var y : Int { // expected-note {{attempt to override property here}}
get { return 4 }
set {}
class Derived16375910 : Base16375910 {
override init() {}
override var x : Int { // expected-error {{cannot observe read-only property 'x'; it can't change}}
willSet {
// <rdar://problem/16382967> Observing properties have no storage, so shouldn't prevent initializer synth
class Derived16382967 : Base16375910 {
override var y : Int {
willSet {
// <rdar://problem/16659058> Read-write properties can be made read-only in a property override
class Derived16659058 : Base16375910 {
override var y : Int { // expected-error {{cannot override mutable property with read-only property 'y'}}
get { return 42 }
// <rdar://problem/16406886> Observing properties don't work with ownership types
struct PropertiesWithOwnershipTypes {
unowned var p1 : SomeClass {
didSet {
init(res: SomeClass) {
p1 = res
// <rdar://problem/16608609> Assert (and incorrect error message) when defining a constant stored property with observers
class Test16608609 {
let constantStored: Int = 0 { // expected-error {{'let' declarations cannot be observing properties}}
willSet {
didSet {
// <rdar://problem/16941124> Overriding property observers warn about using the property value "within its own getter"
class rdar16941124Base {
var x = 0
class rdar16941124Derived : rdar16941124Base {
var y = 0
override var x: Int {
didSet {
y = x + 1 // no warning.
// Overrides of properties with custom ownership.
class OwnershipBase {
class var defaultObject: AnyObject { fatalError("") }
var strongVar: AnyObject? // expected-note{{overridden declaration is here}}
weak var weakVar: AnyObject?
// FIXME: These should be optional to properly test overriding.
unowned var unownedVar: AnyObject = defaultObject
unowned(unsafe) var unownedUnsafeVar: AnyObject = defaultObject // expected-note{{overridden declaration is here}}
class OwnershipExplicitSub : OwnershipBase {
override var strongVar: AnyObject? {
didSet {}
override weak var weakVar: AnyObject? {
didSet {}
override unowned var unownedVar: AnyObject {
didSet {}
override unowned(unsafe) var unownedUnsafeVar: AnyObject {
didSet {}
class OwnershipImplicitSub : OwnershipBase {
override var strongVar: AnyObject? {
didSet {}
override weak var weakVar: AnyObject? {
didSet {}
override unowned var unownedVar: AnyObject {
didSet {}
override unowned(unsafe) var unownedUnsafeVar: AnyObject {
didSet {}
class OwnershipBadSub : OwnershipBase {
override weak var strongVar: AnyObject? { // expected-error {{cannot override strong property with weak property}}
didSet {}
override unowned var weakVar: AnyObject? { // expected-error {{'unowned' may only be applied to class and class-bound protocol types, not 'AnyObject?'}}
didSet {}
override weak var unownedVar: AnyObject { // expected-error {{'weak' variable should have optional type 'AnyObject?'}}
didSet {}
override unowned var unownedUnsafeVar: AnyObject { // expected-error {{cannot override unowned(unsafe) property with unowned property}}
didSet {}
// <rdar://problem/17391625> Swift Compiler Crashes when Declaring a Variable and didSet in an Extension
class rdar17391625 {
var prop = 42 // expected-note {{overridden declaration is here}}
extension rdar17391625 {
var someStoredVar: Int // expected-error {{extensions may not contain stored properties}}
var someObservedVar: Int { // expected-error {{extensions may not contain stored properties}}
didSet {
class rdar17391625derived : rdar17391625 {
extension rdar17391625derived {
// Not a stored property, computed because it is an override.
override var prop: Int { // expected-error {{declarations in extensions cannot override yet}}
didSet {
// <rdar://problem/27671033> Crash when defining property inside an invalid extension
public protocol rdar27671033P {}
struct rdar27671033S<Key, Value> {}
extension rdar27671033S : rdar27671033P where Key == String { // expected-error {{extension of type 'rdar27671033S' with constraints cannot have an inheritance clause}}
// expected-error@-1 {{same-type requirement makes generic parameter 'Key' non-generic}}
let d = rdar27671033S<Int, Int>() // expected-error {{extensions may not contain stored properties}}
// <rdar://problem/19874152> struct memberwise initializer violates new sanctity of previously set `let` property
struct r19874152S1 {
let number : Int = 42
_ = r19874152S1(number:64) // expected-error {{argument passed to call that takes no arguments}}
_ = r19874152S1() // Ok
struct r19874152S2 {
var number : Int = 42
_ = r19874152S2(number:64) // Ok, property is a var.
_ = r19874152S2() // Ok
struct r19874152S3 { // expected-note {{'init(flavour:)' declared here}}
let number : Int = 42
let flavour : Int
_ = r19874152S3(number:64) // expected-error {{incorrect argument label in call (have 'number:', expected 'flavour:')}} {{17-23=flavour}}
_ = r19874152S3(number:64, flavour: 17) // expected-error {{extra argument 'number' in call}}
_ = r19874152S3(flavour: 17) // ok
_ = r19874152S3() // expected-error {{missing argument for parameter 'flavour' in call}}
struct r19874152S4 {
let number : Int? = nil
_ = r19874152S4(number:64) // expected-error {{argument passed to call that takes no arguments}}
_ = r19874152S4() // Ok
struct r19874152S5 {
_ = r19874152S5() // ok
struct r19874152S6 {
let (a,b) = (1,2) // Cannot handle implicit synth of this yet.
_ = r19874152S5() // ok
// <rdar://problem/24314506> QoI: Fix-it for dictionary initializer on required class var suggests [] instead of [:]
class r24314506 { // expected-error {{class 'r24314506' has no initializers}}
var myDict: [String: AnyObject] // expected-note {{stored property 'myDict' without initial value prevents synthesized initializers}} {{34-34= = [:]}}