blob: 5339a2cb0006f0e5f6a489a2827fc1fa374dde40 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
// -----
protocol Foo {
associatedtype Bar : Foo // expected-error{{type may not reference itself as a requirement}}
struct Oroborous : Foo {
typealias Bar = Oroborous
// -----
protocol P {
associatedtype A : P // expected-error{{type may not reference itself as a requirement}}
struct X<T: P> {
func f<T : P>(_ z: T) {
_ = X<T.A>()
// -----
protocol PP2 {
associatedtype A : P2 = Self // expected-error{{type may not reference itself as a requirement}}
protocol P2 : PP2 {
associatedtype A = Self
struct X2<T: P2> {
struct Y2 : P2 {
typealias A = Y2
func f<T : P2>(_ z: T) {
_ = X2<T.A>()
// -----
protocol P3 {
associatedtype A: P4 = Self // expected-error{{type may not reference itself as a requirement}}
protocol P4 : P3 {}
protocol DeclaredP : P3, P4 {}
struct Y3 : DeclaredP {
struct X3<T:P4> {}
func f2<T:P4>(_ a: T) {
_ = X3<T.A>()
// -----
protocol Alpha {
associatedtype Beta: Gamma // expected-error{{type may not reference itself as a requirement}}
protocol Gamma {
associatedtype Delta: Alpha // expected-error{{type may not reference itself as a requirement}}
struct Epsilon<T: Alpha, U: Gamma> where T.Beta == U, U.Delta == T {}
// -----
protocol AsExistentialA {
var delegate : AsExistentialB? { get }
protocol AsExistentialB {
func aMethod(_ object : AsExistentialA)
protocol AsExistentialAssocTypeA {
var delegate : AsExistentialAssocTypeB? { get } // expected-error {{protocol 'AsExistentialAssocTypeB' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements}}
protocol AsExistentialAssocTypeB {
func aMethod(_ object : AsExistentialAssocTypeA)
associatedtype Bar
protocol AsExistentialAssocTypeAgainA {
var delegate : AsExistentialAssocTypeAgainB? { get }
associatedtype Bar
protocol AsExistentialAssocTypeAgainB {
func aMethod(_ object : AsExistentialAssocTypeAgainA) // expected-error {{protocol 'AsExistentialAssocTypeAgainA' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements}}
// SR-547
protocol A {
associatedtype B1: B // expected-error{{type may not reference itself as a requirement}}
associatedtype C1: C
mutating func addObserver(_ observer: B1, forProperty: C1)
protocol C {
protocol B {
associatedtype BA: A // expected-error{{type may not reference itself as a requirement}}
associatedtype BC: C
func observeChangeOfProperty(_ property: BC, observable: BA)