blob: 98a8de75a3c95c2715b53a5aff7f5a74ce985e81 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
// Test requirements and conformance for Objective-C protocols.
@objc class ObjCClass { }
@objc protocol P1 {
func method1()
var property1: ObjCClass { get }
var property2: ObjCClass { get set }
@objc class C1 : P1 {
func method1() { // expected-error{{Objective-C method 'method1renamed' provided by method 'method1()' does not match the requirement's selector ('method1')}}{{9-23=method1}}
var property1: ObjCClass {
@objc(getProperty1) get { // expected-error{{Objective-C method 'getProperty1' provided by getter for 'property1' does not match the requirement's selector ('property1')}}{{11-23=property1}}
return ObjCClass()
var property2: ObjCClass {
get { return ObjCClass() }
@objc(setProperty2Please:) set { } // expected-error{{Objective-C method 'setProperty2Please:' provided by setter for 'property2' does not match the requirement's selector ('setProperty2:')}}{{11-30=setProperty2:}}
class C1b : P1 {
func method1() { }
var property1: ObjCClass = ObjCClass()
var property2: ObjCClass = ObjCClass()
@objc protocol P2 {
func method(_: Int, class: ObjCClass)
var empty: Bool { @objc(checkIfEmpty) get }
class C2a : P2 {
func method(_: Int, class: ObjCClass) { }
var empty: Bool {
get { } // expected-error{{Objective-C method 'empty' provided by getter for 'empty' does not match the requirement's selector ('checkIfEmpty')}}
class C2b : P2 {
@objc func method(_: Int, class: ObjCClass) { }
@objc var empty: Bool {
@objc get { } // expected-error{{Objective-C method 'empty' provided by getter for 'empty' does not match the requirement's selector ('checkIfEmpty')}}{{10-10=(checkIfEmpty)}}
@objc protocol P3 {
@objc optional func doSomething(x: Int)
@objc optional func doSomething(y: Int)
class C3a : P3 {
@objc func doSomething(x: Int) { }
// Complain about optional requirements that aren't satisfied
// according to Swift, but would conflict in Objective-C.
@objc protocol OptP1 {
@objc optional func method() // expected-note 2{{requirement 'method()' declared here}}
@objc optional var property1: ObjCClass { get } // expected-note 2{{requirement 'property1' declared here}}
@objc optional var property2: ObjCClass { get set } // expected-note{{requirement 'property2' declared here}}
@objc class OptC1a : OptP1 { // expected-note 3{{class 'OptC1a' declares conformance to protocol 'OptP1' here}}
@objc(method) func otherMethod() { } // expected-error{{Objective-C method 'method' provided by method 'otherMethod()' conflicts with optional requirement method 'method()' in protocol 'OptP1'}}
// expected-note@-1{{rename method to match requirement 'method()'}}{{22-33=method}}
var otherProp1: ObjCClass {
@objc(property1) get { return ObjCClass() } // expected-error{{Objective-C method 'property1' provided by getter for 'otherProp1' conflicts with optional requirement getter for 'property1' in protocol 'OptP1'}}
var otherProp2: ObjCClass {
get { return ObjCClass() }
@objc(setProperty2:) set { } // expected-error{{Objective-C method 'setProperty2:' provided by setter for 'otherProp2' conflicts with optional requirement setter for 'property2' in protocol 'OptP1'}}
@objc class OptC1b : OptP1 { // expected-note 2{{class 'OptC1b' declares conformance to protocol 'OptP1' here}}
@objc(property1) func someMethod() { } // expected-error{{Objective-C method 'property1' provided by method 'someMethod()' conflicts with optional requirement getter for 'property1' in protocol 'OptP1'}}
var someProp: ObjCClass {
@objc(method) get { return ObjCClass() } // expected-error{{Objective-C method 'method' provided by getter for 'someProp' conflicts with optional requirement method 'method()' in protocol 'OptP1'}}
// rdar://problem/19879598
@objc protocol Foo {
class Bar: Foo {
required init() {}
@objc protocol P4 {
func method(x: Int, y: Int)
// Infer @objc and selector from requirement.
class C4a : P4 {
func method(x: Int, y: Int) { }
// Infer selector from requirement.
class C4b : P4 {
func method(x: Int, y: Int) { }
@objc protocol P5 {
func method(x: Int, y: Int)
// Don't infer when there is an ambiguity.
class C4_5a : P4, P5 {
func method(x: Int, y: Int) { }
// expected-error@-1{{ambiguous inference of Objective-C name for instance method 'method(x:y:)' ('foo:bar:' vs 'wibble:wobble:')}}
// expected-note@-2{{'method(x:y:)' (in protocol 'P4') provides Objective-C name 'foo:bar:'}}{{3-3=@objc(foo:bar:) }}
// expected-note@-3{{'method(x:y:)' (in protocol 'P5') provides Objective-C name 'wibble:wobble:'}}{{3-3=@objc(wibble:wobble:) }}
// expected-note@-4{{add '@nonobjc' to silence this error}}{{3-3=@nonobjc }}
// expected-error@-5{{Objective-C method 'foo:bar:' provided by method 'method(x:y:)' does not match the requirement's selector ('wibble:wobble:')}}
// Don't complain about a selector mismatch in cases where the
// selector will be inferred.
@objc protocol P6 {
func doSomething(_ sender: AnyObject?) // expected-note{{requirement 'doSomething' declared here}}
class C6a : P6 {
func doSomething(sender: AnyObject?) { } // expected-error{{method 'doSomething(sender:)' has different argument names from those required by protocol 'P6' ('doSomething')}}{{20-20=_ }}{{none}}