blob: 3df9111c96c935083df5aba2995f7069a6f800cc [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-sil -verify %s
struct A {
var i : Int
init(i : Int) { self.i = i }
struct B {
var a : A // expected-note 3 {{'self.a' not initialized}}
func locals() {
var al : A
var bl : B
al = A(i: 1)
bl = B(a: al)
_ = bl
var ag : A
var bg : B
struct C {
var x : (Int, Int)
var c : C
extension B {
init() {
// The usage is that self.a is returned from init() as part of self.
} // expected-error {{return from initializer without initializing all stored properties}}
init(inA : A) { // okay
a = inA
init(otherA : A, x : Bool) { // okay
self.a = otherA
init(i : Int) { // okay
a = A(i: i)
init(a : A, x : Bool, y : Bool) {
self.a = a
init(j : Int, x : Bool) {
if true { a = A(i: j) }
} // expected-error {{return from initializer without initializing all stored properties}}
init(i : Int, x : Bool, y : Bool) {
a = A(i: a.i) // expected-error {{'self' used before all stored properties are initialized}}
// Initializing the whole struct at once.
init(k : Int, x : Bool, y : Bool, z : Bool) {
let b : B // expected-note {{constant defined here}}
self = b // expected-error {{constant 'b' used before being initialized}}
struct D {
var (a1, a2) : (A, A) = (A(i: 1), A(i: 2))
var d : D // okay; uses initializer provided for a1, a2
protocol P { }
struct PImpl : P {}
var p : P = PImpl()
// Properties don't need to be default-initializable.
var prop : P {
get {
return p
var prop2 : (P) {
get {
return p
class Base { }
class Derived : Base { }
class NoInitBase {
init(x : Int) { }
class NoInitDerived : NoInitBase { }
Base() // expected-warning{{unused}}
Derived() // expected-warning{{unused}}
class MultipleInitBase {
init() { }
init(i: Int) { }
class MultipleInitDerived : MultipleInitBase {
override init() { } // expected-error{{super.init isn't called on all paths before returning from initializer}}
// rdar://20944100
// Include a 'try' when synthesizing an override of a throwing constructor.
public class HasThrowingInit {
public init() throws { }
public class AlsoHasThrowingInit : HasThrowingInit {
public convenience init(flag: Bool) throws {
try self.init()
public convenience init(flag2: Bool) {
try! self.init()