blob: b86f2261d64349236b2112cba13bddd0125d8af4 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
class A { }
protocol P { }
// Duplicate inheritance
class B : A, A { } // expected-error{{duplicate inheritance from 'A'}}{{12-15=}}
// Duplicate inheritance from protocol
class B2 : P, P { } // expected-error{{duplicate inheritance from 'P'}}{{13-16=}}
// Multiple inheritance
class C : B, A { } // expected-error{{multiple inheritance from classes 'B' and 'A'}}
// Superclass in the wrong position
class D : P, A { } // expected-error{{superclass 'A' must appear first in the inheritance clause}}{{12-15=}}{{11-11=A, }}
// Struct inheriting a class
struct S : A { } // expected-error{{non-class type 'S' cannot inherit from class 'A'}}
// Protocol inheriting a class
protocol Q : A { } // expected-error{{non-class type 'Q' cannot inherit from class 'A'}}
// Extension inheriting a class
extension C : A { } // expected-error{{extension of type 'C' cannot inherit from class 'A'}}
// Keywords in inheritance clauses
struct S2 : struct { } // expected-error{{expected identifier for type name}}
// Protocol composition in inheritance clauses
struct S3 : P, P & Q { } // expected-error {{duplicate inheritance from 'P'}}
// expected-error @-1 {{protocol composition is neither allowed nor needed here}}
struct S4 : P, P { } // expected-error {{duplicate inheritance from 'P'}}
struct S6 : P & { } // expected-error {{expected identifier for type name}}
// expected-error @-1 {{protocol composition is neither allowed nor needed here}}
struct S7 : protocol<P, Q> { } // expected-warning {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax is deprecated; join the protocols using '&'}}
// expected-error @-1 {{protocol composition is neither allowed nor needed here}}{{13-22=}} {{26-27=}}
class GenericBase<T> {}
class GenericSub<T> : GenericBase<T> {} // okay
class InheritGenericParam<T> : T {} // expected-error {{inheritance from non-protocol, non-class type 'T'}}
class InheritBody : T { // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'T'}}
typealias T = A
class InheritBodyBad : fn { // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'fn'}}
func fn() {}