blob: 364f7fc98e173445e580c72498d8b252ac47e54e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
enum Exception : Error { case A }
// Basic syntax ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func bar() throws -> Int { return 0 }
func foo() -> Int { return 0 }
// Currying ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func curry1() {
func curry1Throws() throws {
func curry2() -> () -> () {
return curry1
func curry2Throws() throws -> () -> () {
return curry1
func curry3() -> () throws -> () {
return curry1Throws
func curry3Throws() throws -> () throws -> () {
return curry1Throws
var a : () -> () -> () = curry2
var b : () throws -> () -> () = curry2Throws
var c : () -> () throws -> () = curry3
var d : () throws -> () throws -> () = curry3Throws
// Partial application ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
protocol Parallelogram {
static func partialApply1(_ a: Int) throws
func partialApply2<T: Parallelogram>(_ t: T) {
_ = T.partialApply1
// Overload resolution/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func barG<T>(_ t : T) throws -> T { return t }
func fooG<T>(_ t : T) -> T { return t }
var bGE: (_ i: Int) -> Int = barG // expected-error{{invalid conversion from throwing function of type '(_) throws -> _' to non-throwing function type '(Int) -> Int'}}
var bg: (_ i: Int) throws -> Int = barG
var fG: (_ i: Int) throws -> Int = fooG
func fred(_ callback: (UInt8) throws -> ()) throws { }
func rachel() -> Int { return 12 }
func donna(_ generator: () throws -> Int) -> Int { return generator() } // expected-error {{call can throw, but it is not marked with 'try' and the error is not handled}}
_ = donna(rachel)
func barT() throws -> Int { return 0 } // expected-note{{}}
func barT() -> Int { return 0 } // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'barT()'}}
func fooT(_ callback: () throws -> Bool) {} //OK
func fooT(_ callback: () -> Bool) {}
// Throwing and non-throwing types are not equivalent.
struct X<T> { }
func specializedOnFuncType1(_ x: X<(String) throws -> Int>) { }
func specializedOnFuncType2(_ x: X<(String) -> Int>) { }
func testSpecializedOnFuncType(_ xThrows: X<(String) throws -> Int>,
xNonThrows: X<(String) -> Int>) {
specializedOnFuncType1(xThrows) // ok
specializedOnFuncType1(xNonThrows) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'X<(String) -> Int>' to expected argument type 'X<(String) throws -> Int>'}}
specializedOnFuncType2(xThrows) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'X<(String) throws -> Int>' to expected argument type 'X<(String) -> Int>'}}
specializedOnFuncType2(xNonThrows) // ok
// Subtyping
func subtypeResult1(_ x: (String) -> ((Int) -> String)) { }
func testSubtypeResult1(_ x1: (String) -> ((Int) throws -> String),
x2: (String) -> ((Int) -> String)) {
subtypeResult1(x1) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type '(String) -> ((Int) throws -> String)' to expected argument type '(String) -> ((Int) -> String)'}}
func subtypeResult2(_ x: (String) -> ((Int) throws -> String)) { }
func testSubtypeResult2(_ x1: (String) -> ((Int) throws -> String),
x2: (String) -> ((Int) -> String)) {
func subtypeArgument1(_ x: (_ fn: ((String) -> Int)) -> Int) { }
func testSubtypeArgument1(_ x1: (_ fn: ((String) -> Int)) -> Int,
x2: (_ fn: ((String) throws -> Int)) -> Int) {
func subtypeArgument2(_ x: (_ fn: ((String) throws -> Int)) -> Int) { }
func testSubtypeArgument2(_ x1: (_ fn: ((String) -> Int)) -> Int,
x2: (_ fn: ((String) throws -> Int)) -> Int) {
subtypeArgument2(x1) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type '((@escaping (String) -> Int)) -> Int' to expected argument type '((@escaping (String) throws -> Int)) -> Int'}}
// Closures
var c1 = {() throws -> Int in 0}
var c2 : () throws -> Int = c1 // ok
var c3 : () -> Int = c1 // expected-error{{invalid conversion from throwing function of type '() throws -> Int' to non-throwing function type '() -> Int'}}
var c4 : () -> Int = {() throws -> Int in 0} // expected-error{{invalid conversion from throwing function of type '() throws -> Int' to non-throwing function type '() -> Int'}}
var c5 : () -> Int = { try c2() } // expected-error{{invalid conversion from throwing function of type '() throws -> Int' to non-throwing function type '() -> Int'}}
var c6 : () throws -> Int = { do { _ = try c2() } ; return 0 }
var c7 : () -> Int = { do { try c2() } ; return 0 } // expected-error{{invalid conversion from throwing function of type '() throws -> _' to non-throwing function type '() -> Int'}}
var c8 : () -> Int = { do { _ = try c2() } catch _ { var x = 0 } ; return 0 }
var c9 : () -> Int = { do { try c2() } catch Exception.A { var x = 0 } ; return 0 }// expected-error{{invalid conversion from throwing function of type '() throws -> _' to non-throwing function type '() -> Int'}}
var c10 : () -> Int = { throw Exception.A; return 0 } // expected-error{{invalid conversion from throwing function of type '() throws -> _' to non-throwing function type '() -> Int'}}
var c11 : () -> Int = { try! c2() }
var c12 : () -> Int? = { try? c2() }
// Initializers
struct A {
init(doomed: ()) throws {}
func fi1() throws {
A(doomed: ()) // expected-error {{call can throw but is not marked with 'try'}} // expected-warning{{unused}}
struct B {
init() throws {}
init(foo: Int) {}
B(foo: 0) // expected-warning{{unused}}