blob: 2938e52487bf5be79ac8700838d83fc036d6ac42 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
// Renaming of arguments.
func foo(a x: Int, b y: Int) { }
foo(a: 5, b: 7)
func bar<T>(a x: T, b y: T) { }
bar(a: 5, b: 7)
// Renaming of arguments in initializers.
struct S {
init(a x: Int, b y: Int) { }
S(a: 5, b: 7) // expected-warning{{unused}}
struct GS {
init<T>(a x: T, b y: T) { }
GS(a: 5, b: 7) // expected-warning{{unused}}
func f1(a: Int, b: Int) { }
f1(a: 1, b: 2)
func f2(class cls: Int) { }
f2(class: 5)
func g2(a a: Int) { } // expected-warning{{extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'a' already has an argument label}}{{9-11=}}
func g5(_ a: Int) { }
class X {
init(a a: Int) { } // expected-warning{{extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'a' already has an argument label}}{{8-10=}}
func f1(a a: Int, b: Int) { } // expected-warning{{extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'a' already has an argument label}}{{11-13=}}
func f2(a: Int, b b: Int) { } // expected-warning{{extraneous duplicate parameter name; 'b' already has an argument label}}{{19-21=}}
func f3(_ a: Int, b: Int) { }
// Operators never have keyword arguments.
infix operator +++
func +++(lhs lhs: Int, // expected-error{{operator cannot have keyword arguments}}{{10-14=}}
rhs x: Int) -> Int { // expected-error{{operator cannot have keyword arguments}}{{10-14=}}
return lhs + x